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True Personal Ghost Stories


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OK, lets see I have a few. Not as grand as some others but still.

-I was staying at a gfs house. She told me that the guest room was haunted. I always thought that was cool. So one night I went to sleep in the guest bedroom (her mom wouldn't let her have a guy sleep in her room with her) and I felt a cat walking across the bed. I know she kept the cat in her room with the door closed. But just figured the cat must have gotten out. I reach back to shue the cat off and nothing. The room got real cold. I then sensed I was being watched. Next morning turned out the cat was with her all night.

-I was fast asleep and my gf who was sleeping over heard something downstairs. I just told her it was probably my roommate coming back to get some of his stuff. She asked if the chain was on the door (my bedroom had a doorchain instead of a lock on it...it was not exactly the nicest place. I told her it was. a few minutes later the door slams open the chain stopping it from opening completely. Never saw her jump so fast, she called 911 and when the police arrived they didn't see anythingno doors were opened, my roommate wasn't there, never was...I had already checked while she was dialing.

-This one happened to my sister. She was walking through her school where she teaches. They were right in the middle of renovations. she was walking down the hall and saw a person standing in front of the blueprints that where posted on the wall. She called out to the person. the person looked at her, looked sad shook her heard and walked away. My sister then asked about her since she thought she was the only one there. They said she was and asked what the person looked like. My sister described her, and after was shown a picture. She said that was the woman. Turned out it was a former teacher who had passed away and her old classroom was one that was being torn down.

-ok last one...take this one for what it's worth. I was in my apt. and needed to get a beer. I kept the beer in a separate fridge in the spare bedroom. I stood there in the doorway and couldn't go in. something in my mind wouldn't let me. I just walked away sat down and tried again 10 mins later. still couldn't just stood there. Finally after 10 mins passed again I went and got the beer. Now anyone who knows me knows...NOTHING stops me from getting a beer, so obviously something was up. Not to mention I could go ona about things from that apt., but I'll save those for another time.

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This is an awesome thread. I never understood how some people actually believe there's no afterlife.

I had a thread on Wilderness battlefield. Civil War battlefields don't mess around.

I few only a few miles from Wilderness battlefield. This area is dotted with private family & civil war cemetaries, many are unmarked. The neighbor kids just told me about a old confederate cemetary they just found in the woods behind our development. Creepy stuff...

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This is an awesome thread. I never understood how some people actually believe there's no afterlife.

I had a thread on Wilderness battlefield. Civil War battlefields don't mess around.

I few only a few miles from Wilderness battlefield. This area is dotted with private family & civil war cemetaries, many are unmarked. The neighbor kids just told me about a old confederate cemetary they just found in the woods behind our development. Creepy stuff...

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I don't personally have any ghost stories however my parents always told me this one...

It was 1976 and my parents were engaged, my dad was driving home from somewhere it was still light out (I think he was going down 97 or something) and he saw an old woman standing on the side of the road hitchhiking. He used to pick up hitchhikers sometimes to begin with, and it was an old lady so he pulled over and gave her a ride. She sat in the back seat and stared at my dad in the rear view mirror. According to him she called him by name and said: "Don't ever mistreat [my mom]. You need to take care of her and treat her well." so he slammed on the brakes and yelled to get the **** out of the car. She said alright and got out.

When he got home and told the story to my mom she thought he was using it as his own way to say he needed to treat her well, but he was really shaken up about it and claimed it was not some little joke or gimmick to make her happy. About a week or two later they were having lunch with my grandfather on my mom's side and my dad told him the story. My grandfather asked my dad to describe the woman's dress again, and he did. Then my grandfather asked what she looked like so my dad told him. My grandfather said: you just described exactly my mother in her sunday dress. She had been dead for something like 10 years.

My dad doesn't pick up hitchhikers anymore...well he did one time...drove some drunk to a gas station but thats about it.

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I don't personally have any ghost stories however my parents always told me this one...

