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Prison Stories


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No time ever served, but one hell of a bad day once.

It was either 1979 or 80, and a great summer saturday. Me and Tommy were heading to Six flags in NJ. to catch the Marshall Tucker concert there that night. We're loaded for bear with the party supplies, and we're crusing down the Jersey turnpike in my 67 Mustang.

I spot a Jersey state trooper in the median, and check my speed...... no problem, we're right at the speed limit. As I pass the cop, his lights come on and takes off after me. I pulled over fairly fast, got my licence, reg, and ins card from my whalet. Next thing I know, I have a pistol inches from my head, and a cop screaming to keep our hands in sight. :yikes: He makes us get out of the car, prone position against the side as another trooper shows up.

I still didn't know why he needed back up, or drew his pistol for to semi-stoned hippied out guys. Within a minute or so, we were searched, cuffed and placed in the car. A twenty minute ride with the cop telling us to shut up at the slightest sound we made. I don't even know what town we were nearest to.

Then, while in a small room with a plain cloths cop questioning me, I found out what all the fuss was over. Two laog haired guys in an early model white mustang with black top robbed a gas station and were seen getting on the turnpike :doh: To complicate matters, the vin tag was not on my car. I had just finished the body work and paint, and hadn't rivited it back into the door jam.

So he leads me out of the room and cuffs me to a coat rack mounted to the brick wall :( and takes Tommy into the litle room. I must have been there for a half hour when another cop goes into the room. They all come out, and lead Tommy away. The plain cloths cop come back and tells me that they just caught the actual guys who rolled the gas station. I was expecting to be uncuffed.................nope :mad: Because my vin tag was not on the car, they were checking to see if the car was actually the one the reg said it was, or weather it was stolen :doh:

So, I stood for about another 45 minutes waiting cuffed to the rack. When they finally released me, the cop handed me a voucher to get the car out of the impound. Bastages wouldn't even give us a ride, and had to use a pay phone to call a cab to get to the impound yard.

The cars interior was trashed from them searching, and all our beer was gone. As luck would have it, my special hiding place wasn't found, which I knew already or we would have been booked some time before for the grass stashed there. We should have been to six flags by 1pm the latest, and rolled into the parking lot at about 5 :doh:

We hooked up with some other friends who had lots of beer, and the rest of the night was grand :D

I've also gotten hasteled for sleeping under the boardwalk in Asbury Park, and Seaside Hights.

God I love New Jersey :laugh:

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We'll I'd tell you guys my complete story but unfortunately I cannot because plenty people got away because myself and my friend wouldn't talk.

But long story short I sat in a Japanese jail cell for 4 months, with my friend thank God. Before being turned back over to the US govt. and was promptly sentenced me to a nice chunk of time in a federal prison.

I know most people would be ashamed but honestly that experience saved my life. I found the woman I love during that time and forged a friendship that will never die.

But as far as me and the chili-mo (child molestor). Like I said this guy had a big mouth. He was always talking about this and that, and this sick **** would talk about kids. I was so sickened by this guy that I started really going out of my way to **** with him. I'd push him down the stairs, I'd make fun of him in front of everyone, I'd knock his food tray on to the floor and even just beat him up sometimes.

Anyway he worked in the laundry with me and my friend. One day I knew he was gonna come at me, I could just feel it. But knowing that he is a ***** I knew it was gonna do it when I wasn't looking. So I told my friend to watch my back so I could catch him off guard.

Sure enough my boy gives a whistle, I spin just in time as this guy slams into me. We trade a few blows and this **** makes a comment I can't repeat but it was about my family.

God honest truth is that all the stress and rage that I had been holding in all that time, I just let go of it and let it come out. I drilled him in the jaw and grabbed the nearest iron, yanked the cord out the wall and smacked him with it upside the left side of his face. He screamed which brought attention and as I went after him again with the iron my friend tackled me and got the iron away from me.

Next thing I know there are alarms going off and I get mobbed by C.O.'s

4 months in solitary but no new charges. Turns out everyone hated the guy so they couldn't find any witness's to back up his story. Since no guards witnessed it and I didn't confess they decided to just release me after I served all my "good time".

I got out and will never go back.

I hope

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Kenzo, one of my boys in there was a Mexican dude from Colton ehhhh

Whoa...errie. What a small world. But there is a few Colton cities accross the nation. I'm from Colton, California. Any idea which Colton he is from?

On a side note, the majority of people living in Colton, CA are Mexican so it would make sense.

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Whoa...errie. What a small world. But there is a few Colton cities accross the nation. I'm from Colton, California. Any idea which Colton he is from?

On a side note, the majority of people living in Colton, CA are Mexican so it would make sense.

Yeah I kinda guessed you we're from the Cali one, you run the rides at Six Flags right?

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never been to prison but been arrested alot, one time I got arrested and they were slow on processing me and I was drunk and wanted a bunk so I made them think I was doing "magic" and they gathered me up right quick. I pissed off the processing chick and she told the wave to get me and they swarmed me with me not resisting and one of them gave me a wedgy. I looked him right in the eye and asked what grade he was in. He drove the whole mass of us into the wall and kneed my leg(gave me a couple bruises big deal). I said to the pile "does anyone notice Im not resisting" they relaxed and striped me of my socks and my shirt and threw me into the trouble tank i guess.

