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Calling Out Ramsey Bashers


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agreed. there is no way you can convince me that Ramsey is going to take a greater beating than Joe Montana or Troy Aikman did on teams that finished 2-14 and 1-15 in their initial seasons.

these guys were running for their lives for the most part. There was no Stephen Davis in Dallas and guys like Jansen and Samuels weren't on the horizon for either team for a couple of seasons.

the solution is not to bench Ramsey but to adjust the game plan to protect him more adequately by DESIGN and then have the linemen go out and provide a better EFFORT than they have the past 3 weeks.

The Packers will be without a number of defensive starters next week including their best defensive lineman, Joe Johnson, so the line should be competitive, even with Brown or Tucker in at guard for Stai.

At some level this all comes down to effort.

That's what special teams are all about. The Redskins allowed two touchdowns on returns because the players didn't remain disciplined and committed to the gameplan.

Perhaps it stems from the fact that some guys don't think they are in any danger of being replaced or that they don't respect their role on special teams and look at it as a 'necessary evil' while they are waiting to get onto the field as starters?

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Wahh effing Waahh

Some of you football viewers ( calling you a fan would be insulting 2 me) trip me the he11 out.

You complain about Danny making supposed knee jerk player acquisition moves and you fools are the ones making the fantasy land moves instead of opening your eyes and seeing how ludicous they are.

Samuels is basically on one leg and that groin is going totake a while to heal and Jansen after rolling that ankle two games ago still looks weak that added to what I was complaining about back in the draft no oline is still hurting the team.

I have patience unlike certain fairweather football observers.

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He's been thrown to the wolves too early when it wasn't necessary, since the talent level of this team is by no means good enough to make any noise regardless. Shane Mathews was ready to play in the Titans "game" (more like bye week), and he'd have probably won that one considering how ridicuously wide open the wideouts were. SM also couldn't have done worse than PR did this week. It would be a far better scenario to have had Mathews win one of the 2 previous games heading into this week's Packer game than to be starting a rook that has to be shaken up. With his lack of mobility he cannot realistically hope to last this season injury free with the worst OL since Trent Green was here and arguably the weakest group of WR's in the league. The skins should have been more aggressive in the offseason with the OL, but since they weren't and the results haven't been surprising, they should have cut their losses and sat Ramsey on the bench for at least 3/4, if not the entire year. But Spurrier I'm afraid is just too stupid to see the big picture. He is doing everything that can possibly be done to ruin what I believe is a potentially great qb's career. If Ramsey still has a pulse after this nightmare is over and hasn't fallen by the wayside mentally like 99% of rook qb's would in this position I'll be impressed.

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and Dave, as the first post of the thread indicated, I think we are seeing some of that impatience being played out ALREADY in the case of Patrick Ramsey, who has only been on the field for less than two full games :mad:

you know why people don't have any patience, though? they have been conditioned to it by the frequent changes at the top. sorry to say it, but it is going to take awhile for everyone to get over that 'off with their heads' mentality every time we suffer a setback.

Norv needed to go and that decision was pre-ordained by his own mediocrity.

What we have done since he left has resulted in TWO massive overhauls of the roster and diametrically opposed philosophies being employed by the respective head coaches, Marty and now Spurrier.

Those of us who were around to see the Redskins win saw a solid organization FROM THE FRONT OFFICE DOWN where there was little change over time.

Gibbs and Beathard were here together for EIGHT years. When Beathard left, Gibbs and Casserly were together for all FOUR years before Gibbs retired.

That is stability. It is something to hang your hat on when there is some adversity to be faced.

We are in the beginning stages of hopefully developing some of that in 2002, but it is at the BEGINNING stages.

And that transition may be even more tenuous because of the number of people involved in personnel decisions. Who is in charge? What are the lines of command from Cerrato and Mendes up to Snyder?

We don't know that. With most clubs it is clearly established who is in charge.

In Green Bay Ron Wolf called the shots. In San Francisco Bill Walsh ultimately called the shots. In Dallas it was Johnson and Jones together for five years.

Here we don't know and that doesn't offer much confidence.

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Originally posted by bulldog

the solution is not to bench Ramsey but to adjust the game plan to protect him more adequately by DESIGN and then have the linemen go out and provide a better EFFORT than they have the past 3 weeks.

Well, you've got to believe that the offense aspires to do exactly that week in and week out.

They failed to an extent against Tennessee, and to a much larger degree against New Orleans. In fact, one could argue that the offensive line has failed to provide adaquate protection in every game with the first game being the exception. That's why we're down to our third quarterback after 3 games.

So yeah, in an ideal world your solution might hold water. But evidence strongly suggests otherwise.

That's my entire point. Sure, I agree that if we can protect Ramsey from taking the brutal hits he's taken over the past two weeks, leave him in and take the good with the bad. If he suffers another mugging like last week, take him out before the man's career is seriously endangered.

Just to add one more point. Of the QBs in your examples, Aikman, Montana, Simms, et. al., none of them faced 300+ linemen every game of every Sunday early in their careers.

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Originally posted by TheKurp

I don't think that calling for Ramsey's benching necessarily means that you're bashing the guy.

I'll tell you this now. If Ramsey takes another beating like the one he took against the Saints, I'm all for pulling him and inserting Matthews. And if Matthews goes down, put in Wuerffel.

I'm willing at this point to believe that Ramsey is the long-term solution at QB.

But the damage to his body and perhaps his mental state if the offensive line can't afford him better protection isn't worth it if we're not going to contend for the playoffs this year. And I've seen nothing to indicate that we're not at least a year off from playing in the post season.

Hmm, I remember Peyton Manning had a similar season. Unlike Ramsey, he played the whole season and took a beating. He didn't play particularly well, but he showed his potential to be alot better, and that rookie season of adversity allowed him to become one of the best QBs in the league today.

If Ramsey is as tough a football player as everyone says he is, than he should survive this season. Yet under no circumstance should he be benched. What that could do to his confidence, no matter what Spurrier tells him the reason is, could be just as bad as suffering a career threatening injury.

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Originally posted by Fred Smoot Fan

Um whats with all this "finding" a back crap? We already found one he's wearing #46 and his name is Ladell Betts. He's a Davis clone except he's faster and hasn't fumbled yet.

Did I miss something? When did Betts rush for more than 1,300 yards in three consecutive season and become a Pro Bowler.

Oh yeah!!

HE DIDN'T!!!!!!

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I think our owner has conditioned the newer Skins fans to expect the best every season because he is always making a huge amount of changes to the team and the front office almost every year. I just hope that we don't give up on Ramsey and let him make the mistakes that a ROOKIE SHOULD be making. He flat out has the best talent of any QB we have seen in the last 5 years. He kept his composure and poise even after the horrible beginning. He could have tanked and got all emotional and taken himself out of the game, but no, he hung in there and threw for 320 yards. It takes starts like these in order to BETTER PREPARE for the future. If the Saints didn't throw a confusing scheme at him like they did, eventually another team would. It is a blessing in disguise that he had this kind of game so early in the season. Now he has all this on game film and can analyze exactly what happened, where as with Danny and Shane the only question to be asked was, "umm, why weren't you passing the ball to open recievers?"

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

I think our owner has conditioned the newer Skins fans to expect the best every season because he is always making a huge amount of changes to the team and the front office almost every year.

Just in case that statement is in reference to me, I'll point out that I've been a Skins fan since Norm Snead was the quarterback.

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