It was 1976 and my parents were engaged, my dad was driving home from somewhere it was still light out (I think he was going down 97 or something) and he saw an old woman standing on the side of the road hitchhiking. He used to pick up hitchhikers sometimes to begin with, and it was an old lady so he pulled over and gave her a ride. She sat in the back seat and stared at my dad in the rear view mirror. According to him she called him by name and said: "Don't ever mistreat [my mom]. You need to take care of her and treat her well." so he slammed on the brakes and yelled to get the **** out of the car. She said alright and got out.

When he got home and told the story to my mom she thought he was using it as his own way to say he needed to treat her well, but he was really shaken up about it and claimed it was not some little joke or gimmick to make her happy. About a week or two later they were having lunch with my grandfather on my mom's side and my dad told him the story. My grandfather asked my dad to describe the woman's dress again, and he did. Then my grandfather asked what she looked like so my dad told him. My grandfather said: you just described exactly my mother in her sunday dress. She had been dead for something like 10 years.

My dad doesn't pick up hitchhikers anymore...well he did one time...drove some drunk to a gas station but thats about it.

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This is an awesome thread. I never understood how some people actually believe there's no afterlife.

I had a thread on Wilderness battlefield. Civil War battlefields don't mess around.

Funny that you mentioned that, hokie.

Here is one of mine....

In the summer of 1991 I was on a family vacation that included a wonderful day touring the battlefield and surrounding environs in Gettysburg, PA. At the time there were multiple ways to see the battlefield, including having one of the National Park guides join you in your car for the tour; which is what we chose to do.

As we're driving along, I looked out the window and noticed what I thought were a large group of re-enactors in both Confederate and Union uniforms congregrated out in one of the fields standing/sitting around and talking to each other. I mentioned it and the guide mentioned that he didn't think there were any groups scheduled to be on the field that day.

He looked out the window and saw them as well before trees blocked the view. He told us that as we came up around the next corner the re-encators should be closer to the road and that if we wanted to stop it might be interesting for us kids. As we came around the corner, the "re-enactors" were no longer there and couldn't be seen anywhere else around the field. When we got back to the Visitor's Center the guide confirmed that there were no re-enactment groups on the field that day.

I will always believe that for some reason I'll never know, we got a special visit that July afternoon from some of the men who had bled and died on that ground. It's a memory that I will always cherish and thank the powers that be for.

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This is an awesome thread. I never understood how some people actually believe there's no afterlife.

I had a thread on Wilderness battlefield. Civil War battlefields don't mess around.

Funny that you mentioned that, hokie.

Here is one of mine....

In the summer of 1991 I was on a family vacation that included a wonderful day touring the battlefield and surrounding environs in Gettysburg, PA. At the time there were multiple ways to see the battlefield, including having one of the National Park guides join you in your car for the tour; which is what we chose to do.

As we're driving along, I looked out the window and noticed what I thought were a large group of re-enactors in both Confederate and Union uniforms congregrated out in one of the fields standing/sitting around and talking to each other. I mentioned it and the guide mentioned that he didn't think there were any groups scheduled to be on the field that day.

He looked out the window and saw them as well before trees blocked the view. He told us that as we came up around the next corner the re-encators should be closer to the road and that if we wanted to stop it might be interesting for us kids. As we came around the corner, the "re-enactors" were no longer there and couldn't be seen anywhere else around the field. When we got back to the Visitor's Center the guide confirmed that there were no re-enactment groups on the field that day.

I will always believe that for some reason I'll never know, we got a special visit that July afternoon from some of the men who had bled and died on that ground. It's a memory that I will always cherish and thank the powers that be for.

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I few only a few miles from Wilderness battlefield. This area is dotted with private family & civil war cemetaries, many are unmarked. The neighbor kids just told me about a old confederate cemetary they just found in the woods behind our development. Creepy stuff...

Yeah, my parents have a place in Mine Run. It's an old farm. The house dates from the 1850's. There's a set of old railroad tracks that go nearby on the property and we're told that they used to shoot at the train from the house during the Civil War. There is an old cemetary on the property that is kind of creepy.

