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E-Dog Night

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Cmon guys.... injuries are going to happen. Doesnt matter if its the first game of preseason, or the SuperBowl.

we need to see how these backups are going to fare, especially our backup RBs and OLineman. Lets enjoy the process of seeing who ultimately earns the spot as a 2006 Redskin.

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Cmon guys.... injuries are going to happen. Doesnt matter if its the first game of preseason, or the SuperBowl.

we need to see how these backups are going to fare, especially our backup RBs and OLineman. Lets enjoy the process of seeing who ultimately earns the spot as a 2006 Redskin.

Yeah, yeah, I know. But I'm freaking out. This is my normal state during Redskins games.

Who asked you to come in here anyway, Mr. Voice of Reason? ;)

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So, our O is stinking it up like we did last yr towards the latter part of the reg season and in the playoffs. then u have brunell over throwing balls again and that one over thrown ball was saved by lloyd. throws didnt look sharp and brunell is really annoying the heck out of me. then this guy collins comes in and stinks it up more than brunell.

Most of you will say " it's the preseason dude, relax."

naturally , i should be relaxed but i have a question to those that oppose my comments, " why is it that our D hasnt missed a beat and is playing well as usual?"

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Much like yours. In fact, if you want to read a billion like it go to the 2005 archives and pull any of a number simiar threads.

u obviosuly dont read becasue i was commenting on tnight's game. i also ended my post with a question which u have ignored to answer. if u dont want to , dont reply period. easy as that guy.

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It's funny how the poster who made their reservations for Miami suddenly want this game to end. No one would listen to me when I said it would take some time to implement this offense fully and execute it perfectly. What worries me is that Donovan McNabb and the Eagles did VERY well in the short amount of work they got in their first two pre-season games. We've got a LOT of work to do!

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So, our O is stinking it up like we did last yr towards the latter part of the reg season and in the playoffs. then u have brunell over throwing balls again and that one over thrown ball was saved by lloyd. throws didnt look sharp and brunell is really annoying the heck out of me. then this guy collins comes in and stinks it up more than brunell.

Most of you will say " it's the preseason dude, relax."

naturally , i should be relaxed but i have a question to those that oppose my comments, " why is it that our D hasnt missed a beat and is playing well as usual?"

Where's the "Deep Thought"??? I missed it. :D

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Look, its only preseason....we don't need to be firing on all pistons at this point. One thing that i noticed is the timing between Brunell and Lloyd. These are things that are going to come with time. So will our protection for Brunell.

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']Stop with the cries of mediocrity......it's the first pre-season game under a new system....let the kinks get worked out.....start worrying if we cant move the ball on the patriots and ravens.....

i think u got half right, O is mediocre. let me rephrase that. it is horrendous like i ve stated in my initial post. OUr D has been pretty awsome.

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Well hopefully some of these guys will step up.

So far all I can get from 2 qts.

1) Cash will probably be cut

2) Doughery needs to stop biting on plays or he'll be cut

3) Todd Collins will be our #3 sooner than later

4) Frost is still not a great punter.

5) 1st team D looks great

6) 1st team O has alot of potential but alot to work on.

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So, our O is stinking it up like we did last yr towards the latter part of the reg season and in the playoffs. then u have brunell over throwing balls again and that one over thrown ball was saved by lloyd. throws didnt look sharp and brunell is really annoying the heck out of me. then this guy collins comes in and stinks it up more than brunell.

Most of you will say " it's the preseason dude, relax."

naturally , i should be relaxed but i have a question to those that oppose my comments, " why is it that our D hasnt missed a beat and is playing well as usual?"

1) Because defense always comes together faster than offense...ALWAYS. A defense needs to be disruptive to be productive - an offense needs to function in sync.

2) The defense is isn't learning a new scheme like the offense is. This is the 3rd straight year with the same system.

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