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Most Overrated QB


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Brady is the only one I'd raise my eyebrow at

Put him on a team that is truly struggling and see what happen. I think Brady benefit from being in the perfect system for him. I want to see him play on a team like say the Texans.

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I have a few a couple of them may raise some eyebrows:

Michael Vick

Tom Brady

Brett Favre

Matt Hasselback

Hrmm... I though Matt was overrated also until I watched him play last year. The boy has some speed and can make very impressive throws on the run. He was definitely a top 5 QB to me last year. I'm also not sure how superbowl-winning QBs can be overrated.

I definitely agree with Vick though. He'd be my pick.

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this depends on the criteria. compared to what?

if we're comparing to last season alone:amount of press received, favre is overrated.

if we're comparing the career in it's entirety:amount of press received after it's done i'd say namath.

if we're comparing their standard performance against the standard of their position, then Vick has probably got the worst ratio of them all. what i don't agree with is calling the guy's whole career a bust when they are only 4 or 5 years in.

personally, i'd say eli guided his team to right about where they should have been- and while he gets a lot of press due to his location and family pedigree, it's not that off kilter.

and yes, alex smith was a #1 pick, but it's not like he was ever touted for arm-strength, and everyone knew he was on a ***** team, so he's got to get a pass, along with Carr.

as far as brady... please. that's crazy talk. who was ever out there saying he had the physical tools? once his team accomplished multiple championships, can you really say any part of it was overrated?

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He was a decent qb but he gets too much credit. cowboys offense was rideing emmit smith, aikman was decent but his stats are no better then patrick ramsey. Iam not takeing anything away from him i just think he gets too much credit;)

wait wait wait....what about those who say Emmitt was over rated? I know I know I know...it was the OL because Irving was crack head and over rated as well. or maybe it was all Moose Johnston.

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To say that Tom Brady is overrated is stupid. Had he not been on the Patriots last year they wouldn't have made the playoffs.

Put anyone in Belichick system and they would succeed Bledsoe had success under Belichick. That is my opinion and many others have said the same thing and I will stick with no matter if you agree with it or not.

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Hrmm... I though Matt was overrated also until I watched him play last year. The boy has some speed and can make very impressive throws on the run. He was definitely a top 5 QB to me last year. I'm also not sure how superbowl-winning QBs can be overrated.

I definitely agree with Vick though. He'd be my pick.

Oh give me a break people on here and say Big Ben is overrated. Didn't he just win the superbowl?

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What was his QB rating in that Super Bowl?

It doesn't matter did he win or not ? . So according to some people reasoning because he didn't have the big numbers in the big game that makes him overrated but yet some one said not sure that a Qb that wins the superbowl is overrated. Roeth did win the superbowl if i am not mistaking . He made the plays he had to make to put his team in to position to win the game . You do not have to throw over 300 yds to be a good QB or even a great QB . It's the little things that you do to put your team in to position to win games that counts.

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Michael Vick's teams win more than they lose, and that is due in a large part to him. As for Eli, he only has 2 years behind him.

My short list:

Ben Roethlisberger - won the SB, but Pittsburgh has created a situation for him where all he has to do is not screw up too badly to win. He is a fine QB, but people want to put him in with the elite QBs, and he just isn't there - yet.

Steve McNair - has people thinking that the Ravens are headed to the playoffs - and not just Ravens' fans. Why? He is beyond his prime, he's playing banged-up every week, and his recent Tennessee teams haven't been beating anybody. He can't make up for that O-line. Neither can Brett Favre - the difference is no one has Favre taking his team to the playoffs.

Aaron Brooks - most people know this guy stinks, but the fact that some people don't combined with the fact that he still has a job, combine to get him on this list.

Rex Grossman - maybe he is the Bears missing peice, but he hasn't proven anything yet.

Dante Culpepper - as Chandler Bing would say, could this BE any more obvious?

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What was his QB rating in that Super Bowl?

I'm sorry but what Roethlisberger has accomplished in his first two years is nothing short of phenomenal. If you are trying to defend Eli you would do well not to try to denigrate Roethlisberger because Eli's accomplishments fall well short of his.

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I'm sorry but what Roethlisberger has accomplished in his first two years is nothing short of phenomenal. If you are trying to defend Eli you would do well not to try to denigrate Roethlisberger because Eli's accomplishments fall well short of his.

No. What ROETHLISBERGER'S TEAM has accomplished over his first two year's is phenomenal. Roethlisberger gets a disproportionate share of credit for his team's successes (which is true of most QBs but doubly true in Ben's case given his role). That is a textbook defintion of overrated.

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I'm sorry but what Roethlisberger has accomplished in his first two years is nothing short of phenomenal. If you are trying to defend Eli you would do well not to try to denigrate Roethlisberger because Eli's accomplishments fall well short of his.