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I few only a few miles from Wilderness battlefield. This area is dotted with private family & civil war cemetaries, many are unmarked. The neighbor kids just told me about a old confederate cemetary they just found in the woods behind our development. Creepy stuff...

Yeah, my parents have a place in Mine Run. It's an old farm. The house dates from the 1850's. There's a set of old railroad tracks that go nearby on the property and we're told that they used to shoot at the train from the house during the Civil War. There is an old cemetary on the property that is kind of creepy.

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I have a very recent thing happen involving either the paranormal or acid flashback. lol

I posted a thread in the past about some weird things happening in my new house. Well, about a week ago I was in the kitchen doing dishes after putting my kids to bed about 20 min prior. I'm standing there at the sink and I hear a child giggling. Nothing out of the ordinary when you have 7 and 4 year old boys who have just went to bed, The problem is it sound came from my right side and in the dinning room (about 8 feet away). My kids bedroom is down the hall on the left hand side.

I do a "WTH?" and start to try and find a logical reason for why this happening. I think about the A/C vent on the floor and possibly my 7 year old's voice traveling through the vent (his bed is right next to the A/C vent in their room). So I walk into their room and they are both sound asleep.

My oldest has also told me before that a man (with a very deep voice) has talked to him while he was in the family room by himself and he has heard a man and woman talking from his closet in the middle of the night. I don't if I can honestly believe him because kids that age have a good imagination but he isn't the type to lie and make stuff up either.

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I have a very recent thing happen involving either the paranormal or acid flashback. lol

I posted a thread in the past about some weird things happening in my new house. Well, about a week ago I was in the kitchen doing dishes after putting my kids to bed about 20 min prior. I'm standing there at the sink and I hear a child giggling. Nothing out of the ordinary when you have 7 and 4 year old boys who have just went to bed, The problem is it sound came from my right side and in the dinning room (about 8 feet away). My kids bedroom is down the hall on the left hand side.

I do a "WTH?" and start to try and find a logical reason for why this happening. I think about the A/C vent on the floor and possibly my 7 year old's voice traveling through the vent (his bed is right next to the A/C vent in their room). So I walk into their room and they are both sound asleep.

My oldest has also told me before that a man (with a very deep voice) has talked to him while he was in the family room by himself and he has heard a man and woman talking from his closet in the middle of the night. I don't if I can honestly believe him because kids that age have a good imagination but he isn't the type to lie and make stuff up either.

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Yeah, my parents have a place in Mine Run. It's an old farm. The house dates from the 1850's. There's a set of old railroad tracks that go nearby on the property and we're told that they used to shoot at the train from the house during the Civil War. There is an old cemetary on the property that is kind of creepy.

I live only a mile away from Mine Run. Near the little store and fire Dept. Down Dulin Lane to Catharpin Rd.

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Yeah, my parents have a place in Mine Run. It's an old farm. The house dates from the 1850's. There's a set of old railroad tracks that go nearby on the property and we're told that they used to shoot at the train from the house during the Civil War. There is an old cemetary on the property that is kind of creepy.

I live only a mile away from Mine Run. Near the little store and fire Dept. Down Dulin Lane to Catharpin Rd.

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I live only a mile away from Mine Run. Near the little store and fire Dept. Down Dulin Lane to Catharpin Rd.

Wow, you're just a stone's throw away. The Farm (as we call it) is down Catharpin Rd (the dirt road portion) heading towards St. Just. The driveway is labelled Copeland Farm Rd. (Can you guess my last name?)

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I live only a mile away from Mine Run. Near the little store and fire Dept. Down Dulin Lane to Catharpin Rd.

Wow, you're just a stone's throw away. The Farm (as we call it) is down Catharpin Rd (the dirt road portion) heading towards St. Just. The driveway is labelled Copeland Farm Rd. (Can you guess my last name?)

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I have not had any experiences in a number of years, but I have 2 that really stick out.

