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E-Dog Night

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I am freaking out and pissed off over this game because:

1) Portis has a separated shoulder and will be out for WEEKS. Clemons has a serious injury as well, and then Joe Blow #5 RB. Meanwhile, the Bengals are strutting around fancy free with nary a hangnail on any of their guys. Nice luck.

2) Our Offense looks horribly ragged. McNabb scored touchdowns on each of his opening preseason drives and had a high completion % with no Picks. Our QB's look like they wandered out of Pop Warner.

3) Our defensive back-ups are making Anthony Wright look like Peyton Manning. Kenny Wright couldn't cover a one legged fat drunken grandmother.

4) If Collins is THIS bad, I shudder to think of what JC must be doing in camp to have fallen behind him.

Um...I think that's it for now. Yes, it's preseason, but it's preseason for Cincinnatti too and they are making us look like complete crap.

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does this mean we are not going to the superbowl?

nah this means that it will take more practice for the O to get in sync. Its funny how people are going bananas over two series. First off, this is a new offense. Secondly, they aren't even using the actual play book, they're keeping everything vanilla. Lets chill, geez!

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Please for the love of god tell me u are not really a redskins fan. that would make me feel much better.

im gonna go see 3 redskins games this yr at fed ex, how many u gonna go see? listen pal, majority of skins fans here at ES ***** and whine about how the media talks trash about the redskins and that we get no respect. when brunell overthrows passes regardless its the preseason or not, it doesnt help. when columnists like lenny , peter king and others write something negative about the skins, one of u always post it here on ES then majority of u go on a whine fest. i never post on those threads. go head, look at my post history. matter of fact, i dont even post that much at all. the fact is, if players go out and perform well, it will shut all nay sayers about the redskins. why not start during preseason. why not perform well during preseason. the sooner we mesh, the faster we will shut these haters.

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im gonna go see 3 redskins games this yr at fed ex, how many u gonna go see? listen pal, majority of skins fans here at ES ***** and whine about how the media talks trash about the redskins and that we get no respect. when brunell overthrows passes regardless its the preseason or not, it doesnt help. when columnists like lenny , peter king and others write something negative about the skins, one of u always post it here on ES then majority of u go on a whine fest. i never post on those threads. go head, look at my post history. matter of fact, i dont even post that much at all. the fact is, if players go out and perform well, it will shut all nay sayers about the redskins. why not start during preseason. why not perform well during preseason. the sooner we mesh, the faster we will shut these haters.

Are you really, truly, honestly this worked up over the FIRST PRESEASON GAME? God help you when the regular season starts. You might eat a bullet or something. Take it easy. Have a drink. Or sober up.

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Wow. pass out the Xanax. It's already been said, in case you couldn't figure it out yourself.

1. The Skins D dominated.

2. Portis will be ready for game 1, REGULAR SEASON

3. Collins settled down after being tight and nervous.

4. Campbell looks good

5. The Bengals are trying to win and NOT going vanilla like the Skins

Perhaps the flea-flicker would have clued in the people who are upset.


None of the injuries appear serious and that's all that really matters.

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Man, there are a few people on this board who need to stop crying- I'm getting tired of this crap. Honestly, grow a pair of balls between you legs. One piece of bad luck, some people gotta start acting like females! Offense looked good, overall. O-line was excellent.

You all need to realize there are a bunch of Pukes fans on their boards already posting a bunch of crap about what you are saying here and generalizing us all as a bunch of winey bi****s, talking about Brunell sucks are whatnot. They "love watching us squirm", according to their boards. I don't want to lumped in with you all.

Chicken Littles- if you can't control you little emotions, you need to at least not make everyone else look like you- just keep you mouths shut!

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Quarterback situation is worse than I thought it would be. I expected Brunell to be sharper than he was tonight. He looked bad. I don't care if it's a new offense. He is a veteran, and should know where the receivers are on the field.

A poorly thrown ball that was intercepted is the reason CP is injured, I just hope it isn't one of those nagging injuries that bother him all season.

I am tired of hearing excuses for Mark, it's always something. This injury, that injury, I have and will support the decision to start Brunell. I just hope that Campbell can grow, and mature into the starting position soon. He is athletic, has the height, and arm and speed to be the kind of quarterback that can make things happen.

