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Report: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq: Foxnews.com


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Tell that to chommie. He thinks Saddam was a great man and a great leader, who abided by all the U.N. inspections. Chommie doesn't think Saddam massacred thousands of his own people. He thinks the Iraqi people are WAY better off under Saddam than they are today. Just ask him.

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Tell that to chommie. He thinks Saddam was a great man and a great leader, who abided by all the U.N. inspections. Chommie doesn't think Saddam massacred thousands of his own people. He thinks the Iraqi people are WAY better off under Saddam than they are today. Just ask him.

No, he doesn't. He thinks Saddam sucked but lots of dictators suck and we don't go invading all of them, and sometime when we do, we get something even worse in exchange like an Islamic theocracy.

You wouldn't understand this because you don't even pretend to read what Chom actually writes, you just misrepresent him and move forward.

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Saddam was able to keep a bunch of different groups who wouldn't naturally be together, be ruled under 1 system.

Unfortunate for everybody except Saddam, that system was a dictatorship.

You are absolutely correct, through fear, rape, torture and murder. That is a wonderful system to support. But hey as long as they listen why the F should we care?

If any of you are ever interested in stories I was told from the mouths of Iraqi's just let me know. They ain't pretty.

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No, he doesn't. He thinks Saddam sucked but lots of dictators suck and we don't go invading all of them, and sometime when we do, we get something even worse in exchange like an Islamic theocracy.

You wouldn't understand this because you don't even pretend to read what Chom actually writes, you just misrepresent him and move forward.

He is also against the war. And it seems that this sometimes clouds his ability to accept any other point of view as legitimate. Hence how he refers to my point of view as "The problem with you people is..."

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I wonder if the folks in Tokyo used fully functioning mortars, rockets, and warheads to launch the terrorist attacks in the subway system there. Does anyone know what method of delivery they used?

Granted that attack was poorly executed and it is widely believed that the toxins were mixed improperly resulting in fewer casualties than would have been experienced with a better trained and prepared terror force.

This point is not made to say that we found what we went in there for. It is made to say that the condition of the W's may not have much effect on their ability to be used for MD. It is the toxic that matters, and it doesn't take a lot. It is not a UHaul filled with fertilizer we are talking about here.

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You are absolutely correct, through fear, rape, torture and murder. That is a wonderful system to support. But hey as long as they listen why the F should we care?

Who is supporting Saddam or his methods? The question is whether invading Iraq to remove him was a wise move. If we end up with Ayatollohs ruling Iraq, did we succeed?

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You are absolutely correct, through fear, rape, torture and murder. That is a wonderful system to support. But hey as long as they listen why the F should we care?

If any of you are ever interested in stories I was told from the mouths of Iraqi's just let me know. They ain't pretty.

Nobody said support. You added that yourself.

He forced them to live together through fear. Since we're not using that. Who's to say these groups WANT to work together?

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He is also against the war. And it seems that this sometimes clouds his ability to accept any other point of view as legitimate. Hence how he refers to my point of view as "The problem with you people is..."

I cannot justify everything Chom says as accurate or fair. In his defense, he deals with certain people over and over, people who follow him from thread to thread and misrepresent everything he says, call him names, and so forth. They hold views much more extreme than your own. I imagine it gets a bit frustrating, and sometime he lashes back.

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I cannot justify everything Chom says as accurate or fair. In his defense, he deals with certain people over and over, people who follow him from thread to thread and misrepresent everything he says, call him names, and so forth. They hold views much more extreme than your own. I imagine it gets a bit frustrating, and sometime he lashes back.


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I wonder if the folks in Tokyo used fully functioning mortars, rockets, and warheads to launch the terrorist attacks in the subway system there. Does anyone know what method of delivery they used?

On March 20, 1995 the Tokyo Subway sarin gas attack occured killing nearly a dozen people and incapacitating or injuring approximately 5000 others. The incident involved six devices; disguised as a soft drink can, a briefcase, a white plastic bag, and a gas can wrapped in newspaper.


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You people? What, people who somehow have a different point of view than you?

No, people who do not completely understand the conflict or global diplomacy. . .you people. . .

Was Iraq stable with Saddam in power? If you consider a country where the different factions avoided pissing him off to keep from being wiped out, then yes it was stable.

Then why try to call me out for saying that Iraq was stable if you agree with me?

Iraq on the whole is becoming more stable.

Really? Do you seriously stand by that statement?

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I cannot justify everything Chom says as accurate or fair. In his defense, he deals with certain people over and over, people who follow him from thread to thread and misrepresent everything he says, call him names, and so forth. They hold views much more extreme than your own. I imagine it gets a bit frustrating, and sometime he lashes back.

I can understand his frustration, but he is not open to debate, He calls other views "wrong" and "right wing nutjobs" and "drivel"...

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Who is supporting Saddam or his methods? The question is whether invading Iraq to remove him was a wise move. If we end up with Ayatollohs ruling Iraq, did we succeed?

No that wasn't the question. Read my post and you will see it was directed to the post that I directly quoted. So, yes I answered the question.

