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Hung Out With Clint And Santana


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Actually CP and Santana and many of our players can be found out and about in the city during the offseason. I remember when Spurrier was still our coach and the players would be out on Sat. Night before gameday. After Gibbs came back the players NEVER came out after that during the season. Just goes to show you how much the players respect Joe Gibbs and how Gibbs teaches our players the importance of focus and dedication to the Redskins organization.

Don't want to intrude on their personal lives or anything but you can check out love's old picture gallery and see some familiar faces.

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so true man...i kinda thought that in the back of my head the whole time but then again i was like oh well, im gonna enjoy it while i can, lol

Great story!! And who cares if they were genuine or not...just be thanful your cousin was with you!! :cheers: Great story, great experience!!

Riggo -- I honestly can't tell if you're serious or not...

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no one will believe you until we recieve the pictures of your cousin.

ok and thats fine, and as i said i don't care if anyone believes me, she asked me not to post her pic so im not gonna post, sorry but thats family. But regardless pics or not i just wanted to share my redskin experience with u guys.

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Sounds like a fantastic night! Thanks for sharing:cheers:


RiggoReincarnated is going to be PISSED when he hears this. Shouldn't these guys be sleeping at this hour????


No they should be reading files on all the defensive players they will have to face this year, getting in their minds and knowing how they tick, what they eat for breakfast, their wives and kids names, so they can totally own them and get in their heads on the field, this is in addition to learning Al Saunders playbook and being able to recite it verbatim.

:doh:oh, riggo!:D

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ok and thats fine, and as i said i don't care if anyone believes me, she asked me not to post her pic so im not gonna post, sorry but thats family. But regardless pics or not i just wanted to share my redskin experience with u guys.

I really don't mean to burst your bubble, but I think you are lying, because I heard TI did performed for an hour at the Love Club on Friday night, and did songs from Urban Legend, King, and Trap Muzik. Ive never met a Skins player out in public, so I don't lie and say I do.

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I really don't mean to burst your bubble, but I think you are lying, because I heard TI did performed for an hour at the Love Club on Friday night, and did songs from Urban Legend, King, and Trap Muzik. Ive never met a Skins player out in public, so I don't lie and say I do.

Umm maybe he isnt lying because it isnt that huge of a deal to see a Redskin out in public. They are humans. They do human things. Two humans saw each other at the club. People like you who jump in to tell people they are lying are really embarrasing themselves. Are you the type to piss your pants when you see a professional athlete?

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Why can't everybody just get along....

BEEEE NIIIIIICCCEEEE. stop talking out of jealousy.

congrats sabada - that is amazingly cool. i wish i was there with you. Its sweet to know that they love DC cuz we know that they aren't goin anywhere anytime soon.

^^See - thats how you respond to this thread. stop being jealous, get off your @$$ and go out, maybe it'll happen to you.

and bring along a hott cousin. :o)


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