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Al Saunders Knows What He's Doing


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I'm sick of people on these boards bashing Saunders and saying that he doesn't know what he's doing. Wake up, he's one of the best offensive minds in the NFL and by the middle of the season the same people who bashed him early will be calling him a genius. His resume speaks for itself. Anyone whoes seen KC and St.Louis in the last 5 years knows what his offense is capable of and it's only a matter of time before the Skins start lighting up the scoreboard.

Please, just give the team time to learn the new schemes and get into a rythm offensively. It will happen and once it does watch out!

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Its like a guy has been an offensive guru for years....until he comes to the city with the smartest fans in the world...and now he knows nothing...Its crazy i hate it to.

Remember this is the same city who begged for ramsey and then boo him out of town.

I don't think Ramsey was booed out of town; unless Gibbs was booing him!

Ramsey was a fan favorite here. Many didn't like him, but I think most did. I was a big fan; still am.

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I agree with giving the new coordinator time to get the offense going.

In fact I think the DEFENSE is what let us down in game 1. Gibbs, Saunders and Williams probably were counting on the D to get a few early wins until the O found its rhythm and balance. With the absense of key elements (SPRINGS), that just failed to occur as planned.

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Look, go back and watch the Vikings game. Do you think that was a well-called game? Nobody's calling for Saunders to be fired -- but he does need to improve this week. He did a terrible job on Monday. He was way too conservative. Any coach who has Moss and only gets him the ball three times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who only gives Portis the ball 10 times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who turns Cooley into a blocker needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who has one of the best offensive lines in the league and a running game averaging 4 yards/carry but only runs the ball 18 times needs to rethink his strategy.

Individually, this is a talented offense. Only scoring 16 points against the Vikings is embarrassing. Saunders is responsible.

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Look, go back and watch the Vikings game. Do you think that was a well-called game? Nobody's calling for Saunders to be fired -- but he does need to improve this week. He did a terrible job on Monday. He was way too conservative. Any coach who has Moss and only gets him the ball three times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who only gives Portis the ball 10 times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who turns Cooley into a blocker needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who has one of the best offensive lines in the league and a running game averaging 4 yards/carry but only runs the ball 18 times needs to rethink his strategy.

Individually, this is a talented offense. Only scoring 16 points against the Vikings is embarrassing. Saunders is responsible.

Three visits to the red zone ended in field goals, plus one dropped TD pass. Poor execution, or lack of concentration? The playcalling was moving the ball downfield.

I remember last season how horrible this team looked in the red zone early on, then towards the end of the season they were 7th best in the league. Imagine if those three field goals were TDs, imagine if Moss holds onto the ball (not knocking him, he is still the man, but that was points lost). What would the final score have been... 35-19

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Look, go back and watch the Vikings game. Do you think that was a well-called game? Nobody's calling for Saunders to be fired -- but he does need to improve this week. He did a terrible job on Monday. He was way too conservative. Any coach who has Moss and only gets him the ball three times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who only gives Portis the ball 10 times needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who turns Cooley into a blocker needs to rethink his strategy. Any coach who has one of the best offensive lines in the league and a running game averaging 4 yards/carry but only runs the ball 18 times needs to rethink his strategy.

Individually, this is a talented offense. Only scoring 16 points against the Vikings is embarrassing. Saunders is responsible.

I actually just got done watching the game....and i feel even more confident than i did the first night because we really had a few oppurtunities...

I used to envy how other teams recivers were so wide open and we had a few plays where the skins finally had the same luxxury.

Here is a few of the gam changig plays that im sure had been stated..

1. Portis would have scored twice if not for the tackles busting up that play down on the five...he had the entire side with blocks in fornt of him.

2 The pass Moss dropped in the back of the endzone wasnt a play calling issue. just good d...and Lloyd was actually open pn the play too..

3. A few of the screens called were at a perfect time but...once Brunnel didnt get the ball over the DE...and betts is just not a good open field ball handler.