I was sitting at my faimly's compueter in the computer room of my dads house one night playing everquest witht he light on in the computer room, all the other lights in the house were off, so I couldn't see past the doorway. It was dead quiet as I played with the speakers off.

We have a wood floor in the front entrance that leads to tile in the kitchen and I head boots walking across the woodfloor that immediatle changed to what sounded like dogs claws on the tile floor, I stared at the entry way for a minute then walked into the kitchen and nothing was there.

Number 2 freaked me the hell out.

I was watching TV one night when I heard knocking on the door, it was about midnight so I figured it was my neighbors sister coming to get him since he was over at my house, I opened the 3 doors that lead outside and nothing was there. I asked my nighbor, Chris, if he had heard the knocking and he said yeah, so I brushed it off.

Chris went home and I was on the ocmputer at around 1:30 when I hear frantic knocking. The kocking of someone desperatly trying to get into the house with a murderer right behind them or something, so I immediately jumped up and ran into the kitchen, and realized it was coming from the door that leads to my basement, so I opened up the basement door and turned the lights off to go see if anything was odd, but found nothing.

That was enough for me to go to bed.

I just thought of another one

I was laying in bed one night with my feet hanging off the edge, when it felt like a crab pinched my toe, freaked me the hell out, I curled up in a ball and didn't move.

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I have not had any experiences in a number of years, but I have 2 that really stick out.

I was sitting at my faimly's compueter in the computer room of my dads house one night playing everquest witht he light on in the computer room, all the other lights in the house were off, so I couldn't see past the doorway. It was dead quiet as I played with the speakers off.

We have a wood floor in the front entrance that leads to tile in the kitchen and I head boots walking across the woodfloor that immediatle changed to what sounded like dogs claws on the tile floor, I stared at the entry way for a minute then walked into the kitchen and nothing was there.

Number 2 freaked me the hell out.

I was watching TV one night when I heard knocking on the door, it was about midnight so I figured it was my neighbors sister coming to get him since he was over at my house, I opened the 3 doors that lead outside and nothing was there. I asked my nighbor, Chris, if he had heard the knocking and he said yeah, so I brushed it off.

Chris went home and I was on the ocmputer at around 1:30 when I hear frantic knocking. The kocking of someone desperatly trying to get into the house with a murderer right behind them or something, so I immediately jumped up and ran into the kitchen, and realized it was coming from the door that leads to my basement, so I opened up the basement door and turned the lights off to go see if anything was odd, but found nothing.

That was enough for me to go to bed.

I just thought of another one

I was laying in bed one night with my feet hanging off the edge, when it felt like a crab pinched my toe, freaked me the hell out, I curled up in a ball and didn't move.

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Alright, I got one.

I use to spend a week between Christmas and News Year Eve in Hilton Head playing as much golf as possible with the future in-laws. But, i'd take one day off and go on a day trip to some historic town/city with my future wife and future mother-in-law. One year we decided to go to Savannah.

Savannah is also known as "The Most Haunted City in America" They have countless ghost tours. I really enjoy ghost stories so we signed up for a ghost walk. It was a good time, until we got near the end. Let me give you the back story before I relate what happened to our group of about 15 people.

Legend has it that in Savannah in the 1810s there was a man who had Proteus Syndrome, aka Elephant Man. I can't for the life of me remember the guy's name today, so I'll just call him Joe after the famous Elephant Man Joseph Marrick. Joe, because of the Proteus Syndrome, was a social outcast in Savannah.

So, historic Savannah is laid out over that town square system right. Most of the squares are these awesome parks with the huge Oak trees covered in Spanish Moss, pretty creepy at night. One of the squares is the old Colonial Park Cemetery. Joe's favorite way to past the time was to sit underneath one of the old oaks in Colonial Park Cemetery. He could be alone and noone would bother him cause most didn't like being in the cemetery. However, people did notice that cats took a particular liking to this "Joe". So bygones were bygones as long as Joe kept to himself.

