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Marty 6-1 SOS 2-4


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Well it looks as if Marty is starting to have the last laugh over Danny Boy. The Skins lacked discipline under Turner and still lack discipline under SOS. The Skins should have given Marty at least another year. The Chargers seem to be playing with a lot discipline and for the team not for the individual. Jack Kent Cooke is rolling over in his grave the way Danny Boy has handled things from A to Z. The Skins are under the Jack Kent Cooke curse. SOS this is the NFL!!

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Maybe the EARLY laugh ... I'm not so sure about the LAST laugh. Marty is a better football coach than SS right now. However, as SS learns I STILL believe we have the chance to go farther under him.

If Marty was coaching us right now I'd say we're 4-2. Maybe we would have had a better season. But I don't expect to see San Diego hoisting any Lombardi trophies any time soon.

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Props to Marty, great road win in a hostile environment! :cheers: Yep he is getting the last laugh on Mr. Snyder.

The guy know how to win in the NFL, he got 8 wins with Tony Banks at QB last season and is doing wonders with team that was 1-15 just two years ago. :thumbsup:

I don't feel the need to bash him like some people do just because he is not a Redskin anymore. :soapbox:

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Originally posted by Brave

Maybe the EARLY laugh ... I'm not so sure about the LAST laugh. Marty is a better football coach than SS right now. However, as SS learns I STILL believe we have the chance to go farther under him.

What are you smoking brave:high:!!! Marty has the best won loss record of any active coaches and gets his team to the playoffs more then not. Marty didn't bring in George or get rid of Johnson, you can thank Danny Boy for that! The Chargers will be in the playoffs and the Deadskins won't!.

P.S. Gibbs went 0-5 and finsihed 8-8 his first season and he is in the HOF!!!

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Marty is a better coach right now because the team he walked into is a WHOLE lot better than the team SS walked into.

The Chargers were already a team on the rise, the Skins are at the very beginning, they are pretty much starting from scratch. We do have some supposedly talented players (Arrington, Trotter, Davis, Gardner, Bailey, Smoot......) but as of now, they don't look very talented. We have no hope of winning until we have a better line anyway.

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Marty's doing a sweet job out there and Cam Cameron coupled with Marty makes a nice combination. But, remember, the difference is that Marty didn't change the offense OR the defense out there. He kind of walked in and left things alone and simply focused his attention on the coaching and detail aspect of things and here he got a bit more involved with blowing up everything Norv.

Spurrier comes in with a bundle of new players, radically different schemes both on offense and defense and the building process is similar to what Marty had to go through last year. Last year Marty found a way to rally the team by tapping into their professional pride and relative dislike of him. Spurrier has to find a similar button. We're probably where we SHOULD be at this point of the year considering where we had to come from in the system and the teams we've had to play.

Now you have to start seeing the mistakes limited and a win or two. I think things are still ahead of where we were after six games last year on BOTH sides of the ball. We just need to get on a bit of a roll and that can't happen until we clean up the major negative plays. Whether we can clean those up or not is the question that's tough to answer.

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The Chargers were already a team on the rise, the Skins are at the very beginning, they are pretty much starting from scratch. We do have some supposedly talented players (Arrington, Trotter, Davis, Gardner, Bailey, Smoot......) but as of now, they don't look very talented. We have no hope of winning until we have a better line anyway. [/b]

The Chargers finished something like 5-11 last year. how can you say Marty walked into a better situation with San Deigo. The Main problem is the Owner( Danny Boy)!! SOS will go home tonight ad say over and over" their paying me 5 mil a year, their paying me 5 mil a year" Why does everyone on this site bash Marty!!!

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We bash Marty because he coached HORRIBLY last year and he was a questionable GM. He failed to prepare the team through five weeks of the worst play anyone can remember, and ONLY turned it around by yielding control of the team over to the players. The only way Marty could succeed here was to have gotten rid of the players that led the uprising against him and that would have required a couple of years of serious rebuilding.

Once he gave the team over to the players, he ceased being able to control the direction. That's how I'll remember Marty. I'm surprised anyone would have very great feelings with him. Right now we're a game ahead of where we were last year at this time and we've played a MUCH tougher schedule. If you want to compare Marty's first six games here versus Spurrier's first six, it's a no brainer who's ahead on points right now.

