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Most Overrated QB


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I would agree that Big Ben had a relatively easy job too. But, Eli had a very good O-line IMO (he didn't even get touched in the Chargers game) a fantastic RB who can catch and take the team on his shoulders, a decent TE, and two big, experienced WR's. Ben had a great RB committee and a great O-line but not quite as good of WR's or TE's IMO.

Ben Roethlisberger had a 98.6 QB rating and won the SB. Eli had a 75.9 and lost in the first playoff round. I agree that Ben had an easy job as far as QBing in the NFL goes, quite possibly as easy of a job as Eli, but Eli is by far more overrated.

That Charger game was early. McKenzie went down for a while, Petitgout sat out a game and had to be taken out of another. For a few games, they played their starting RT at LT, a backup at RT, and a backup at LT.

Did you see those stats? Big Ben's offense runs the ball something like 55% of the time. They ran the ball more than ANYONE in football last year. The Giants ran tha ball roughly 45% of the time and were 11th in rushing attempts and 9th in passing attempts.

How exactly is Manning's jobs easier than Ben's?

This isn't tough...Michael Vick. Has he ever thrown 3 TDs in a game? Sure, sometimes he makes plays with his feet, but look at him in Chicago last year. Awful mechanics and when he couldn't run, he couldn't pass either. 13 for 32 with two INTs. His footwork was terrible and didn't help his team at all. Granted, the Bears defense was very good, but this "elite" QB that can hurt you with his feet and arm didn't do anything.

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I don't think Michael Vick is overrated because nobody says he does things well that he doesn't. He isn't judged on the same level as other QB's because he is on another level in what he can do running the ball. I've never heard anybody saying he had good accuracy or ability to read defenses - only that he has the potential to get there and then be unstoppable.

As far as overrated QBs.... hmm

I'd say Jake Delhomme. He is the king of floating passes that should have been bulleted, just lays them up there for DB's to intercept. He is lucky as all hell to have a WR like Steve smith or we wouldn't even be calling him overrated.:2cents:

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That Charger game was early. McKenzie went down for a while, Petitgout sat out a game and had to be taken out of another. For a few games, they played their starting RT at LT, a backup at RT, and a backup at LT.

Did you see those stats? Big Ben's offense runs the ball something like 55% of the time. They ran the ball more than ANYONE in football last year. The Giants ran tha ball roughly 45% of the time and were 11th in rushing attempts and 9th in passing attempts.

How exactly is Manning's jobs easier than Ben's?

You have to admit though, a significant amount of Eli's passing attempts were dump offs to Tiki Barber.

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The Waterboy

Join Date: May 2006

Location: Around

Age: 19

Posts: 50 Re: Most Overrated QB



Originally Posted by Midnight Judges

I would agree that Big Ben had a relatively easy job too. But, Eli had a very good O-line IMO (he didn't even get touched in the Chargers game) a fantastic RB who can catch and take the team on his shoulders, a decent TE, and two big, experienced WR's. Ben had a great RB committee and a great O-line but not quite as good of WR's or TE's IMO.

Ben Roethlisberger had a 98.6 QB rating and won the SB. Eli had a 75.9 and lost in the first playoff round. I agree that Ben had an easy job as far as QBing in the NFL goes, quite possibly as easy of a job as Eli, but Eli is by far more overrated.

That Charger game was early. McKenzie went down for a while, Petitgout sat out a game and had to be taken out of another. For a few games, they played their starting RT at LT, a backup at RT, and a backup at LT.

Did you see those stats? Big Ben's offense runs the ball something like 55% of the time. They ran the ball more than ANYONE in football last year. The Giants ran tha ball roughly 45% of the time and were 11th in rushing attempts and 9th in passing attempts.

How exactly is Manning's jobs easier than Ben's?

This isn't tough...Michael Vick. Has he ever thrown 3 TDs in a game? Sure, sometimes he makes plays with his feet, but look at him in Chicago last year. Awful mechanics and when he couldn't run, he couldn't pass either. 13 for 32 with two INTs. His footwork was terrible and didn't help his team at all. Granted, the Bears defense was very good, but this "elite" QB that can hurt you with his feet and arm didn't do anything.

please dont talk about footwork......look at Bret "Micheals" Farve... the worst footwork in the league,he threws off his back foot ever time.

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Definately Eli. No other QB in the league has as many big targets and a great RB and yet he still can't complete a pass. If his name wasn't Manning people would think of him the same way they do of Alex Smith.

I'm going to have to disagree. Considering last year was his first full year starting he put up some pretty impressive numbers. He made some typical inexperienced mistakes but he scares the crap out of me in the future. If Jason Campbell puts up the numbers that Manning did in his first full year I will be ecstatic.

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I'm going to have to disagree. Considering last year was his first full year starting he put up some pretty impressive numbers. He made some typical inexperienced mistakes but he scares the crap out of me in the future. If Jason Campbell puts up the numbers that Manning did in his first full year I will be ecstatic.

Yeah I agree. I don't know how you could compare Eli Manning as a young QB to Alex Smith, who I believe had the longest consecutive streak for a starting rookie QB without a TD pass.

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i hate the pukes but aikman was a good QB

Troy Aikman had the good fortune of being on a very great team and the perfect time. Statistically, he wasn't much to speak of. He did perform well in the playoffs when it mattered most, and won a few rings, but those facts alone do not make a good QB.

If he had been placed on any other team at the time, his name would hardly ever be recognized or mentioned IMO.

On that note, my pick for most overrated QB of all time would have to go to Terry Bradshaw. That talentless wonder form Louisiana who barely completed half his passes, all while having one of the greatest receiving corps ever assembled.

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How about Donovan McNabb. Yeah he is decent but when you need the guy the most he gives up on the team and the game. I would never have him as my starter because he will get you to the post-season but will never win the big one. He is also talked about as a top quarterback in the league which would qualify him as being overrated. The Eagles win with Defense.

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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I don't think Michael Vick is overrated because nobody says he does things well that he doesn't. He isn't judged on the same level as other QB's because he is on another level in what he can do running the ball. I've never heard anybody saying he had good accuracy or ability to read defenses - only that he has the potential to get there and then be unstoppable.

I somewhat disagree with that. The media usually hypes Michael Vick to be the most explosive, most dangerous threat in the game...period. He can use his legs, he can use his arm, he makes plays happen. While that's all and great, he doesn't do it with any measure of consistency.

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Actually 69 completions went to Tiki, Finn or Ward

Manning only had 295 completions out of 557 attempts for a 53%.

A fourth of his completions went to his backfield.

And nearly 20% of Roethlisberger's went to his backfield. Ben's backfield touched the ball the most in the entire NFL.

Honestly though, who's overrating Manning? The media? I haven't heard one analyst saying he's the best QB in the league. No one has said he's Top 5. No one has said he's the best in the NFC East. No one has said he's the best young QB in the league.

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