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X-Men - The Last Stand


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I am sure some of you on here have seen this movie. I missed it in theaters, just saw it tonight. Anyhow, I used to be a huge X-Men comic book fan, but how did Professor X die? Also, are there plans for a fourth movie? I'm sorry, but this one strayed so far off (Cyclops and Professor X dying via Jean Grey) it was pathetic. I saw at the end where Magneto made the chess piece move, so I am thinking the "cure" is not permanent, which would make sense, since the effects of the boy they developed it from were not permanent.

OK, enough nerdisms tonight. Anyhow, your thoughts.

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I actually liked it...although it is much different from the first 2 films. Last Stand was much more of an 'action film' than its' previous installments. Yes they changed storylines from the comics the film was based on, but I enjoyed it a lot.

I, too, am an X-Men fan from way back ('86) and would have liked to see 'specific' storylines from the book picked up and turned into a movie, I really think that would work. Unfortunately, they always feel the need to change it...

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I have X-Men comics from the late 70's.But ,I'm fully aware that the movie job is to sell tickets ,not appeal to fanboys and geeks.The movie had to Danger Room",Beast,Sentinals, Fastball Special and Colosus.He did a very good job.

I see one more film before they launch the Wolverine franchise.

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Can someone explain to me why Magneto was 1000x stronger in this movie than he was in the first 2? Was it Jean Grey's assistance?

For example, in the 1st movie, he was unable to use his power more than 20 or 30 feet (when he was locked up in jail) - but in this movie he was able to move an entire freaking bridge!

Also, no reference of Juggernaut being Professor X's step-brother? LAME!

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