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Bad News: The Wheels will Fall off Tomorrow

barry wilburn

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I’m going on record:

The Redskins will lose big tomorrow.

Another prediction:

They will win a maximum of six games this year.

A third prediction:

They will be in worse shape when Gibbs leaves this time than the fist time.

Why am I so confident? It’s simple. They have bad, old players, and no currency to get better players in the near future. In the past three years, Joe Gibbs, Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato have essentially stocked the roster with group that ON THE WHOLE that is middle of the road talent playing for elite money.

Here is the legacy of Gibbs 2:

- Champ Bailey and a 2nd for Clinton Portis

- Drafting Taylor, Rogers, Campbell in the first round

- A third round pick and a huge contract for Mark Brunell

- Big money deals to Shawn Springs, Marcus Washington, Cornelius Griffin, Andre Carter, Adam Archuletta, Casey Rabach, David Patten

- Traded draft picks for TJ Duckett, Brandon Lloyd, James Thrash

- Draft day trades for Cooley, Campbell and McIntosh

- Letting the following players leave through FA or a salary cap move: Smoot, Pierce, Royal, Clark, Walt Harris, Arrington and Trotter

- Re-signing Chris Samuels to a big money extension

Here’s the good:

- Rogers, Taylor and Cooley appear to be very good draft picks

- There are indications that Golston may be a good value pick (I’m stretching here)

- McIntosh and Jason Campbell have not been on the field yet, but could plausibly contribute at some point

- Griffin, Washington and Springs were good signings

- Moss is great (however Coles is doing pretty darn well in NY now that Pennington is back)

Here’s the bad:

- The left tackle is the foundation of an NFL offense and the Redskins are paying a top 15 player top 3 money. Samuels is also approaching 30.

- Mark Brunell is a horrible QB. He is being paid big money and is sucking up time that could be spent developing a young QB.

- The following Gibbs drafted players are no longer on the 53 man roster: Jared Newberry, Mark Wilson, Robert McCune, Manuel White, N. Broughton, Kili Lefotu, Kevin Simon ***Only 9 out of the 16 draft picks actually exercised by Gibbs are still on the roster. Three players are starters.

- Looking across all trades, here is the sum total -- Champ Bailey, one first round pick, two second round picks, four third round picks, two fourth round picks and a sixth round pick for the following: Clinton Portis, Jason Campbell, James Thrash, Rocky McIntosh, Brandon Lloyd, Mark Brunell and TJ Duckett. Out of that haul, only three players are starters – Portis is the only elite player.

- Letting Antonio Pierce go to a division rival

- Letting Fred Smoot go

- Paying Archuletta $30mm to replace Ryan Clark who would have cost half that

- Giving big money to Andre Carter

- Giving a contract to Michael Barrow

- Not trading Ramsey to the Jets during last season

The reality is that the Redskins have few draft picks left next year, and little money to spend on free agents. If they’re lucky, they’ll be ably to re-sign their budding star TE and their best offensive lineman (Dockery). After that, they’ll be little money to spend on the secondary, d-line and o-line. Mediocre and/or aging players like Rabach, Daniels, Jansen, Carter and Thomas will continue to hold their starting jobs without competition as the few moves that can be made will go towards plugging the BIG holes and backup spots will continue to be manned by sub-quality talent.

Think back to preseason. Game plans were vanilla and teams went “mano a mano” without help from scheme. The Redskins first, second and third string players were soundly beaten in all four games. This was a solid indicator of how poor the roster was. Starting tomorrow, it will become even more obvious that the 2006 Redskins are at best a .500 team, that is closer to fading into irrelevance than to winning a Super Bowl.

Mock me if you wish, but I’m going on record. In two months you’ll see that I was right.

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While I agree with some of your points (in particular, I agree we are paying Samuels too much $$$, Brunell isn't worth all we gave up for him, and we are paying the price for letting Smoot go), we have a fairly young roster, outside of Brunell and Springs.

I do think we'll lose tomorrow - in particular I'm afraid our O will look like '04 all over again, but I'm pretty confident we'll win more than 6 games. I'd say a minimum of 8.

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The Redskins are a old team? We have some of the youngest guys in the league.

Like who? They are old on both lines, at QB, FB, LB and one corner spot. Yes some of their skill players are young, but they are hardly a young team on the whole. Also, a team is built in the trenches and that is where they are the oldest.

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The Redskins are a old team? We have some of the youngest guys in the league.

They also have the fewest 1st-year players in the NFL.

Taking the average of their 53-man roster, Redskins have both the oldest and most experienced team in the NFL.

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:doh: :doh: :doh:

It's amazing how misinformed you are.

For starters, you say :

The reality is that the Redskins have few draft picks left next year, and little money to spend on free agents. If they’re lucky, they’ll be ably to re-sign their budding star TE and their best offensive lineman (Dockery).

Dude, projections have us $3million plus UNDER the cap next year. We're fine as far as that goes.

Secondly, I see absolutely nothing that would make me want to keep Smoot or Pierce here, giving the amount of money that they were after.

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are u serioulsy calling Dockery our best lineman? What about Randy Thomas, Jon Jansen and Chris Samuels. You are an absolute idiot.

Let me remind you that Jansen and Samuels were called for holding on the same play last week. Against the Texans. Jansen has been horrific this year, and he was pretty mediocre last year.