4. Randle El would have had at least an extra 15 yards on one of the reverse but He tripped over his own player laying on the ground.

5. Mark Brunnel could have used his legs a little more than he did to create better passing lanes.

You take out a few of those freak mistakes and minor corrections and this O will be explosive...

People make so much of the 700 page play book but most of it is the same plays out of different formations...once thats is donw a bit better by that tennessee game its on.

as for sunday...

I really think well score 24 points or better this week...If hall is on again and can go 3-4 again well score 30.

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All week the talk show hosts on 980 and 730 have brought up the topic of why we changed our offense from last season when the offense was ranked 11th or 12th in the NFL and was one of the best the final 5 weeks of the season when we got down to power football and didn't give up on the running game.

Sure, Gibbs new his offense was working, but he also knew it was antiquated and he was being unselfish by wanting to not only improve the team by hiring Al Saunders. Al Saunders and Gibbs both coach in the same offense, yet Saunders is more modernized and has been the top offense over the past 5 years. Gibbs is also preparing the Redskins for the post Gibbs era because he feels Saunders will remain in Washington after he is gone, even if Williams is the HC.

That is just my take on the hiring of Saunders and feel the offense will fall into place. In KC it took seven games for the team to start learning the nuances of the Saunders offense. That team didn't have the talent that the Redskins have and also weren't using the same type of offense as we are, so it shouldn't take us 7 weeks to get it down, but we may have a series of very close games and our defense will have to keep us in games early in the season.

Until then calm down and lets support our Redskins, they are not out of it. Let the mediots play the hate card on us, it only helps us by keeping us under the radar.

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I agree with giving the new coordinator time to get the offense going.

In fact I think the DEFENSE is what let us down in game 1. Gibbs, Saunders and Williams probably were counting on the D to get a few early wins until the O found its rhythm and balance. With the absense of key elements (SPRINGS), that just failed to occur as planned.

Agreed...if the defense had forced ONE turnover, just ONE turnover we would have won that game.

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I agree with giving the new coordinator time to get the offense going.

In fact I think the DEFENSE is what let us down in game 1. Gibbs, Saunders and Williams probably were counting on the D to get a few early wins until the O found its rhythm and balance. With the absense of key elements (SPRINGS), that just failed to occur as planned.

How many Super Bowl winners averaged 16 points or less per game? You think the defense let us down? You're spoiled by the extreme performance of the defense during the last 2 years that covered for a pathetic offense. Get Real! :doh:

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I can only assume the offense will continue to progress as the season moves forward, barring major injuries. It takes time to implement a new offense and get the players comfortable running it. Especially an offense so highly predicated on timing. It didn't happen immediately in KC. Way too early to panic or project doom IMO. The only question I had was why Duckett wasn't used given the circumstances.

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People talk about Saunders as if the offense that he runs is a stagnant thing? Good coordinators all have a "system" Offense or Defense, but the real trick is adapting the system to each opponent and the strengths of your team.

Example - GW's defense....it's been good for a number of years, but by now there is plenty of film out their for other teams to scout. It's up to GW to adapt to other teams changes and make sure that his "system" still keeps other teams guessing. He has been able to do that over his years with the skins, but will continue to have to adapt in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Saunders is going to have to do the same thing - adapt to play to his teams strengths and other teams weaknesses. We have to give the guy at least a half a season before we can really tell if he's going to be able to adapt. Was he worth the money and the hype? we'll see, but one game is NOT going to tell us what we want to know.

The football season is like a chess match - getting stressed out now is like throwing in the towel after your opponent takes your first piece. Good players look past it and plot a path forward. I'm hoping Saunders is one of those guys......

Based on his record so far, I have no reason to doubt him at this point....

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I'd like to think he he's good at his job. With all the success he's had elswhere, one would like to think he kind of knows what he's doing. Figure the team gets used to things and begins to feel as comfortable with the offense that he does and things will improve.

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