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When will it be time.......?


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Almost everything that I've read here is ridiculous. Typical Redskins fans. It doesn't matter if G-d himself is coaching this team, as long as we're in a slump, then He needs to go.

Gibbs is the best coach in the past quarter-century, if not more. I'd take him over anyone. He's only made bad decisions since he got back? Yeah, like Moss, Portis, Springs, Griffin, Washington, etc. Like being one blown two-point conversion call from being the #2 seed in the NFC last year. Like finally beating Dallas, twice. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Effing fairweather fans. Seriously, that should be an avatar.

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Guest sith lord
So is the username "sith lord".

For crying out loud people, when a HOF coach who's been in the league as a head coach for more than 10 years, won THREE superbowls, and worked other coaching jobs before that in pro football, and he wants to coach the team for 5 years, you say "THANK YOU" and shut up and watch what happens. There actually are questions you don't ask, and this is one of them. Gibbs is staying here, and I can't believe I have to defend that idea.

We're freaking 2-3, the season isn't over. Isn't this the reason that the Redskins WEREN'T good over the past ~12 years? Weren't people equally freaking out about how we never developed a sense of TEAM continuity? Has anyone forgotten what happened last week? Yeah, we looked like balls today and played like it too (and maybe the 4th and 1 we should have gone for it, but we certainly didn't ever establish the line well enough so that Gibbs / Saunders could trust them to get that 1 yard), but can anybody just understand, think, take a deep breath, and try to remember how we all felt when we were 5-6 and had to win 5 in a row??

So what if he's a HOF coach. I really believe that the game has passed him by.

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Gibbs showed absolutely no balls when he sends out Hall on 4th and 1 (who of course misses) when we HAD to get into the endzone

Yup...whether it was Gibbs or Saunders who made that decision, the call was GUTLESS...until that moment, I still believed we could come back...as soon as I saw Hall trot out onto the field, I knew the game was lost.

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I think this whole "chicken little" thing is old at this point.

Besides, it's not a bad thing to be "chicken little" if the sky is indeed falling. :D

:doh: In no way is the sky falling!!! If you actually knew what you were talking about then you would see that.

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Absolutely not Sarcasm. I love Gibbs as much as the next man but when he did not go for it on 4th and 1 when we were down as much as we were it proved to me he has lost his nerve to coach NFL football.

Time to move on.

gibbs really disappointed me with that call. it was an AWFUL call. but i dont think he'll get fired. then again, our owner is snyder and he's done everything else.

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He fired himself and hired Saunders to do his job after his offense couldn't score in the playoffs last year.

That do it for ya?

I want you to read what you just wrote. He. Fired. Himself. Wow.

He brought in a guy whose offense has been fifth at the worst since 2001. You're honestly knocking Gibbs for not having an ego?

Answer this: Who would you rather have?

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Tom Landry,Chuck Knoll, and Bill Wash are in the HOF for coaching.

Any teams interviewing them for potential coaching positions?

Well...Considering that Tom Landry and Chuck Knoll are DEAD. I would hope that no buddy beside Al Davis is trying to hire them. And Bill Wash just retired from being the President of the Carolina Panthers and has made it clear that he is done in the NFL, so again I would think not.

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Guest sith lord
Why? Because we lost a game at New York like we'd do under any other coach? Or is it because we made the playoffs last year? Or is it the win in the playoffs? Or is it because fans are stupid?

Don't take this the wrong way because I like gibbs as much as the next guy, but just take a look at Gibbs sometimes on the sideline. I swear, sometimes he looks like an old beaten man standing on the sidelines. He doesn't have the nerve that he used to have and he's not capable of making the in-game adjustments he was famous for.

It was nice of him to come back, but it should come to an end at the end of this season.

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Guest sith lord
Well...Considering that Tom Landry and Chuck Knoll are DEAD. I would hope that no buddy beside Al Davis is trying to hire them. And Bill Wash just retired from being the President of the Carolina Panthers and has made it clear that he is done in the NFL, so again I would think not.

