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Most Overrated QB


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Michael Vick's teams win more than they lose, and that is due in a large part to him.

true he may help them win but quarterbacks throw the ball. Running backs run, Michael Vick is a decent running back in the NFL. He is not a good quarterback

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The QB position is way too overrated. QB's get too much credit for winning the super bowl and stuff. When a QB throws a game winning TD, a receiver is catching it but the QB gets more props. Montana and Young were great QB's, But i think it was jerry rice who was the MVP of the 49ers dynasty. Not only did he make 2 QB's stats inflate. He made others better Terrell Owens would have never been this good without rice, Owens even admits that.

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Michael Vick's teams win more than they lose, and that is due in a large part to him. As for Eli, he only has 2 years behind him.

My short list:

Ben Roethlisberger - won the SB, but Pittsburgh has created a situation for him where all he has to do is not screw up too badly to win. He is a fine QB, but people want to put him in with the elite QBs, and he just isn't there - yet.

Steve McNair - has people thinking that the Ravens are headed to the playoffs - and not just Ravens' fans. Why? He is beyond his prime, he's playing banged-up every week, and his recent Tennessee teams haven't been beating anybody. He can't make up for that O-line. Neither can Brett Favre - the difference is no one has Favre taking his team to the playoffs.

Aaron Brooks - most people know this guy stinks, but the fact that some people don't combined with the fact that he still has a job, combine to get him on this list.

Rex Grossman - maybe he is the Bears missing peice, but he hasn't proven anything yet.

Dante Culpepper - as Chandler Bing would say, could this BE any more obvious?

i totally agree on culpepper, at least from what i saw last season. it sure does look like he was totally a product of randy moss... the loss of the simplified coverages because RM left being the apparent flaw wxposed.

Grossman... we'll see. the only reason to say no right now... he sure does have his teammates believing in him.

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It's got to be Michael Vick, why on earth did he go to probowl over Mark Brunnell this year I don't know, not sayin that cause im a skins fan but M.B had much better stats than him last year.

yeah. i tried to defend that one earlier this year. it's impossible. Art gave me the smackdown :)

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Put him on a team that is truly struggling and see what happen. I think Brady benefit from being in the perfect system for him. I want to see him play on a team like say the Texans.
That's so ridiculous it makes me hurt all over. The Texans? Is there any QB ever that would succeed on the Texans with their unstable running game, awful defense, and utterly pathetic offensive line? Give me a break. If Tom Brady isn't the real deal in your eyes, than I don't see who can be. Like it's been said, he carried the team last year into the playoffs with a sports hernia (not to mention multiple injuries all over the offense and defense) while contending for the league MVP title (I think he came in 3rd place- so it's not just commentators who like him, many other players in the NFL look up to him), led the league in passing yardage, and as we all know is Mr. Clutch when it comes to Superbowls. Whether you want to admit it or not, he IS the next legendary QB, and I wouldn't at all be surprised to see him win one more SB before he retires, and there's absolutely nothing overrated about a player like him. I know you've stated that it's your opinion and you won't change it, and that's fine, but really, anytime someone says Tom Brady is overrated, it'd be hard to find a more absurd comment about a current NFL player.
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That's so ridiculous it makes me hurt all over. The Texans? Is there any QB ever that would succeed on the Texans with their unstable running game, awful defense, and utterly pathetic offensive line? Give me a break. If Tom Brady isn't the real deal in your eyes, than I don't see who can be. Like it's been said, he carried the team last year into the playoffs with a sports hernia (not to mention multiple injuries all over the offense and defense) while contending for the league MVP title (I think he came in 3rd place- so it's not just commentators who like him, many other players in the NFL look up to him), led the league in passing yardage, and as we all know is Mr. Clutch when it comes to Superbowls. Whether you want to admit it or not, he IS the next legendary QB, and I wouldn't at all be surprised to see him win one more SB before he retires, and there's absolutely nothing overrated about a player like him. I know you've stated that it's your opinion and you won't change it, and that's fine, but really, anytime someone says Tom Brady is overrated, it'd be hard to find a more absurd comment about a current NFL player.

Give me a break this is a public forum where people can give their opinion and I will continue to give my opinion whether anyone agrees with it or not. At the same time I expect people to respect my opinion you do not have to agree with it but at least respect it. I have seen things on here that I do not always agree with it but hey it is their opinion. If I say he is overrated he is overrated and that is my opinion. I do not have to agree with the masses or what the media says about a player.

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I think that Michael Vick is a great running back with a really good arm. He is not a very good quarterback when you look at his statistics as a qb. He does win though. Although I don't think that he will be any better than randall cunningham.

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I somewhat disagree with that. The media usually hypes Michael Vick to be the most explosive, most dangerous threat in the game...period. He can use his legs, he can use his arm, he makes plays happen. While that's all and great, he doesn't do it with any measure of consistency.

But he was the number 1 pick in the draft he is supposed to be great

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Guest gayformoss

mike vick is not overrated he wins games!

D. mcnabb is by far the most overrated player in the NFL right now

he is the reason the eagles lost the superbowl

no doubt he is a tough guy who is very athletic but he always chokes in the big games

the reason the eagles have been any good the past few years is their defence

and westbrook is by far their best offensive player

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mike vick is not overrated he wins games!

D. mcnabb is by far the most overrated player in the NFL right now

he is the reason the eagles lost the superbowl

no doubt he is a tough guy who is very athletic but he always chokes in the big games

the reason the eagles have been any good the past few years is their defence

and westbrook is by far their best offensive player

Vick has never taken the Falcons to the playoffs but he "wins games" according to you, yet you give no credit to McNabb for his 4 straight NFC championship appearances and something like 5 of 6 division titles (With terrible receivers for all but the TO year). :doh:

And for those that say that Brady is overated: Brady = a gamer, I would want him on my team more than pretty much any other QB in the league.

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Vick has never taken the Falcons to the playoffs but he "wins games" according to you, yet you give no credit to McNabb for his 4 straight NFC championship appearances and something like 5 of 6 division titles (With terrible receivers for all but the TO year). :doh:

And for those that say that Brady is overated: Brady = a gamer, I would want him on my team more than pretty much any other QB in the league.

Vick on at Green Bay in his first playoff appearance.

Again, what exactly makes Manning overrated? Who exactly is overrating him?

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Brett farve is your choice hear even though I agree with the Vick pick. but if my memory serves me correct farve has thrown about 60 picks in the last 2 seasons and a number of picks in the playoffs and regular season. yet whenever he does anything that any average qb does around the league he is hyped as one of the best ever! I just dont believe that is fare for qb that deserv the credit.

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The QB position is way too overrated. QB's get too much credit for winning the super bowl and stuff. When a QB throws a game winning TD, a receiver is catching it but the QB gets more props. Montana and Young were great QB's, But i think it was jerry rice who was the MVP of the 49ers dynasty. Not only did he make 2 QB's stats inflate. He made others better Terrell Owens would have never been this good without rice, Owens even admits that.

Uhh... what about all the teams with a kick-ass receiver(s) that still suck balls? MAYBE you could make an argument about Jerry Rice, but how often does a receiver like that come around? You make the QB position sound so easy; a QB makes or breaks your team... period. He's the captain. There is absolutely NOTHING overrated about the position.

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