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Mexico vs Angola (R)


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I don't really watch soccer so I'm not an expert, but I've been making an attempt. Mexico looked terrible, imo. Also, Angola's goalie was nuts.

But any sport in which the announcer says "This tie was as good as a win" is kinda gay.

BTW -- what was the ® for in the title?? :whoknows:

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I've been stuck in traffic. I hate to semi-hijack, but if you drive, I hate you and wish you nothing but pain and suffering(please note the lack of a smilie).

As to the game, I'm very happy with this outcome. I consider myself pro immigration, but Mexico's really pissing me off. :wavetowel

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But any sport in which the announcer says "This tie was as good as a win" is kinda gay.

That announcer was gay, PERIOD.

Every time a player missed a shot on goal, he would so observantly point out, "Now THAT'S a shot that he'd really like to have back"

DUHH !!! NO ****, Sherlock !!

And when he wasn't making stupid comments like that, he kept pointing out mundane things about his hometown of Tampa, as if we care.

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You seem to be the soccer expert on this board. Explain to me how the US got thrown into such a tough group while Mexico, who we've got the better of as of late, was thrown into such an easy one?


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You seem to be the soccer expert on this board. Explain to me how the US got thrown into such a tough group while Mexico, who we've got the better of as of late, was thrown into such an easy one?


It all has got to do with seedings. Meixco were (unjustly?) given a #1 seed, grouped with the other 7 judged "best" teams: Germany, England, Brazil, France, etc., meaning that none of the #1 seeds could be in the same group. The rest of the teams were seeded based on continent, so no two South American/African teams would be grouped together, and thus, the US were seeded in the "third group."

Because Mexico we given a top seed, they were guarenteed to be in an easier group, and the US missed out on such an opportunity. Had the US been given a #1 seed over Mexico, like some predicted, then they would have been drawn into a significantly easier group.

Hope I explained it well enough?

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Yep. Thanks.

Haven't we beat Mexico like two of the last three times we've played them?

We've beaten them 4 times and tied them once in the last 6 outings. We have a 7-2-1 record in our last 10 games with them, dating back to 2000.

(History of US' results: http://www.sover.net/~spectrum/usamen2.html)

Still, Fifa has made some unexplainable decisions.

EDIT: I should note that the US has never beaten Mexico in Mexico.

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I think they base it also on past World Cup performances. Since we laid an egg in 98, we get a lower seed.

But we advanced to the Quarterfinals in 02, demolishing Mexico 2-0 and losing to Germany despite outplaying them 1-0.

Ah well, thems the breaks.

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