Collins looked pathetic. He has no business even playing in the NFL. He looked scared. ( Heath Shuler) type scared. I guess he has some knowledge of Saunders offensive game plan..

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A poorly thrown ball that was intercepted

Grrrrr.... :redpunch: you don't know that! Lloyd could have gone IN by mistake! None of us idiots on this board knows who was at fault yet. So stop blaming it on Brunell already! You can start when it comes out, FROM THE COACHING STAFF, that it was his fault. Until then, shut your hole.

This place gets me so freakin' angry during games, I swear! :laugh:



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Man, there are a few people on this board who need to stop crying- I'm getting tired of this crap. Honestly, grow a pair of balls between you legs. One piece of bad luck, some people gotta start acting like females! Offense looked good, overall. O-line was excellent.

You all need to realize there are a bunch of Pukes fans on their boards already posting a bunch of crap about what you are saying here and generalizing us all as a bunch of winey bi****s, talking about Brunell sucks are whatnot. They "love watching us squirm", according to their boards. I don't want to lumped in with you all.

Chicken Littles- if you can't control you little emotions, you need to at least not make everyone else look like you- just keep you mouths shut!

Amen man!!!!

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Hmm, lets see, the Colts went 0-4 last preseason, as have the cowboys during their superbowl runs. We are fine, bar Todd Collins. There's always a silver lining to something as bad as this game was for the first half, and that is that JC will now most certainly be the backup quarterback. He played amazingly well, even better than my beloved Brunell.

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Seriously you guys who are crying over how we should be better on offense really need to get a clue about what the preseason is about...trying to create some continuity culminating up to the 1st game. We were so vanilla this game it was ridiculous. Saunders' whole offense scheme is based on shifting and putting players in motion to creating mismatches...I challenge any of you to point out one time the entire game where we shifted into a different formation or sent multiple guys in motion. I actually thought Brunell looked good and only will get better. This game has not changed my opinion about us one bit.

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KRSONE's persuasive logic and prescient arguments have finally convinced me to yield to his measure. I'm going to take the little pikn cianide pill I recovered from Hitlers' bunker. Won't somebody please write my mother and tell her the shape I'm in?

Good grief! Walking through life with an uncontrolled negative outlook is the caste of a looser. Changing your thinking habits will do you a world of good. If the team had this attitude, they never would have defeated Dallas in the closing minutes of the first game and brought themselves back from near disaster to win their last six games to burst into the playoffs.

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First Portis, now Clemons? This is a friggin nightmare. Let's just get off the field and call it a game.


Doesn't anyone around here watch "My Name is Earl"? Anyone ever heard of karma??? I'm so pissed...






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This is the reason why the NFL needs to cut down all these ****ty preseason games. Shouldn't it be obvious they need to be cut now that for the past few years everyone has talked about how they don't mean jack? Jesus, the Colts went 0-5 last year and ended up going 14-2! This is the cue for Dan Snyder, the most influential franchise owner in football, to take a stand against these pointless, harmful games.

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This is the reason why the NFL needs to cut down all these ****ty preseason games. Shouldn't it be obvious they need to be cut now that for the past few years everyone has talked about how they don't mean jack? Jesus, the Colts went 0-5 last year and ended up going 14-2! This is the cue for Dan Snyder, the most influential franchise owner in football, to take a stand against these pointless, harmful games.
I've always liked the idea of a 2 game preseason. Depending on if there's arthroscopic surgery involved, this might be a while.
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Seriously you guys who are crying over how we should be better on offense really need to get a clue about what the preseason is about...trying to create some continuity culminating up to the 1st game. We were so vanilla this game it was ridiculous. Saunders' whole offense scheme is based on shifting and putting players in motion to creating mismatches...I challenge any of you to point out one time the entire game where we shifted into a different formation or sent multiple guys in motion. I actually thought Brunell looked good and only will get better. This game has not changed my opinion about us one bit.

Exactly, do you know how many plays the Chiefs ran last year that didn't include motion? 1, freakin 1 play out of 1072. This reminds me of Spurrier in Japan, our offense was 10 times as vanilla as theirs and besides, they didn't do JACK while the starters were in ther. I really think GW might have his best Redskins defense this year.

Just a thought for everyone....Gibbs' worst preseason years were in his SB years. He was 0-4 in 91. Take the preseason for what it is which is not much. Once Brunell gets better timing and rythm with his recievers in this offense we'll be fine.

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