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Fifty Gut

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To all those that have read this post:

You ever notice that it is always those who TALK about these incidents that couldn't crush a grape in a fruit fight? [Jay-Z]. Kids act like kids, and kids that never grow up remain kids.

To Gfunk:

.....the slanderer is said to be a fool (Prov. 10:18)

Go to Church Gfunk ;) , and try to spend less time worrying about some guy who catches and runs with a piece of inflated leather and worry about the small children, woman, and moms and dads around you that were hurt by the crap that was flying out of your mouth. Get a grip. I've had to put myself in check a couple of times last season. You don't realize how impressionable these kids are. They are at Fed Ex to watch their heros and your blasting obscenities across the tops of there heads. I've cursed at players and plays too, but man you have to realize your surroundings and check yourself. Be a Redskin dawg, or one of these days one of these kids fathers is going to pop you in the mouth. Hope you don't post stuff like this again.


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worry about the small children, woman, and moms and dads around you that were hurt by the crap that was flying out of your mouth.

As a father of a 7 year old who I take to as many sporting events as possible.............:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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Maybe someone has now sobered up.

Maybe if they still used that dark red font color, no one would have read this mess & seen what a fool someone has made of themselves.

Maybe this thread needs a mercy closing.

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There's a fine line between good natured ribbing of opposing players, and just being a classless fan.....how did Coles screw us? We got the better end of the deal btw him and Moss, and it should be left at that....he played hard when he was here in DC, and was the best WR we had here in his tenure....he stayed out of trouble, and did some good things for the DC community....I swear, it is people like you who make the whole environment of a football game less and less fun for those attending....I am sure that everyone got a good laugh out of what you said to him.....and if you really detested him that much, why not stake out where the Jets were saying while in DC, and tell him how you feel face to face, with no barricade between you two.....

*edit* I think people are being harsh on gfunk because he got beer "muscles" and decided to pop off at Coles for no reason....let the man live, and if you are going to heckle, make it funny and not as malicious as what he did.....there was nothing funny in what he said, and I highly doubt that he would have the gall to say this face to face w/ coles in a different environment....

I agree with you 100% .. which is why I won't say much besides I bet main man wouldn't have been talkin all that if he was face 2 face with Coles.. U take in all that air and feel big & bad cuz u know an altercation won't occur.. Nex time around jus sit down n shut-up or watch the game @ home and say all ur remarks. I can't stand "fans" like u

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From the ES game coverage thread :laugh:

There was a heckler directly behind the Jets bench that was relentless during warm-ups and the early stages of the game. I mean this guy was taking the art of trash talking to another level. And he was really getting to some of the Jets players, who were doing their best not to turn around and give the man any attention. But then the first interception happened. Apparently linebacker Jonathan Vilma was so tired of this guy that he got back to the bench and imeediately turned to the mouthy fan and screamed "Now what you got to say? What's up now?!?" Well, that's what he said once I edit out the ten curse words that he added in to really drive home his point.

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To all those that have read this post:

You ever notice that it is always those who TALK about these incidents that couldn't crush a grape in a fruit fight? [Jay-Z]. Kids act like kids, and kids that never grow up remain kids.

To Gfunk:

.....the slanderer is said to be a fool (Prov. 10:18)

Go to Church Gfunk ;) , and try to spend less time worrying about some guy who catches and runs with a piece... again.


Matthew. 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."

While I whole heartidly agree with some of your sentiment here loudmouth, I have to say that I hate the hollier than thow bible quoting approach. I grew up very active and attached to a church and think that the reason I don't go anymore is that I feel that more of the people there are only going to judge the ones that do not.

Good for you and your faith and religous practices. But you don't need to instruct others. That being said I think your statement about the families that he effected is totally valid, but I don't think you have any right to tell him to go to church and start quoting scripture.

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