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In the long run, we'll be better off with Spurrier.

However, we would have been much better this season under Schottenheimer, because we would not have had to learn new systems on both sides of the ball and because we were a team built to play Marty ball.

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Originally posted by Art

Last year Marty found a way to rally the team by tapping into their professional pride and relative dislike of him. Spurrier has to find a similar button. [\B][\QUOTE]

Professional pride is an over statement.!! A lot of the Lombardi Packers didn't like him but the won under him. Again I don't know why everyone hates Marty so much!!

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The Chargers were not a team on the rise last year. They were horrible. They had a geezer midget at QB, a star RB, and an unproven backup in Drew Brees.

Everything is falling into place BECAUSE of Marty, not despite him.

We, on the other hand, have a talented rookie at QB, a star RB, and some solid talent at WR and other positions.

True, this is Steve's first year in the NFL, but as of right now, there is no doubt that Marty is the better coach. He should be leading candidate for coach of the year.

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the problem wasnt as much Marty the coach as it was Marty's offensive philosophy and Marty the GM.

Dont read too much into the 6-1 Chargers. Marty has always been able to turn teams around and then come playoff time they all flop.

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This post has nothing to do with Spurrier, I like Spurrier and am glad he is our coach, but Marty is a good coach whose efforts were underappreciated by an owner who doesn't know anything about football, and I say that not because Marty was fired, but because he was fired for the wrong reasons, "office politics". Snyder hired him to do a job, and when that happened, he openly and willingly ceded control over football operations. It was the best thing he did as an owner in my opinion. But he couldn't stand it, Marty the coach did a very solid job, Marty the GM did a very solid job, he took a pile of poo and threw it out the window, but he never had a chance to really do anything more. Now we have a new coach, possibly a better coach before its all said and done than Marty, but we got to start from scratch again, and its getting real tedious. To say Marty would never have been able to take us to the Superbowl is stretching it to say the least (unless someone told you about the Anti-Marty force field around the Super Bowl shhhhhh). You could argue he never had so much raw talent to work with before if you were so inclined. Marty never blinked in a really intense maelstrom, and he didn't let the team blink either. He took what in past years would have been another lost season and turned it into a building block. But Marty is gone, and I wish him well, and I'm happy to have Spurrier, I still see a lot of promise, but damn it, this team better stay the course.

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I would beg to differ that Marty is a better coach than Spurrier. Look people, football is football. Steve played in the NFL and had some of the quicker teams in college football. He had a 4,000 yard passer and TWO 1,000 rushers for the USFL Bandits in the same season. We may be struggling with the rookie QB, but he will come around. Spurrier knows football. You can all look back on this conversation someday when we are in the Super Bowl and Marty and the Chargers are watching us and laugh about it. Marty is having a good run but his history suggests that he will falter if he makes the playoffs. Spurrier won bowl games and the National Championship. His history suggests we will win.

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Wow Marty did a great job drafting L Tomlinson and Brees oh wait that was by the Chargers current GM.

And last year LG is out for the season in NJ and what is the condition oflast yearscenter still on IR?

Coleman overated his worth.

We would still suck with marty because he wasnt going to fire Raye and he had plans on T Banks coming back

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make all the excuses you want but when the dust settles we will see who has the better record. People will say that Marty never got to the big show and that is true but his teams always come together and play as a team. I would rather get to the playoffs and lose then to not get there at all.

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strato......why you're here at all is a mystery. but enjoy whatever jollies you can. marty is a great coach - right up to the moment it is on the line and he has to win the big ones. CHOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Chargers will be beaten in the playoffs. The real challenge is to pick which round. Marty, aside from being corrupt in his personal life, is a long time choke artist when it matters. ask anyone from KC with a memory.

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Originally posted by fansince62

strato......why you're here at all is a mystery. .

What the F@#K is that supose to mean!! I have as much right as you have to be here! I have been a fan since 1972 and this is the worst I have seen it given the talent we have and the expectations. We all have different opinions and mine is that Danny Boy is an *** and he hasn't made many good decisions since he has been the owner. It seems that everyone makes Marty the whipping boy for all that is wrong with the Skins origination and they don't look at the top. We will never know what Marty would have done if he had stayed here. I would rather get to the playoffs and lose then not get there at all. Like the old saying" it is better to have love and lost then to have never loved at all"

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