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Party Urges Jefferson To Leave Committee


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Party Urges Jefferson To Leave Committee

House Democrats Vote Against Target of Probe

By Shailagh Murray

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, June 16, 2006; A04

Democrats voted last night to strip Rep. William J. Jefferson (La.) of a plum committee assignment while he is embroiled in a federal bribery investigation.

The 99 to 58 vote followed weeks of public and private wrangling, as Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) sought to take a strong election-year stance on ethics, while Jefferson's allies -- mainly fellow members of the Congressional Black Caucus -- protested that he was being singled out for unfair treatment.

Jefferson left immediately after voting and said he would spend the evening considering his next move.

"I'm just going to go to my office," Jefferson said. "I'm just going to wait and see."

If he refuses to step aside from the Ways and Means Committee, as urged by the Democratic Caucus, the next step would be a vote on the House floor to remove him from the prestigious committee. Even his allies want to avoid that.

Black Caucus members said their concern was the lack of any rule pertaining to lawmakers in Jefferson's situation. He has not been indicted in the case but could face serious charges. Jefferson says he is innocent of wrongdoing.

Before the Democratic Caucus met, Jefferson offered to resign under two conditions: that a rule be written establishing that any member under investigation may be asked to step aside, regardless of whether charges are filed; and that Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-La.), whose district adjoins Jefferson's, be named his temporary replacement on Ways and Means.

Pelosi declined the offer.

"Our concern is that the rule is really political expediency," said Rep. Melvin Watt (N.C.), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. Rep. Danny K. Davis (Ill.) said the legal question was foremost. "I don't think this has to do with race," Davis said. "Members of the Democratic Caucus are above and beyond that."

Not all of the resolution's opponents were black caucus members. Some sought a new rule that would apply to Jefferson's situation, so members could debate language on the books. Rep. Steven R. Rothman (N.J.) moved to table the resolution to remove Jefferson until the issue had been addressed, but that failed 91 to 61.

The investigation involves Jefferson's alleged role in African business dealings. The pressure from Pelosi and others was stepped up when the FBI revealed it videotaped Jefferson accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from a government witness, explaining that he would pass it on to the vice president of Nigeria to assist in a telecommunications deal. All but $10,000 of the cash was later found in Jefferson's freezer in his Washington home.

Jefferson has refused repeated behind-the-scenes entreaties, including those by several prominent Black Caucus members, to voluntarily step aside. Venting his frustration in an op-ed column Saturday in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, he accused Pelosi of playing politics with his career and reputation.

"Her behavior is rooted in a political strategy she believes will enable the Democrats to gain the majority in the House and realize her dream of becoming Speaker of the House, which disregards the interests of the people of Louisiana, ignores firmly established House precedent, and fails to observe the rules of fairness and nondiscrimination," Jefferson wrote.

He noted that he has not been charged with a crime, and that "historically, even when a member of Congress has been so charged, he or she steps aside from a committee or subcommittee chairmanship, but not from the committee itself."

Pelosi denied that she is being unfairly harsh. "I told all my colleagues, anybody with $90,000 in their freezer, you have a problem at that point."

Jefferson and some of his Black Caucus allies have noted Pelosi's relative silence on the legal troubles facing Rep. Alan B. Mollohan (D-W.Va.), whose commercial investments are being scrutinized by federal investigators for potential connections to his duties as a member of the Appropriations Committee.

Mollohan acknowledged this week that he misstated more than a dozen transactions on his financial disclosure forms and said he had amended them "to correct any inaccurate impressions about my finances." He resigned earlier this year as the ranking Democrat on the House ethics committee but retains his Appropriations Committee seat.

One of Jefferson's former business partners, Vernon L. Jackson, and a former top aide, Brett M. Pfeffer, have pleaded guilty in the investigation, confessing to conspiring to bribe Jefferson.

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The Democratic Caucus stopped by Jefferson's home last night for an impromtu get together. When Jefferson apologized that he wasn't prepared with refreshments for them, they said: "Don't worry about it, we'll just have whatever you've got in the fridge".

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The Democratic Caucus stopped by Jefferson's home last night for an impromtu get together. When Jefferson apologized that he wasn't prepared with refreshments for them, they said: "Don't worry about it, we'll just have whatever you've got in the fridge".

Quick, sharp, funny....I like it!!!! :laugh:

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so the Defeaticrats vote to kick off the black guy, but white guys Alan Mollohan in West Virginia, Patrick Kennedy and Harry Reid get to keep their seats?

sounds like the defeaticrats are racists..

Nice try, but a blatant 90k in the freezer is a bit different than drunk driving or whatever amorphous thing that you are accusing Harry Reid of these days. If ore comes out, Harry Reid may be forced to step down from his post.

I seem to recall your man DeLay digging in his heels for a while. And Hastert is still in charge, despite the ever-growing turd pile outside his door.

Bottom line is that Pelosi took a stand, kicked out a corrupt SOB from her own side, and it was the right thing to do.

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Guest Gichin13

Not down at all with Pelosi, but I agree that crooks should not be holding powerful committee assignments.

Fry this guy. Fry Delay. Fry all these unethical ****s in my book.

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I just LOVE how the repubs here are saying this is a bad thing :doh: They STILL don't get it, why am I not surprised. . . <sigh>

Oh, they get it just fine. They just want to make sure that the more stupid and gullible members of their following do not get it.

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Nice job by the dems.

I just LOVE how the repubs here are saying this is a bad thing :doh: They STILL don't get it, why am I not surprised. . . <sigh>

he hasnt been charged with any wrongdoing,so why was he kicked off?delay was INDICTED,big difference.
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so the Defeaticrats vote to kick off the black guy, but white guys Alan Mollohan in West Virginia, Patrick Kennedy and Harry Reid get to keep their seats?

sounds like the defeaticrats are racists..

Wow, those other three have been videotaped taking bribes and had 90 grand in their freezer, too?

The liberal media must be suppressing the story.

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Oh, they get it just fine. They just want to make sure that the more stupid and gullible members of their following do not get it.

That was kind of my point, I was not refering to those in power, but the lemmings when I said "republicans"

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Oh, they get it just fine. They just want to make sure that the more stupid and gullible members of their following do not get it.

I think it goes beyond that. I think the Republicans are trying to foment a rift between the Congressional Black Caucus (and like-minded individuals) and the rest of the Democrat establishment.

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I think it goes beyond that. I think the Republicans are trying to foment a rift between the Congressional Black Caucus (and like-minded individuals) and the rest of the Democrat establishment.

What? The republicans want to do that?

ONLY the Dems can do that with kicking him off "before" he's charged. Once he was charged they could have done it with no issues...

I agree with what they are doing, but understand that when white people have problems they seem to not be kicked out as dems...

*disclaimer* The Republicans are still up 40% on the corruption part...

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What? The republicans want to do that?

Let's see. Would the Republicans like to have the opposing party undergo a rancorous division right before an election they're afraid of?


Uh, yeah.

Now, it is true that it is the Democrats are the ones actually picking and choosing which "under investigation" members stay on powerful committees, and which ones are, uh, "asked" to go, but I sure do see a lot of people onm the Republican side who had always espoused color blind politics suddenly taking note of Mr. Jefferson's race.

Of course, that's politics for you.

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