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Our depth, among other things


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The D line, w/ Arch or Taylor and our Lbs should be able to shut down the run (although I'm a little concerned about teams running at Carter, especially if Holdman is behind him). Our pass rush should be improved this year with the additions of Carter and Arch, as well as the ability to rotate DEs and DTs (which should boost run D too).

Marshall and either Taylor or Arch should be able to cover the middle of the field... the only question marks for me are outside the hash marks. I like our CB and Safety situation (who wouldn't!), but the depth concerns me.

Sure Wright should be a very solid nickel and we could do worse than Jimoh as our Dime back, but if Springs and Rogers take turns w/ injuries like last year?

Prioleau provides decent depth, but I believe he's lost a step and would struggle against the stacked TEs we face this year. With both of our S being such heavy hitters, it seems like the potential to miss time is more likely than w/ a Ryan Clark type S.

The other potential soft spot is the Mike position.... I love Marshall there, but I would be seriously concerned if he went down. I know the Will spot seems like the ?, and it is, but I feel like we have quite a few decent options there. I also think that having Washington and Marshall and our safeties would allow us to (as GreggW put it) mask the weaknesses of the WLB.

The Mike spot concerns me because of this: two years ago, I remember Marshall saying that he soaked up everything the coaches taught/told Pierce, which enabled him to replace him so well. Of course it doesn't hurt that Marshall has the safety experience which makes him a good cover LB.

Who, though, do we have this year that is in the same learning position as Marshall was?

The one answer I come up w/ is Mccune... he is a big ? (pretty impressive being the ? and answer in the same sentence, huh?) The good news is he got some ST experience late last year, which tells me the coaches gained confidence in him as he learned. I believe this is far more important than the fact that he looks like the HULK and is fast.

Whew... that wore me out.... anyone want to respond to this babbling jibberish that I call "my first thread ever"

:point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky


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i have the same worry about the secondary, but im not that concerned about LB's. somehow, anyone GW plugs in there seems to do fine, and we have a lot of bodies at LB. im just hopin that we can pick up just one more solid dime back.

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C'mon everybody worries a little too much. We have no reason to be pessimistic with what we have going this year. If any teams starting CB, safety, OR LB went down they would be in trouble.

Yeah, you can't be totally set and deep at every position. Injuries are a fact of life in the NFL, and will probably stop us from going 16-0. Keep in mind, our depth seems weak in part because our starters are so good. If the starters weren't very good, it would seem like we were really deep because we'd just say, "If so-and-so goes down, so-and-so can come in and we won't miss a beat." Now that we have (for example) Rogers and Springs at CB, it suddenly seems like a crisis when you think about "What if we lose Rogers or Springs??" (Yes I know they both went down last year, but like I said, it happens.) The good thing is that we have a good set of starters and a solid pool of backups for the times that the starters are not around. Let's hope the starters are around as much as possible (and not, for example, suspended due to spitting or to incidents involving stolen ATVs).

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i have the same worry about the secondary, but im not that concerned about LB's. somehow, anyone GW plugs in there seems to do fine, and we have a lot of bodies at LB. im just hopin that we can pick up just one more solid dime back.

It would nice to have one more solid guy in the secondary in addition to Springs, Rogers, Wright, Archuleta, Taylor, and Prioleau - ideally a young guy who can learn as a backup while not taking much space on the salary cap. I'm predicting it will be one guy from among Christian Morton, Dmitri Patterson, Ade Jimoh, Reed Doughty, and Dennard Wilson. I like what I've seen from Patterson so far, so I'm hoping it works out for him. I think Jimoh and Doughty have an edge because of potential on special teams, though, so hopefully one of them can also contribute as a dime back. It seems like Jimoh is getting better, but I guess that might not be saying a lot. I get the impression Doughty is not a great coverage guy (yet) so he might not be the best option right now.

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I've been saying this all along, it would be nice to add one more guy in our secondary....I believe we will get another body back there if someone gets cut from another team and becomes a FA. This Someone however is someone who GW knows a great deal about, talent wise.

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Wright was a solid starter on a top pass defense a year ago. Yet, we're fretting because he's our third corner? Come on. Wright is the very definition of quality depth. He has proven to be a capable, if not top starter. He's in reserve. If we have injury he can step in and hold the position down, if not make the Pro Bowl.

People have to understand the difference between having depth and having the fictional 53 Pro Bowl players some think we must need to achieve depth. Few enough teams have a reasonably young third corner with starting experience on a top defense and good size on the roster.