Until cats started disappearing. Already looking for a reason to hate Joe cause of his looks, the Savannah residents went on a witch hunt. The first stop was his tree in the cemetary. At the base of the tree they found the remains of about 6 cats, all folded in half. They perceived Joe to now be a threat, and locked him up and threw away the key. Then, there was the Great Savannah Fire of 1820 (think Chicago 1871, just proportionately smaller).

During all the chaos, someone thought to check on the towns prisoners. Joe was gone. Noone knew where he went or how he got out. A search party was organized to find him. What they found, were 2 bodies, at Joe's favorite tree in the Cemetery, both folded in half...just like the cats. That was all it took to condemn Joe. No trial, no judge, no jury. The search party found him, and hung him. His body was left for a couple of days. Then it disappeared from its noose in the middle of the night. Noone officially claimed it.

Thats the end of the back story. Now, as our guide was finishing this story, we were in the old cemetery maybe 50 feet from the suspected favorite tree of Joe. This was definitely planned, it was 11 pm, in a Cemetery with Spanish Moss listening to ghost stories. Of course it was all planned...up until now. What happened next is whatever you want to make of it.

The guy next to me, suddenly jerked and stood deathly still. Turned pale as a ghost. I looked everywhere! I looked at the guide who was still talking, I looked at my (future) wife and mother-in-law. Nothing. The dude next to me nearly knocked me over has took off in a dead sprint for the gate. Another man and his wife were right on his heels. The rest of us look dumbfounded. We all quickly followed after them to find out what the hell was going on. We caught them about 1 block away, out of breath. All 3 had wide eyes and were physically pale. The 3 of them, after catching their breaths, started asking each other if they saw it. They all agreed but never said what "It" was. They finally filled us all in. Apparently, a large shadow appeared next to the oak tree, leaning with one arm against it. It had the physical appearance of someone with Proteus. I immediately thought BS. But, nah, they were actually scared. The woman was actually shaking and crying. The couple did not know the other guy. And none of them knew the guide. The couple in fact were like me and never had been in the city before in their lives. The fright on their faces was palpable.

Make of it what you want, but its a true story, no BS. They definitely saw something and it nearly scared them to death. What, I don't know. But i won't ever go back in that cemetery again. Certainly not at night.

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Alright, I got one.

I use to spend a week between Christmas and News Year Eve in Hilton Head playing as much golf as possible with the future in-laws. But, i'd take one day off and go on a day trip to some historic town/city with my future wife and future mother-in-law. One year we decided to go to Savannah.

Savannah is also known as "The Most Haunted City in America" They have countless ghost tours. I really enjoy ghost stories so we signed up for a ghost walk. It was a good time, until we got near the end. Let me give you the back story before I relate what happened to our group of about 15 people.

Legend has it that in Savannah in the 1810s there was a man who had Proteus Syndrome, aka Elephant Man. I can't for the life of me remember the guy's name today, so I'll just call him Joe after the famous Elephant Man Joseph Marrick. Joe, because of the Proteus Syndrome, was a social outcast in Savannah.

So, historic Savannah is laid out over that town square system right. Most of the squares are these awesome parks with the huge Oak trees covered in Spanish Moss, pretty creepy at night. One of the squares is the old Colonial Park Cemetery. Joe's favorite way to past the time was to sit underneath one of the old oaks in Colonial Park Cemetery. He could be alone and noone would bother him cause most didn't like being in the cemetery. However, people did notice that cats took a particular liking to this "Joe". So bygones were bygones as long as Joe kept to himself.

Until cats started disappearing. Already looking for a reason to hate Joe cause of his looks, the Savannah residents went on a witch hunt. The first stop was his tree in the cemetary. At the base of the tree they found the remains of about 6 cats, all folded in half. They perceived Joe to now be a threat, and locked him up and threw away the key. Then, there was the Great Savannah Fire of 1820 (think Chicago 1871, just proportionately smaller).