Dockery is the best lineman. Thomas is close, but he isn't as good as Dock in pass protection. Dockery is an absolute beast and the stats support this. Check out the Football Scientist's sucess ratings for o-linemen. Watch this offense against a decent team and Dock is getting the most push on running plays and is handling his assignment in pass protection consistently.

Open your eyes and you might not think I'm quite so much of an idiot.

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Secondary - Rogers, Taylor and Archuleta and Rumph are all young. 3 of 4 starters are 28 and under.

LB - Washington, Marshall and eventual OLB McIntosh are all young. 2 of 3 starters are young.

DL - Griffin is 28-29, Carter is 27-8, Golston(who looks real good) is a rookie. 2 of 4 starters are young.

OL - Dockery, Samuels and Rabach are under the age of 30. Jansen is 30 I believe and Randy Thomas is like 32. 3 of the 5 are still under 30.

QB - Brunell is old but we have a young QB waiting to take over. Old and young.

RB - Portis, Betts and Duckett are all young.

TE - Cooley is young.

I dont see how we are THAT old.

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:doh: :doh: :doh:

It's amazing how misinformed you are.

For starters, you say :

Dude, projections have us $3million plus UNDER the cap next year. We're fine as far as that goes.

Secondly, I see absolutely nothing that would make me want to keep Smoot or Pierce here, giving the amount of money that they were after.

You wouldn't give the contracts we gave to Carter and Archuletta to Pierce and Smoot? C'mon now!

On the cap, compare where we are to the other NFC East teams. 3m aint much and with the inflation that goes with the new cap, it will be tough to compete for any big money free agents next year. Also, remember that we need to re-sign a back-up RB (Betts or Duckett) and HOPEFULLY Dockery.

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Let me remind you that Jansen and Samuels were called for holding on the same play last week. Against the Texans. Jansen has been horrific this year, and he was pretty mediocre last year.

Dockery is the best lineman. Thomas is close, but he isn't as good as Dock in pass protection. Dockery is an absolute beast and the stats support this. Check out the Football Scientist's sucess ratings for o-linemen. Watch this offense against a decent team and Dock is getting the most push on running plays and is handling his assignment in pass protection consistently.

Open your eyes and you might not think I'm quite so much of an idiot.

IMO Dock is our third best lineman behind Samuels and Thomas. You are really underrating Samuels. You refer to the football scientist for Dockery? Guess what, Samuels had a better percentage according to KC Joyner. Dockery is a beast and looks unbelievable at times. If he gets it together he will be a monster.

Personally I never really like Jansen and I hate Rabach. Rabach sucks and is extremely overrated. He always seems to be holding or getting manhandled by bigger DTs.

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Let me remind you that Jansen and Samuels were called for holding on the same play last week. Against the Texans. Jansen has been horrific this year, and he was pretty mediocre last year.

Dockery is the best lineman. Thomas is close, but he isn't as good as Dock in pass protection. Dockery is an absolute beast and the stats support this. Check out the Football Scientist's sucess ratings for o-linemen. Watch this offense against a decent team and Dock is getting the most push on running plays and is handling his assignment in pass protection consistently.

Open your eyes and you might not think I'm quite so much of an idiot.

Dockery is not our best lineman and the Football Scientist rankings are always skewed. Randy is our best run blocker and Samuels is our best O-Lineman period.
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The Redskins will lose big tomorrow.

You found it necessary to step on everyone's buzz the night before the game?

Don't suppose you could have "gone on the record" Monday or Thursday, huh?

Is you pointing out this s**t going to make a damned bit of difference in the game, or what happens this season? Putz.


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I think you have made a coherent arguement as to why you think the Redskins in Gibbs II will not succeed. I think I'm not prepared to follow you just yet and declare it a failure. I'm still a sucker for that ole "Gibbs magic" and I still want to believe that he'll make this all work.

The only real issue that I'll take with your post is the statement that he'll leave the Skins in worse shape than he left them the first time. I think it's nearly impossible to leave a team in worse shape than the Redskins were going into 1993. As old as you suggest the Skins are now, the 93 team was ancient by comparison. Also in 93 the cap was looming and we were totally unprepared for it. Now we are working within the confines of the cap and the FO has performed magic with the cap for years now. They know what they are doing on that front.

I admire you going out on a limb like that and I'm sure you're going to take alot of crap (especially if the Skins can pull off a win tomorrow) but you have backed up your arguement pretty well.

I respect your opinion, even though I'm not quite in agreement with you just yet.

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You're right about a lot of things, but you're also being pessimistic with your predictions.

You also seemed to go out of your way to ignore the acquisition of Randle El, is this because he seems like a great fit, big contributor and would be considered a positive?

The three biggest things I'd agree with you on are

- Not developing Campbell into the new system ASAP

- Losing guys like Ryan Clark for no apparent reason (possibly internal issues here though, maybe him and the coaching staff didn't get along, who knows)

- Giving away high draft picks for mediocre guys that other teams want to get rid of anyway.

I still think this team has enough talent to go as far as anyone in the NFC, but these decisions will hurt (or already are hurting in some cases) a lot and there's no way to fix them by throwing money at them.

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Maybe we should trade you to a division rival for a draft pick. Doubt the Cowboys would give us higher than a fifth for a fan so quick to turn on his team. Cry all you want I could easily skew all the statistics in our favor....But I wont Ill just watch the Redskins win tomorrows game and shut you the **** up.

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