Bottom line is this if the new Iraqi gov't is elected by the people of Iraq than it's none of my or your business who runs it. Democracy is a powerful thing and I firmly believe if the Iraqi people have their say then yes they will be much better off.

I was watching the news in Iraq and had Iraqi nationals working for me. When the news showed the people at the polls showing the purple on their fingers representing that they had voted several of them had tears in their eyes and proceeded to thank several of us that were in the room. It get's pretty old reading post after post from people who only know what CNN show's them or what they read on the internet. Most people on here choose to ignore first hand accounts form people who have seen the progress being made and have witnessed the joy that most of the Iraqi people have now that Saddam is no longer in power. Then again as someone on this board once said they probably only acted that way because we are an occupying force and they were afraid of us. :doh: It's all just a show for the big bad Americans.

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On March 20, 1995 the Tokyo Subway sarin gas attack occured killing nearly a dozen people and incapacitating or injuring approximately 5000 others. The incident involved six devices; disguised as a soft drink can, a briefcase, a white plastic bag, and a gas can wrapped in newspaper.


What? Do you mean to tell me they didn't use state of the art delivery systems? Is this article insinuating that such an attack can be launched using very modest means? That all is really required is the chemical itself?

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Nobody said support. You added that yourself.

He forced them to live together through fear. Since we're not using that. Who's to say these groups WANT to work together?

So check this out, you are defending Saddam being in power because of his ability to keep the different factions at peace but you don't support his methods. That's kind of double talk isn't it?

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No, people who do not completely understand the conflict or global diplomacy. . .you people. . .

Then why try to call me out for saying that Iraq was stable if you agree with me?

Really? Do you seriously stand by that statement?

I understand the conflict and global relations. I just happen to disagree with your point of view. Doesn't make me wrong or you right.

That was meant as sarcasm. You have to be out there a little to consider rape, murder, torture and ethnic cleansing to be a stable form of govt! Milosevich is reviled around the world for this same behavior....

Yes, because I have friends who are THERE and see FIRST HAND how things are going. They say there are many more positive stories that go unreported because good news doesn't sell newspapers.....

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What? Do you mean to tell me they didn't use state of the art delivery systems? Is this article insinuating that such an attack can be launched using very modest means? That all is really required is the chemical itself?

I do believe that is what I am saying.

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I found this while searching for some facts being discussed in this thread and may be interesting to some ;) .

Rather long and I haven't read it all myself, but this is UNSCOM's official chronology (along with PBS's research) regarding the UN sactions and weapons inspections in Iraq.

I think it proves (and disproves) some of points made. Read it if you like.

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Yes, because I have friends who are THERE and see FIRST HAND how things are going. They say there are many more positive stories that go unreported because good news doesn't sell newspapers.....

Count me as one of those friends who have been THERE and seen it. I try to tell that story here on this board and it has been summarily dismissed. Usually this post is followed by one of the dismissers saying something to the effect of "are you denying that bad stuff is happening over there" and I will tell you right now that I am not. I am saying that good stuff is happening, and I don't see it being reported here. Now usually when I say that a different poster chimes in with the fact that they read the good stories everyday. Then I ask them to point me in that direction and have yet to get a response.

That is just my experience when I present that point here, hopefully yours will be better.

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Ali is the central figure at the origin of the Shia / Sunni split which occurred in the decades immediately following the death of the Prophet in 632. Sunnis regard Ali as the fourth and last of the "rightly guided caliphs" (successors to Mohammed (pbuh) as leader of the Muslims) following on from Abu Bakr 632-634, Umar 634-644 and Uthman 644-656. Shias feel that Ali should have been the first caliph and that the caliphate should pass down only to direct descendants of Mohammed (pbuh) via Ali and Fatima, They often refer to themselves as ahl al bayt or "people of the house" [of the prophet].


There is your answer Chom. They have really never gotten along. So don't try to spin this as something we need to fix. This was before us and will be after us.

BINGO!!! One faction feels like they are the "true" descendents of Muhammad, and the other doesn't.

You said right there, they have never gotten along, this was before us and will be after us. . . I couldn't have said it better myself.

Here is the problem, they do NOT get along, and they will not get along. There will be a civil war once we leave, it is inevitable, because of the perceived racial differences of the factions. Iraq will not exist as a country, because the people all hate each other, and they have no problem killing each other.

It is why we avoided going in after Saddam during the first Gulf War, and it is why we should have let him be. We already had our staging ground in the ME with Afghanistan, and we could have used THAT country for doing everything they are trying to do with Iraq. They were a war torn country on the verge of starvation, and we could have changed transformed the ME from there.

We took a STABLE country, through it into chaos, and replaced a secular dictator with what is close to a theocracy. We turned all the sentiment for the US after 9-11 down the toilet, and single handedly isolated US in a war which we NEED the entire worlds support.

That is what happened in a nutshell.

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Pope and Die Hard I'm with you. My last tour I saw plenty of bad things, I had a 110mm rocket hit the roof of the building I lived in. However, I saw more good than bad. I delieverd schools supplies to hundreds of children. I saw wells being dug by Iraqi contractors with US $$. I was embraced and thanked by Iraqi people for helping liberate their country. Too bad none of that's on CNN/Fox.

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