During all the chaos, someone thought to check on the towns prisoners. Joe was gone. Noone knew where he went or how he got out. A search party was organized to find him. What they found, were 2 bodies, at Joe's favorite tree in the Cemetery, both folded in half...just like the cats. That was all it took to condemn Joe. No trial, no judge, no jury. The search party found him, and hung him. His body was left for a couple of days. Then it disappeared from its noose in the middle of the night. Noone officially claimed it.

Thats the end of the back story. Now, as our guide was finishing this story, we were in the old cemetery maybe 50 feet from the suspected favorite tree of Joe. This was definitely planned, it was 11 pm, in a Cemetery with Spanish Moss listening to ghost stories. Of course it was all planned...up until now. What happened next is whatever you want to make of it.

The guy next to me, suddenly jerked and stood deathly still. Turned pale as a ghost. I looked everywhere! I looked at the guide who was still talking, I looked at my (future) wife and mother-in-law. Nothing. The dude next to me nearly knocked me over has took off in a dead sprint for the gate. Another man and his wife were right on his heels. The rest of us look dumbfounded. We all quickly followed after them to find out what the hell was going on. We caught them about 1 block away, out of breath. All 3 had wide eyes and were physically pale. The 3 of them, after catching their breaths, started asking each other if they saw it. They all agreed but never said what "It" was. They finally filled us all in. Apparently, a large shadow appeared next to the oak tree, leaning with one arm against it. It had the physical appearance of someone with Proteus. I immediately thought BS. But, nah, they were actually scared. The woman was actually shaking and crying. The couple did not know the other guy. And none of them knew the guide. The couple in fact were like me and never had been in the city before in their lives. The fright on their faces was palpable.

Make of it what you want, but its a true story, no BS. They definitely saw something and it nearly scared them to death. What, I don't know. But i won't ever go back in that cemetery again. Certainly not at night.

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I used to get sleep paralysis a lot when I was younger. One time I had an extreme episode of it. Check this out:

I was about 20-21 years old. I woke up in the morning and had the sleep paralysis. I saw the stereo typical "alien" standing there looking at me. It was crazy. I was looking at him for like 30 seconds. He had the grey skin and solid black eyes. He also had long, silver hair with the thin mouth. He was wearing a purple cloak that was shimmering with light. It was intense. Then I began to slip out of the paralysis and he began to fad away. 5 years later, my brother took a nap. He woke up and was paralyzed. He also saw a grey "alien" with the solid black eyes and thin mouth standing over him. He was also wearing a purple cloak shimmering with light. He said the alien he saw was bald.

That EXACT thing happened to me when I was in middle school, I was scared ****less and also heard this loud howling noise, comparable to an alarm, which sounded like wind blowing through a tunnel. The thing I was staring at was very very bright but I know I saw something. When it finally ended I ran into my parents room and told them what happened, and they said that sometimes things like that happen... I was like, what... that's it... that's the explanation I get...

Anyways, glad to hear I wasn't going crazy :)

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I used to get sleep paralysis a lot when I was younger. One time I had an extreme episode of it. Check this out:

I was about 20-21 years old. I woke up in the morning and had the sleep paralysis. I saw the stereo typical "alien" standing there looking at me. It was crazy. I was looking at him for like 30 seconds. He had the grey skin and solid black eyes. He also had long, silver hair with the thin mouth. He was wearing a purple cloak that was shimmering with light. It was intense. Then I began to slip out of the paralysis and he began to fad away. 5 years later, my brother took a nap. He woke up and was paralyzed. He also saw a grey "alien" with the solid black eyes and thin mouth standing over him. He was also wearing a purple cloak shimmering with light. He said the alien he saw was bald.

That EXACT thing happened to me when I was in middle school, I was scared ****less and also heard this loud howling noise, comparable to an alarm, which sounded like wind blowing through a tunnel. The thing I was staring at was very very bright but I know I saw something. When it finally ended I ran into my parents room and told them what happened, and they said that sometimes things like that happen... I was like, what... that's it... that's the explanation I get...

Anyways, glad to hear I wasn't going crazy :)

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