I walk in and there is a guy wrapped from toe to neck in toilet paper, it was the coolest thing Ive ever seen in jail(not the coolest, there was a better one). I dont blame him it was cold as f in there, and it was obviously that cold to sober us up. The rest of it was pretty cool. my buddy who got arrested with me went to the misdemeanors and they thought they were punishing me by putting me with the felons(I had a mis charge too) but later when I got out with my friend he was complaining about how stinking his tank was smelling of vomit and piss and I told him the felons were very clean and we even shared riddles.

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Pete, that sounds like something that would happen to me. Atleast you got away and still had that bud to smoke.

Bonef1de, why the hell were in a japanese jail for four months? atleast you beat the **** outta that *****. good on ya.

Heres my story.

I used to live islamabad, pakistan because of my fathers work. I attended the international school. Islamabad is where this takes place.

It was Thursday night and my brother and I were throwing a party the next day. We had called our bootlegger to hook us up with the drinks for the party. We drove past where we were supposed to meet him, but he wasnt there. We decided to drive around, smoke that J we had rolled. We do.

So were heading back to meet up with him, and as we head down this hill, we see a full police check point. I dont worry, we dont have anything on us, the j was thrown out and my bro was driving, hes not dumb (thats what i thought). So as we approach the check point, my brother decided to run. He guns its and tries to take a right (90 degree turn) at 50mph. While hes attempting to make the turn, the cops fire rubber bullets at the car and shatter the wind shield, causing tiny bits of glass to rain down on us. While this is going on, hes still taking the turn. He looses grip and we skid for 10 feet until the front right tire hits the curb and pushes the tire and axle back about a foot.

The car stalls (manual). My brother tries to restart it, but within 3 seconds thier are 15 cops with ak 47s pointed at us yelling for us to get the **** outta the car. I cant get out. the door is jammed because the axle pushed the sheet metal back. The cops pull me outta the window and throw me to the ground. My brother gets out and hes thrown to the ground. Within 30 seconds, were stuffed into the back of a police car and taken to the police station. they throw us into a holding cell.

Its just us and one other guy, whos handcuffed to the wall. Hes raggedy and dirty as hell. It was the diritest cell, with nasty blankets sprawled all over the floor. I think we were supposed to sleep on em. So I ask my brother why the **** he run. I am yelling at him, telling him he could have killed us and nearly did. He just mutters that he didnt want them to take the window tints off. I was like WTF?!?!?!?! are you retarded? you almost got us killed to save $20. I couldnt believe it. My older brother is dumber then a nail.

So after 3 hours of sitting in the cell, they let us make a phone call. We call our cousin who has "connections". He gets us out as soon he comes to the station. He had bribed them. Pakistan is soo corrupt. But we got out unhurt cept for a few scratches when we were thrown to the ground. And the reason for the check point? Presidential Elections were the next day. Damn.

Yeah, i never let my brother drive me around anymore. Thats my story of jail and police evasion in Pakistan - all before i was 18.

I have many other stories of ****ing **** up in Pakistan, but thats for another day.

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I have better stories of EVADING the police. My one jail story is pretty boring and illustrates how dumb i was when i was 18, which is to say Galactically dumb. Needless to say, the story involves lots and lots of tequila.

Pete. Great story as always. :notworthy

Bone. Good for you. I hope that iron was on and hot.

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I was cuffed up and thrown in the back of a cruiser once....

It involved a senior prank. We thought it would be funny to build a playground set in the classroom of one of our teachers. We had "access" to the classroom, and were all about the prank.

We needed lumber. We decided the Hechinger's (it was still around my senior year) would have some wood in their dumpster we could use. So, we went to Hechingers, and went to their dumpster. Sure enough, they had a bunch of lumber in there, probably left overs from cuts they had made earlier. So, we started loading up my friend's minivan.

We're about 1/4 of the way through, when about 6 cop cars come roaring into the parking lot. They stop about 10 yards from us, get out, and point their guns at us, screaming for us to get on the ground. A couple of my retarded friends run away, but I hit the ground instantly. I'm just grabbing some garbage from the dumpster, what's the big deal? Turns out my friends had effed up some jungle gym displays they'd had out front. Retards.

Anyway, long story short, they let us go. We had a plea bargain with the court, and we did work on the Hechinger's lot in stead of a conviction. I ended up missing that BS because I had to work, so I ended up having to paint the Hechinger's employee breakroom, way more work than if I'd been there with the rest of them (they had to tidy up the parking lot - paint the curbs, mow the lawns, etc.).

Anyway, it was all bogus, because we were taking from the damn garbage can. Anyway, lesson learned. I'm never doing that again!! :)

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The only time I have ever been put in jail was after a Redskin game 5 years ago. It was at fedex against none other than dallas. Tony Banks was the qb if anyone remembers. We lost it right at the end just like every other time. So I was wasted and pissed off and had been fighting with cowgirl fans the whole time when my buddy and I had the great idea off trying to rip off the hall of fame store.:doh: Here I am shoving $1200 worth of stuff down my pants staring strait at the security guard. I guess I pretended like I didnt see him and just walked right out within 10 seconds there were like 5 guards on me. They carried me away and sure enough I watch my buddy walk right by me. I get taken to the holding cell in the basement then to the PG county jail on indian head hwy. The funny part is when they searched me at the stadium they missed one jearsey. So they found it in my pant leg at the jail ( They werent very pleased). They spent about an hour trying to take my mugshot and get my finger prints but because of my trusty face paint they couldnt get ethier. I was released hours later in the middle of PG county. I wandered around for awhile looking like a crazy man with a red face ( they took all my skins stuff off including what was really mine) then finally came to a hotel. Girlfriend picked me up the next day and took me to fedex to get my car. she wasnt very happy either.

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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