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Foley-Did he Get what he deserved?


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Typically, I like to give the police a lot of latitude, just because of the nature of their job. But, in this particular situation, I don't see how any reasonable person can say that the officer did not behave recklessly. This situation just reaks of someone who is poorly trained and thus made all the wrong decisions.

For example, if the police officer had simply dialed 911, this situation could have all been avoided. He had ample opportunity and time, since he followed Foley for approximatley 20 miles and even talked to him two times before he shot him.

I can understand the officer's need to follow Foley until an on duty policeman arrived, but for him to try to handle the situation on his own is ridiculous.

I understand many on here will blame Foley because he is was allegedly intoxicated and behaving erratically. For this, I think he does bare some responsibility. However, if you are a trained police officer and you are dealing with someone who is potentially intoxicated, is following the person around endlessly really the best way to deal with the situation?

Whoever this guy is, he should be thrown off the police force and into jail.

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I am frankly amazed he had three warning shots to stop.

usually the rule is that if you draw your weapon and are forced to shoot- you shoot twice to the chest.

he really is lucky to not be in the morgue.

Actually four, if you also count the first one that hit him. And it appears he still kept coming.

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Maybe he wanted Foley to stay in the car until back-up could arrive? He never got the chance because Foley is the one who "forced" the situation. Maybe he said, "Sir, stay in the car until back-up arrives..." So, you're an undercover cop... and you are trying to do your job, by getting a drunk speeder off the road... and he won't stop.

Don't they teach people to never get out of the car when pulled over by a cop?

If he called the chase in, the question should be, "What were all the marked cars doing?".

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Maybe he wanted Foley to stay in the car until back-up could arrive? He never got the chance because Foley is the one who "forced" the situation. Maybe he said, "Sir, stay in the car until back-up arrives..." So, you're an undercover cop... and you are trying to do your job, by getting a drunk speeder off the road... and he won't stop.

Don't they teach people to never get out of the car when pulled over by a cop?

If he called the chase in, the question should be, "What were all the marked cars doing?".

Not undercover, off duty, and he never showed his badge. Like HH said, he had ample time to call for a marked car or on-duty officer.

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Did he really not show his badge? If that's true then he's going to have a hell of a time in court. If the guy had no proof that he was a cop, then he should have known better then to try to pull anyone over, let alone shoot them.

Seriously people is the public just supposed to believe anyone that claims to be a cop and has a gun? This is a serious question.

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Third, I have never in my life (8 years Army, 5 years civilian LE) heard of firing warning shots. If you display a firearm, it had better be your intent to use it. And by "use it" I mean the body armour-drill. Two to the chest, one to the head; evaluate target; repeat as necessary.

Maybe he's just a bad shot :laugh:

But seriously why would you be firing wildly in a neighborhood.

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you guys seen this...?

POSTED 10:21 a.m. EDT, September 8, 2006


It's been a couple of days since we've last updated the bizarre incident that resulted in the shooting of Chargers linebacker Steve Foley. Here's what happened Thursday.

The most significant development, in our view, is that the woman who was with Foley when he was shot -- and who drove Foley's car at off-duty officer Aaron Mansker -- was wanted for skipping out on a September 2004 preliminary hearing for four felony charges.

Lisa Maree Gaut was, in other words, a fugitive.

And maybe that explains why she and Foley ignored Mansker's repeated instructions to pull over. Regardless of whether they thought he was a real cop with a real gun, Gaut knew that she was in deep doo-doo if her name made it into the computer back at headquarters.

Still, the entire situation stinks. Per a prosecutor who spoke during a Thursday arraignment of Gaut, Mansker now claims that he felt "trapped" in a cul-de-sac before he opened fire. The prosecutor also said that Mansker had decided to drop the pursuit of Foley because no officers had responded to his calls for back-up, but Mansker was blocked in the dead-end street where Foley resides.

So when the car driven by Gaut came at Mansker, he put two bullets into the vehicle -- and three into Foley. Mansker claims that Foley was reaching into his pants with his right hand, but all indications are that Foley was unarmed.

Gaut's attorney said at Thursday's hearing that Foley and Gaut had ignored the orders from Mansker to pull over because they thought he was a carjacker or an "overeager fan."

Meanwhile, Foley has refused to talk to police about the incident as he recovers in a hospital from the shooting and the surgery that followed. He has been placed on the Chargers' non-football injury list, and he will not be paid for 2006 (although the team could pay him if it chose to do so). Though he isn't presently facing charges, our guess is that Foley knew about Gaut's status as a fugitive, and that he's watched enough television to know that he might be in trouble if it's proven that he was helping her in any way. (E.g., the Seinfeld "fugitive sex" episode.)


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