Chuck Knoll is not dead.

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He fired himself and hired Saunders to do his job after his offense couldn't score in the playoffs last year.

That do it for ya?

No, because we still had the #11 ranked offense from last season, and beyond offense, he LED our team to the playoffs from 5-6, period.

Why is it that this move was applauded as a wise move from a legendary head coach, yet when we lose once to a desperate divisional opponent in a hard stadium to win in and our entire TEAM plays crappy, people cite it as an excuse for why he doesn't know what he's doing?

Demoting yourself from specializing in offensive play-calling isn't a sign of someone who has "lost the game", it's a sign of someone who wants his team to succeed. There still is no quantifiable way to prove that Gibbs has "lost it". Nobody can say anything other than "OMG i KNEW we'd lose the game when we didn't go for it on 4th and 1 gibbs is crazy!".

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:doh: In no way is the sky falling!!! If you actually knew what you were talking about then you would see that.

Do you KNOW that it's not? :D

I don't agree that we should fire Gibbs, but I think the whole "chicken little" moniker is tired. It's one thing to use it during the preseason when the games don't count but if you still think that there should not be concerns over this team after 5 games this season, then it's YOU who don't know what you're talking about.

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Well...Considering that Tom Landry and Chuck Knoll are DEAD. I would hope that no buddy beside Al Davis is trying to hire them. And Bill Wash just retired from being the President of the Carolina Panthers and has made it clear that he is done in the NFL, so again I would think not.

Sorry haven't been keeping up with who's dead or alive as far NFL HOF coaches.

But in pointing out their deaths your avoided the point I was making.

Just because you were a HOF coach that had sucess dosen't mean 10 years after the fact that you can still do it.

Landry got fired, never coached again. Knoll got fired never coached again, now they may not have wanted to coach again but they aren't the only examples.

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So what if he's a HOF coach. I really believe that the game has passed him by.

Okay. Well let me put it this way

I actually believe I can fly. Not in a plane. Not in a helocopter. Not with a jet pack on any other device, I mean that if I just think hard enough I can fly like Super Man.

Obviously, you think that I'm stupid and probably strung out on drugs right? Well now you what I think about you when you say things like:

So what if he's a HOF coach. I really believe that the game has passed him by.
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I want you to read what you just wrote. He. Fired. Himself. Wow.

He brought in a guy whose offense has been fifth at the worst since 2001. You're honestly knocking Gibbs for not having an ego?

Answer this: Who would you rather have?

I'd rather have a hot bikini model, she'd have the same responsibilites that Gibbs has on the sidelines, not much to none. But she'd be fun to look at and would look better in Redskin gear.

And why are you changing the questions? When did this become about Gibbs' ego?

You asked if the game had passed him by, he gave up play calling. Do you think he would have done that if he though he could still do it?

Would Gibbs in the 80s do that? Hell no he wouldn't, odviously Gibbs realizes the game has passed him by somewhat atleast.

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Do you KNOW that it's not? :D

I don't agree that we should fire Gibbs, but I think the whole "chicken little" moniker is tired. It's one thing to use it during the preseason when the games don't count but if you still think that there should not be concerns over this team after 5 games this season, then it's YOU who don't know what you're talking about.

I completly think that there this team has problems and those problems need to be addressed. I think that first and formost they need to address the disgusting secondary play of the defense. I think that the amount of stupid penalty's needs to be addressed. I think that the whole team needs to learn to come together, and not be afraid of success. But in no way am I about to start saying that this season is a wash, or is even close to being over.

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To just admit that Gibbs and Co. have done a terrible job this year with this team.

When will it be time to fire Gibbs and bring in some fresh blood that can get this team back to where we all want them to be.

Will Dan fire Gibbs if we end up with a losing season this year.........?:doh:

You need to shut your mouth. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, maybe you would rather have Norv Turner or Steve Spurrier.

Idiot :doh: ....Thats to all you hating on our coaches.

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