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Extremeskins Training Camp Coverage - Day 2 - UPDATED 8:04 PM


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EXTREME COVERAGE: Redskins Training Camp


DAY TWO - 8/1/06


Click HERE to hear comments by Adam Archuleta

Click HERE to hear comments by Ladell Betts

Click HERE to hear comments by Andre Carter

Click HERE to hear comments by Reed Doughty

Click HERE to hear comments by Taylor Jacobs

Click HERE to hear comments by Marcus Washington

Click HERE to hear comments by Rocky McIntosh

Click HERE to hear comments by Carlos Rogers



Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #1

Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #2

Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #3

Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #4

Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #5

Click HERE to see Training Camp Day Two Pics #6



Click HERE to see day two quotes from Coach Gregg Williams

Click HERE to see day two quotes from Antwaan Randel El, Marcus Washington, and Sean Taylor

Click HERE to see day two quotes from Adam Archuleta, Santana Moss, Phillip Daniels, and Mike Sellars

Click HERE to see day two quotes from Clinton Portis

Click HERE to see day two quotes from Coach Joe Gibbs


What an awesome morning. I would love to be here when the fans are on hand, but there was something serene about spending the early morning with my football team. It was just them, and me, and a bunch of other slightly overweight older guys sweating our you-know-what's off. THe difference being that they have been assigned here to cover the team and I would do it for free...in fact I do.

I got lots of pics and interviews following practice and I will get those up shortly.

Practice started out with stretching exercises and then on to individual drills. I caught the tail end of Moss, Lloyd, and then Portis working with the jugs machine, and hopefully I was able to get some good shots of this. I then focused on some punt return and passing drills. The defense was on another field and available to shoot, but today I was feeling offense.

As I walked back to the offensive field I noticed Sean Taylor playing catch with one of the assistants. They stood only about 10 yards apart but what stood out for me was that ST was catching every ball one handed, alternating hands. As I watched I thought to myself..."yea I can't do that."

Soon the team-on-team drills began and things started getting exciting. They started 1-on-1 (w/QB) 5-on-5, 7-on-7, 9-on-9, and then finally 11-on-11. While contact was light, there was some hitting out there and at one point tempers flared with Ryan Boshetti telling one of the o-line that sleep was in their future if they hit him in the same manner again. He didn't say it with those exact words, but this is a family message board so hopefully you get my drift.

They focused on 3rd and short situations and red-zone plays today.

For those who read that Brunell looked off yesterday and became concerned I am happy to report that he looked very sharp this morning and was the best QB on the field. If I had to rank the QB play today I would say Brunell, Campbell, and Collins in order of quality play. Brunell made some very good throws and ones that were not caught appeared catchable from where I stood.

Campbell looked pretty sharp and at least today appeared to be clearly the number 2 guy in terms of depth. He made some good throws but did not seem as quick-minded as Brunell.

Collins was making some very good short and medium throws but seemed to underthrow at least a handful.

As far as runners are concerned I think that Rock Cartwright got the most work and had some very nice runs. Portis had a few big runs and got hit a little bit as he ran up the middle

Lumsden looked good today and had a terrific run through the middle and up the sideline. Betts looked good and got praised from Coach Saunders, as did Rock and Jesse on different plays. Nemo had a play or two where he looked good. He is a big guy.

Play of the day

Mike sellers was lined up as the runner during an 11-on-11 play. At the snap Sellers was handed off to. The play was designed to go up the middle but Khary Campbell managed to fill the hole as sellers was getting the ball. Campbell never knew what hit him as Sellers flattened him and ran for another 8-1o yards, evoking oohs and aahs from the entire offense.


In terms of receiver play I would have said that Moss and Lloyd and Randle El had good days. Farris caught some as did Tayor Jacobs. This team is certainly rich on WRs.

Cooley dropped a pass on a crossing pattern that was thrown right to him. To add injury to insult Reed Doughty arrived at about the same time and gave him a heck of a smack. Other than that he did not do too much to stand out for me today.

The defense looked ok, but evoked a lot a yelling from Gregg Williams.

Kenny Wright made some plays today and I feel better about corner depth after seeing him. Renoldo Wynn got in the backfield on one play and crushed Rock trying to get to the corner. Rogers and Springs did well. A lot of passes were caught over the middle on the LBs and Rocky at one point got an earful from Coach Williams about coverage.

I saw some a lot of blitzing and just knew that if the QB didn't have the yellow jersey on he would be dead meat on some of those.

There were no interceptions or fumbles.

Quotes of the Day

"Get your a** in the C-Gap!" - Coach Lindsey to a LB

"Get your a**es in here!" - Coach Bugel with raised fist to o-linemen

"That's why you're gonna play, because when nothing's there you make something happen, great job!" - Coach Saunders to Mike Sellers after running over LB Campbell

"Cover somebody damnit! If you want to make this team you better start covering somebody!" - Coach Williams to CBs

"In the redzone check down! In the redzone checkdown! In the redzone CHECKDOWN!!! Everything positive down here, protect the ball!" - Coach Saunders to the QBs

"Take some attitude with you, take it when you go" - Coach Saunders to one of the receivers

"No penetration up front, good job!" - Coach Saunders to the O-line after a big run

"They ran right up our a** cause you were sitting there coughing!" Gregg Williams to the defense after giving up a first down on a quarterback sneak on 3rd and 1.

The pictures are being uploaded and you should start seeing them soon. I will work on some audio now. Feel free to post questions if you have some.

12:45 update

Ok I have to roll. The pictures and audio are up and you should see and hear it as soon as the mods get it going. I spoke to nine players today so stand by...

I will check back in shortly so please post any questions you may have.


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Good to know Brunell looked better day. He's like an old car -- takes a while to warm up. By the time the season comes around, he'll be humming.

Yes he did look good, and had a very good scramble at one point for about 20.

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Help me to understand what this means and which receiver it was said to. It's ambiguous.

I took it to mean that the player should get in the game, in the play, and down the field with some attitude and intensity. I don't recall the player, sorry, I was too busy writing when I heard it.

This is by far my favorite quote of the day...

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Lumsden looked good today and had a terrific run through the middle and up the sideline. Betts looked good and got praised from Coach Saunders, as did Rock and Jesse on different plays. Nemo had a play or two where he looked good. He is a big guy.

Does his speed stand out or does it look similar to that of the other backs?

And great to hear more positive news about Reed Doughty...I hope he continues to impress...he sure seems like a gamer.

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Mike sellers was lined up as the runner during an 11-on-11 play. At the snap Sellers was handed off to. The play was designed to go up the middle but Khary Campbell managed to fill the hole as sellers was getting the ball. Campbell never knew what hit him as Sellers flattened him and ran for another 8-1o yards, evoking oohs and aahs from the entire offense.

Great to see my man the Caveman back in action. Like i stated yesterday, I felt confident that he would be back for the morning session. Turned out i was right and then some. :applause: Furthermore, I think people need to quit playing around with Caveman, especially after what happened with B. Dawkins last year.

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