We have a competitive situation at linebacker where you can envision something good happening if someone steps forward there. In all, the team has about as much depth as any team's going to have in the cap era. But, as with any team, if injuries strike a particular area, we're toast.

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The D line, w/ Arch or Taylor and our Lbs should be able to shut down the run (although I'm a little concerned about teams running at Carter, especially if Holdman is behind him). Our pass rush should be improved this year with the additions of Carter and Arch, as well as the ability to rotate DEs and DTs (which should boost run D too).

Marshall and either Taylor or Arch should be able to cover the middle of the field... the only question marks for me are outside the hash marks. I like our CB and Safety situation (who wouldn't!), but the depth concerns me.

Sure Wright should be a very solid nickel and we could do worse than Jimoh as our Dime back, but if Springs and Rogers take turns w/ injuries like last year?

Prioleau provides decent depth, but I believe he's lost a step and would struggle against the stacked TEs we face this year. With both of our S being such heavy hitters, it seems like the potential to miss time is more likely than w/ a Ryan Clark type S.

The other potential soft spot is the Mike position.... I love Marshall there, but I would be seriously concerned if he went down. I know the Will spot seems like the ?, and it is, but I feel like we have quite a few decent options there. I also think that having Washington and Marshall and our safeties would allow us to (as GreggW put it) mask the weaknesses of the WLB.

The Mike spot concerns me because of this: two years ago, I remember Marshall saying that he soaked up everything the coaches taught/told Pierce, which enabled him to replace him so well. Of course it doesn't hurt that Marshall has the safety experience which makes him a good cover LB.

Who, though, do we have this year that is in the same learning position as Marshall was?

The one answer I come up w/ is Mccune... he is a big ? (pretty impressive being the ? and answer in the same sentence, huh?) The good news is he got some ST experience late last year, which tells me the coaches gained confidence in him as he learned. I believe this is far more important than the fact that he looks like the HULK and is fast.

Whew... that wore me out.... anyone want to respond to this babbling jibberish that I call "my first thread ever"

:point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky


you're right about the jibbersish. Last year on one of Taylors fumble returns for a TD, Prioleau nearly caught Sean from behind trying to escort him into the endzone. Lost a step? Where did you get that information?

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Here's our defensive rankings against the pass last year according to footballoutsiders:

Against :

#1 reciever rank =4

#2 reciever rank = 15

other reciever rank = 8

tight end rank = 9

rb rank = 2

Now Jacksonville, which is where Wright came from, had these rankings:

#1 reciever rank =12

#2 reciever rank = 8

other reciever rank = 19

tight end rank = 4

rb rank = 17

I'm not too sure where Wright fit into all of that, but I believe he was the number 2 guy wasn't he? I'm not sure on that point. However, Jac's rankings are all respectable and Wright coming in as our third CB will probably prove to be an upgrade.

Hopefully our CB's stay healthy this season. If they do, I expect we'll do awfully well against the pass.

Here are the complete rankings

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I just l went to NFL.com and looked for Wright in all the gamebooks for Jac.

I noticed a couple of things

1: the good majority of completions that he's credited for after a reception are in the single digit to teens range. He had a long of 41 yards, then one of 33 yards and I think like three that were in the 24-22 yard range. Of course the gamebook doesn't show TD's given up, or if the receptions were on him, but the numbers it does show are pretty flippin' good.

2. I noticed he got a lot of penalties. Most of them illegal contact or pass interference. There must have been 10 or so on him. Hopefully he can curb those habits some this coming year.

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Wright was a solid starter on a top pass defense a year ago. Yet, we're fretting because he's our third corner? Come on. Wright is the very definition of quality depth. He has proven to be a capable, if not top starter. He's in reserve. If we have injury he can step in and hold the position down, if not make the Pro Bowl.

People have to understand the difference between having depth and having the fictional 53 Pro Bowl players some think we must need to achieve depth. Few enough teams have a reasonably young third corner with starting experience on a top defense and good size on the roster.

Well put - we can't have all-pros as backups at every position. Wright is not that young, but I agree with the sentiment about his experience and size.

2. I noticed he got a lot of penalties. Most of them illegal contact or pass interference. There must have been 10 or so on him. Hopefully he can curb those habits some this coming year.

I take it he is the physical type of CB that Gregg Williams prefers. I think those types of penalties just go with the territory when you are a physical player. Of course, we do want him to minimize the number of penalties. It can be a real killer - just look at Ahmad Carroll of the Packers over the last couple of years. Good thing Wright is our third CB and not (listed as) a starter.

