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Wait for 8 games before benching Brunell...


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Um...think about what you're saying here. Brunell is not going to win a Super Bowl for the Redskins (or anyone else). Anyone who doesn't believe that needs a harsh dose of reality. While the playoffs would be nice, the ultimate goal is that game. If Brunell can't lead the Skins there, then what is the point of playing him? He's a 36 year old has-been. Great guy, apparently, but who cares? We need to get Campbell in there ASAP and give him some experience. If you're scared how this year will turn out then exactly how do you expect next year to turn out? You really think he will get better by "studying the playbook" instead of gaining actual experience? Excuse me, but I find that view to be pretty asinine.

this is what a few of us seem to realize, but sadly the coachs don't...

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Ok, i cant believe you made this thread. Anyways brunell isnt doing anything for us. In another 6 games this season will be over for us with brunell at the helm, and i don wanna let him ruin our season. Secondly have you seen what Roethlisberger does for the steelers? All he does is manage the game so they can run the ball every down. I mean he just makes throws when has to but for the most part he doesnt make the plays. Same thing with this offense, however our quarterback cant make those plays. I wholeheartedly believe that campbell can do the same thing in our offense. All he has to do is make 3 or 4 throws to keep drives alive per game and let the rest hang on our runnig crew like last year.

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I agree with the new theme on this board; the future is now.

Skinsfan93: As Joe Gibbs has been saying, (and this is paraphrase) the past doesn't mean a thing. Just because Brunell helped us get to the playoffs last year, does not mean he is going to help us this year. He looks like he has aged five years since his "prime" of last season.

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Skinsfan93 your logic doesnt add up. If you honestly think Brunell can even get us to the playoffs this year, your not paying attention. Since we all know that there is no way that will happen then it makes NO SENSE to continue to play him. Waiting 8 games makes will put Campbell in a situation where he cannot make the playoffs for sure. Playing Campbell now will allow him to take is lumps early in the season and possibly get somwhat comfortable by game 8 and make a push.

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You can forget about the playoffs this year. Putting Campbell in now is a move for the future (next season), and possibly to save a little bit of face. Brunell is done. What is wrong with him cannot be fixed with repetition. We are the laughing stock of the league at QB, except for maybe Chris Simms. At least he is green. How badly does Brunell have to play before he is yanked?

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I would like to point out a strong stat. NO team that has started 0-2 has ever made it to the Superbowl. That's a strong stat. NEVER. I am a fan because I want my team to have a chance even a slight one to make it to the show.

If anyone now feels Brunell is somehow going to pull us out of a hole, forget it. It ain't gonna happen. Portis will be in and out all season, and will probably need surgery in the off season. Just a guess. Therefore any chance of repeating to the playoffs with a sub par Portis won't happen. If he does come back a 100% then just maybe this team will have a glimmer of a chance.

It is clear that most fans feel Brunell is done. Just look at the two competitors we faced. Both quarterbacks played much better than he did.

Quit dreaming that this man is going to fine a river of youth. He looks old, he looks slow, and can't hit the broad side of a barn with a throw. Oh yeah, new offense. that's it this year. It was injuries last year, and now the offense is really hard to learn. Man you would think a man who played as long as he has would have a hard time learning any offens.

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dcoles11 -

No matter how you dice it, Brunell led us to the playoffs. As the QB, he has the most impact of anyone else. Sure we had a great d and Portis, and I'm not saying that Brunell singlehandly won us any games himself but it's a team game and a team victory / loss.

actually, you can dice several different ways. portis, moss, the D, cooley, heck, even mike sellers.

the team won, with boonell, for the first half to 3/4ths or the season.

at the end it won, basically, in spite of him. by that i mean with his erratic and indecisive play as the norm, rather than the exception.

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I am ready for Jason Campbell too. I too think the next game would be an ideal place for him to start. Brunell does not seem to have the arm nor the wheels to manage this team. To have all this talent on offense and not throw the ball downfield is just exasperating and a shame to watch.

Also our Defense is playing very poorly IMO. There were a few glimpses from last year but we are just not playing with any intensity...we are just not. There is not solid jelling within the squad itself.

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How many 36-year old QB's afraid to see the field and throw deep take their teams to the playoffs?

How much longer do you want to put it off? This year is not a playoff year (very few 0-2 teams make the playoffs). Bench Brunell now and take a chance! Remember, in 2001 the Patriots put Brady in after 2 games (granted it was for injury reasons) and they won the Super Bowl. It can happen.

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All you have to do is look at the Steelers model. They have a decent QB who can make throws when his team needs him too but most of the time they run the ball 35+ times a game. With our runnig crew we can do the same and with someone else besdies brunell to manage the game like Campbell who may make some mistakes but will also take some chances i think we could turn this around

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