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Randy Cross


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I thought it may have been just me but the guys on the radio post game show agree...Randy Cross was so anti-Redskins this game. What is his problem? I think he is awful as a commentator anyway but this makes him even more unbearable.

Man there are some bad commentators these days....Cross, Maas, Baldinger, etc.

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Listen to him on NFL Radio, its very obvious he dislikes the skins. Said some nice things, but you could sense he was rooting for the Jaguars. Even on the fumble, by rule that call could not be reversed (Enberg made that point 3 times) but Cross kept ignoring him. Glad were only on CBS one more time, and I won't have to watch it because I'll be there.

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Cross has never liked the Redskins, which is why I'm glad he covers the AFC. He was on the 49'ers in the 80's and there was a bit of a rivalry then as each team was winning Superbowls.

His compliments are because, as an old offensive lineman, he appreciates good O line play.

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I listen to Sonny & Sam

most TV guys grate my nerves

Once I heard who the game-analyst was on this game I didn't even hesitate to switch to the radio broadcast and just watch the game.

Cross blew it with me in 1994 when he basically went on Skins-bashing frenzy during Norv's first game.

Although I do have to give him credit for one thing he called the niners a "division II team"

However he is light-years ahead of Bill Maas

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I never enjoyed listening to anyone but Sonny, Frank and Sam. I don't know the other guy in there now, but as long as Sonny and Sam do most of the talking, it could be nearly anyone.

I am just glad that Dan Snyder put them on the internet so I can hear them again. Now if he could just erase the delay, I would probably even pay for it. ;)

1-2 plays behind is tough, but I will take that over what the NFL puts on the TV anyday, irregardless of who they are. It seems the announcers are either:

  1. anti Redskin, or
  2. just plain clueless.

Just can't get enough of the good stuff!

/Hail to all the players, and the noisy fans for the great win agains the Jags!


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He doesn't like the Redskins because he was on the 49ers... remember the NFC Championship game the year before we got crushed by the Raiders in the Super Bowl? Well we beat the 49ers in the Championship game on two "controversial" calls. That whole 49ers team is still bitter from that.

That's why he hates on the Skins to this day...

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