I'm not trying to put BR down to build EM up, but to say Roethlisberger was the reason the Steelers won that Super Bowl...that's just not accurate at all.

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No. What ROETHLISBERGER'S TEAM has accomplished over his first two year's is phenomenal. Roethlisberger gets a disproportionate share of credit for his team's successes (which is true of most QBs but doubly true in Ben's case given his role). That is a textbook defintion of overrated.

You make it sound like any QB could have gotten in and taken the team to the Super Bowl. I know Roethlisberger is great just by watching how the team plays without him in the lineup. They would have never won if Tommy Maddox were starting for them.

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Michael Vick's teams win more than they lose, and that is due in a large part to him. As for Eli, he only has 2 years behind him.

My short list:

Ben Roethlisberger - won the SB, but Pittsburgh has created a situation for him where all he has to do is not screw up too badly to win. He is a fine QB, but people want to put him in with the elite QBs, and he just isn't there - yet.

Steve McNair - has people thinking that the Ravens are headed to the playoffs - and not just Ravens' fans. Why? He is beyond his prime, he's playing banged-up every week, and his recent Tennessee teams haven't been beating anybody. He can't make up for that O-line. Neither can Brett Favre - the difference is no one has Favre taking his team to the playoffs.

Aaron Brooks - most people know this guy stinks, but the fact that some people don't combined with the fact that he still has a job, combine to get him on this list.

Rex Grossman - maybe he is the Bears missing peice, but he hasn't proven anything yet.

Dante Culpepper - as Chandler Bing would say, could this BE any more obvious?

McNair will not make a difference.. Ravens has other issues they are getting old in some key positions that OL isn't as good as they were the last several years. I do not think anyone really fears that defense like they may have in the past.

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What was his QB rating in that Super Bowl?

Come to think about it what was Eli's QB rating in that game against the Panthers. I seem to have forgotten what it was?. Now does that in any way take away from what Eli did this past season because he played a poor game. Stats are great but sometimes you have to look beyond those stats. Players that may not have great stats in a game but still contribute to help your team win that is all that matters. I guess that is what I am saying.

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Come to think about it what was Eli's QB rating in that game against the Panthers. I seem to have forgotten what it was?. Now does that in any way take away from what Eli did this past season because he played a poor game. Stats are great but sometimes you have to look beyond those stats. Players that may not have great stats in a game but still contribute to help your team win that is all that matters. I guess that is what I am saying.

I agree...but was Big Ben the reason he won the Super Bowl? I'd say their defense, WRs (including ARE), and some breaks by the refs had a lot to do with it, not Ben's 2 interceptions.

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It doesn't matter did he win or not ? . So according to some people reasoning because he didn't have the big numbers in the big game that makes him overrated but yet some one said not sure that a Qb that wins the superbowl is overrated. Roeth did win the superbowl if i am not mistaking . He made the plays he had to make to put his team in to position to win the game . You do not have to throw over 300 yds to be a good QB or even a great QB . It's the little things that you do to put your team in to position to win games that counts.

You're confusing me. I said it didn't make sense to me that Superbowl-winning QBs could be labeled as overrated. I agree with you 100% and that was the point I was trying to make.

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Put anyone in Belichick system and they would succeed Bledsoe had success under Belichick. That is my opinion and many others have said the same thing and I will stick with no matter if you agree with it or not.

Belichick's offensive system? I'd credit Charlie Weiss, but give Brady his due. I think the Pats were 5-11 Belichick's first year with Bledsoe as the starter. Year 2 the Pats got off to an 0-2 start when Bledsoe goes down and Brady comes in. The rest is DYNASTY.

Plus the Pats were a beaten up team last year. Brady carried them through parts of the season. And he did it with a sports hernia. McNabb shelved himself due to a sports hernia.

Brady's the real deal.

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Belichick's offensive system? I'd credit Charlie Weiss, but give Brady his due. I think the Pats were 5-11 Belichick's first year with Bledsoe as the starter. Year 2 the Pats got off to an 0-2 start when Bledsoe goes down and Brady comes in. The rest is DYNASTY.

Plus the Pats were a beaten up team last year. Brady carried them through parts of the season. And he did it with a sports hernia. McNabb shelved himself due to a sports hernia.

Brady's the real deal.

I give him some credit but I do not believe he is the second coming of Joe Montana like all the media is making this guy out to be. I do not buy in to hype of the media . I think I am intelligent enough and have enough knowledge of the game to draw my own conclusion. I do not agree with the masses because the media goes on and on about a player . That doesn't mean I have to agree with it oh because the media is having a love fest with the player does that mean I have to as well. I think not.

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