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Is there Room?


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I don't have an answer, but I was thinking about that the other day. I started going through an estimate of how many players we'll keep at each position(and who and why).

Drum rolllllll...

I know this is speculation and feel free to ignore me, but it's the damned offseason!

I think we keep 3 pure DTs this year ... Griff and Joe obviously, and killings (am I right that they carried 4 last year (boschetti and killings as backups?). Evans, Wynn, and Daniels can all rotate in. Because we basically added a DE in Carter, I think we consider Evans and Wynn as "tweener" to save a roster spot.

That said, I think Golston, Montgomery or both end up on the ps

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I think we keep 4 DT's. Corny, Big Joe, then two more spots for Killings, Montgomery, Golston. Boschetti seems to be on his way out, or we wouldn't have drafted two DT's.

Wynn, Daniels, and Evans have experience at DT, but Evans is definitely not the DT type. Daniels will remain mostly at RE, Carter at LE. Evans and Wynn as backups. I think that gives pretty good versatility along the line.

I would have automatically written off Killings, but then I realized that he has done well in two stints with NFL Euro.

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I think we keep 4 DT's. Corny, Big Joe, then two more spots for Killings, Montgomery, Golston. Boschetti seems to be on his way out, or we wouldn't have drafted two DT's.

Wynn, Daniels, and Evans have experience at DT, but Evans is definitely not the DT type. Daniels will remain mostly at RE, Carter at LE. Evans and Wynn as backups. I think that gives pretty good versatility along the line.

I would have automatically written off Killings, but then I realized that he has done well in two stints with NFL Euro.

I was thinking about the same... just trying to figure where we get the extra roster spot from, which is why I wrote of boschetti... do we go w/ one less LB, or WR, or CB?

tough call... what a sweet problem to have! :cheers:

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I think we will end up keeping 8 D-Lineman on the final roster....

Daniels, Wynn, Big Joe, Griffin, Carter and Evans are locks...I think they both have a shot at the final roster its really up to them and how they perform. Killings is 29 years old and I am sure we could get the same number of snaps from one of the youngsters with not much of a production dropoff. Bochetti and Clemons are history.....

I could see GW keeping one of the UDFA DE's maybe Joe Sykes, who I heard is really athletic but needs alot of fundamental work/teaching and who better to do it then Mr. Blache?

If I was betting on it....The 6 guys above with Sykes and Montgomery only because he was drafted higher, Golston could probably pass through waivers a little easier and get signed to the practice squad. Keep in mind that only 6 or 7 of these guys will be active on gameday so even though they might be on the roster doesn't mean they will play a whole lot.

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I figured one would make the PS. The other will need to really impress. Tough decisons come final cut down.

Yeah, in the end it seems like we're going to have to cut some DL guys who we would rather keep. I obviously like Griffin and Salave'a but I'm also hoping we hang on to Boschetti and Killings (due to experience) as well as Montgomery (due to his size). I can see the case for keeping the other guys though. Then again, you never know how things will play out with injuries or whatever (e.g. Brandon Noble), so at this point it's nice to have an excess of guys who we would like to keep.

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If Montgomery and Golston can both play in the NFL, it would be a big mistake to put one of them on the PS. DT's are at a premium and I believe that any decent DT on a practice squad will be claimed by another team.
Agreed, if it turns out that they both are good enough to make the roster then some of the older guys might have to go, Big Joe possibly. That would certainly be a tough call and we have a very experienced coaching staff that I trust will make the right choice at all the right places.
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There struggle is in the fact that GW likes to have 7 D-lineman active on Sundays. Right now I would say there are 6 that are more or less guaranteed to make the squad:







The final spot will be a battle between Killings, Boschetti and the two rookies. I think it is a given that one of these guys will at least make the PS, and there is always the chance one of the vet's gets injured, but for now, the #'s are not in their favor. :2cents:

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