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theres no reason to really worrie about our secondary our corners are just fine

if springs goes down then we still have Rogers and Wright(who started all 16 games for the Jags last year) then Jimoh who was suprisingly good last year and i really wouldnt mind seeing him at nickle CB because there were situations last year were he was in the nickle spot quite often with injuries to Harris Rogers and Springs and at times he was even our #2 CB so really there is no reason to worry

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The D line, w/ Arch or Taylor and our Lbs should be able to shut down the run (although I'm a little concerned about teams running at Carter, especially if Holdman is behind him). Our pass rush should be improved this year with the additions of Carter and Arch, as well as the ability to rotate DEs and DTs (which should boost run D too).

Marshall and either Taylor or Arch should be able to cover the middle of the field... the only question marks for me are outside the hash marks. I like our CB and Safety situation (who wouldn't!), but the depth concerns me.

Sure Wright should be a very solid nickel and we could do worse than Jimoh as our Dime back, but if Springs and Rogers take turns w/ injuries like last year?

Prioleau provides decent depth, but I believe he's lost a step and would struggle against the stacked TEs we face this year. With both of our S being such heavy hitters, it seems like the potential to miss time is more likely than w/ a Ryan Clark type S.

The other potential soft spot is the Mike position.... I love Marshall there, but I would be seriously concerned if he went down. I know the Will spot seems like the ?, and it is, but I feel like we have quite a few decent options there. I also think that having Washington and Marshall and our safeties would allow us to (as GreggW put it) mask the weaknesses of the WLB.

The Mike spot concerns me because of this: two years ago, I remember Marshall saying that he soaked up everything the coaches taught/told Pierce, which enabled him to replace him so well. Of course it doesn't hurt that Marshall has the safety experience which makes him a good cover LB.

Who, though, do we have this year that is in the same learning position as Marshall was?

The one answer I come up w/ is Mccune... he is a big ? (pretty impressive being the ? and answer in the same sentence, huh?) The good news is he got some ST experience late last year, which tells me the coaches gained confidence in him as he learned. I believe this is far more important than the fact that he looks like the HULK and is fast.

Whew... that wore me out.... anyone want to respond to this babbling jibberish that I call "my first thread ever"

:point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky :point2sky


I agree w/ you on our depth at Mike, thats what I love about GW, he can plug guys in at different spots and still be sucessful w/ it. Our personnel allows us to interchange guys on D alot. Don't be suprised to see Mccune, Clemons, Holdman, or even Rocky playing multiple lber spots. Holdman's a vet and can fill in at any lber spot, Mccune has shown strides to getting more playing time, Clemons has also proved he can come in and make a difference, and Rocky sounds like he could be anywhere from good to great, its all on him and if he really wants to be great or not.

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I agree w/ you on our depth at Mike, thats what I love about GW, he can plug guys in at different spots and still be sucessful w/ it. Our personnel allows us to interchange guys on D alot. Don't be suprised to see Mccune, Clemons, Holdman, or even Rocky playing multiple lber spots. Holdman's a vet and can fill in at any lber spot, Mccune has shown strides to getting more playing time, Clemons has also proved he can come in and make a difference, and Rocky sounds like he could be anywhere from good to great, its all on him and if he really wants to be great or not.

Thanks... I thought everyone believed me to be crazy. Again, the only concern w/ the MLB spot is that this person(Marshall) is the QB of the defense. We've spent so much time talking about our QB depth on other threads I just thought it was time to talk about the same thing on the other side of the ball. I like all of our young LBs, just wasn't sure if any were ready to lead the D. Maybe Marcus would step in as the leader...

As for secondary, I definitely think we/ve upgraded since last year... it was just all part of the "analysis". Certainly Wright is a bit of a wildcard, but I'm confident in the coaches and I think he's an upgrade over harris.:2cents:

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you're right about the jibbersish. Last year on one of Taylors fumble returns for a TD, Prioleau nearly caught Sean from behind trying to escort him into the endzone. Lost a step? Where did you get that information?

You're too kind! You're also very correct... somehow I had convinced myself that he was 32 (hence my assumbtion that he'd lost a step since his "youth", maybe I was confusing him with omar.

Is the rest jibberish? I don't believe in throwing out everything someone says if you believe that one thing they say is wrong (not saying that's the only thing wrong w/ what I wrote!). Just curious about everyone's take on the Mike position as well as our depth beyond pierson "I'm faster than Taylor" prioleau.

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