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Displaced but Loyal

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I was born and grew up in the Richmond, VA area which, by most accounts, was decidedly 'Skins territory when I left (early 90s) and most likely remains the same (can any current Richmonders vouch for that?). I now live and work in the metro Atlanta area. College football is the "king of the south" so UGA and other SEC teams are followed pretty closely in this area. Interest in the Falcons comes and goes with the hit or miss success of that mediocre franchise, though, I suppose, there are some fans that remain loyal in spite of Atlanta's spotty success.

I have noticed there are several posters on this forum who are from all over the country (even Hawaii), many of whom claim to be 'Skins fans. It’s interesting to me that there are those who live so far away from the Maryland/D.C./Virginia area, but follow the ‘Skins nonetheless.[/color]

I have always been of the opinion that your team is like your family—no matter how far away you move from them and no matter how poorly they perform, they are still your team and you don’t stop being loyal to them just because they don’t win it all every year. But, I have run into a different breed in my travels. There are those who stop following the team they left behind and adopt the team of their new hometown. They may not stop supporting their former team altogether (their old team may become their second favorite team) but they definitely stop being the fan they once were. I’m guessing this probably happens with those who move into ‘Skins territory from somewhere else as well

How do you ‘Skins loyalists feel about this type of behavior? Do you consider sports team loyalty an interchangeable thing? Is it important to identify with the sports teams of your local area regardless of the team you grew up following? Should a displaced ‘Skins fan put aside their passion for the Burgundy and Gold to ‘fit in’ in their new locale? Is it fitting for a transplant to become a fan of the team associated with their new place of residence?

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Having lived in L.A., Boston, Atlanta, and now Charlotte, I can tell you that I have never waivered from my roots in DC and being a Redskins Fan.

Atlanta unfortunately is one of the worst sports towns I have ever lived in, or even been to. The fans cant even support the successful teams. Part of it is that so many people are not from Atlanta and continue to support the teams they grew up with, the other part is that the teams there have had limited success overall.

Being here I have yet to go to a Bobcats game in 2 years, and only one Panthers game last pre-season vs. the Redskins. Not because I cant afford it, but going to a game without a team to root for me takes some of the fun out of the whole event.

BTW - Welcome.

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How do you ‘Skins loyalists feel about this type of behavior? Do you consider sports team loyalty an interchangeable thing? Is it important to identify with the sports teams of your local area regardless of the team you grew up following? Should a displaced ‘Skins fan put aside their passion for the Burgundy and Gold to ‘fit in’ in their new locale? Is it fitting for a transplant to become a fan of the team associated with their new place of residence?

Love/hate relationship. I love other skins fans, and when they transplant and retain their loyalty...love it. Hate when fans of other teams transplant to skins territory and retain their loyalty. For example:

Last year for the Skins game vs. the Broncos (remember when Tatem Bell screwed us over) I went to my local sports bar to watch the game. Seeing as how it was my first skins season when I was over 21 I thought I would give it a shot. I went to college in a town 50 miles north of Richmond and 50 miles south of D.C....skins territory right? Well the place was packed with NFC East fans alright. 50-75 People loaded up this place with three huge projecter screens, but my two friends and I were the only skins fans in the place! The rest were split between Cowboys Fans and Eagles fans. Now I find it hard to believe that many people decided to up and move from Texas and Phili to some hole in the wall town like Fredericksburg so I decided many of them were either bandwagon jumpers or fair weather fans. But what the h***. After that I couldn't go to another sports bar in this town again, I didn't want to have to put up with the s*** storm those guys were spewing.

But anyway, I guess this lets you know about the other side of the coin. We can't play the double standard. If we do it to them then they have every right to do it to us. And they fo retain their loyalty. So I say, let's beat them at that like we beat them at everything else

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There are some fans on this board who have never been to fed ex, or RFK stadium, or even DC itself or anywhere else nearby. Some fans on this board live on the other sides of huge oceans, in funny looking countries where they speak english but a different version to yours. They say "pavement" instead of sidewalk and they call chips "crisps" and all kinds of strange shenanigans.

Despite all of these odd changes in their society, one thing does remain true. Their loyalty is as strong as yours, their fire burns as bright as any. Its not about who has the most t-shirts or who has the most autographs, or even who has been to more games or has the best seats. Its about who shouts the loudest on sundays, personally i dont care where youre from, where you live now or who you root for. If you wear the Burgundy and Gold then you shout with US on sunday.

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Well I was born in the DC area and I want to undergrad in Baltimore and after completing undergrad I moved to LA. In any case, I have always supported the Redskins, regardless of record and my location. There were times when I was in LA and I couldn't even watch the 'Skins games but I found a way and I never supported any other team. Heck, I never even supported the Lakers and they are god's gift to the west. :doh:

Anywho, I tried to go the the games when the Wizards played either the Lakers or the Clippers and I wore my blue proudly. :)

Ultimately, I hate fair weather fans and wannabee trendy fans. They actually make me sick. In the case of Atlanta, their fans are the worst. They only sellout games when the team is winning. Heck, Michael Vick cannot even draw a crowd when they are losing. Sheesh! :mad:

By the way, this is the absolute reason why I hate cowboy fans in the DC Area. When I see them on the Metro, I just want to clip them up and look that other way like nothing happened. :doh: But I just shake my head and realize that they probably don't know the game anyway...

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By the way, this is the absolute reason why I hate cowboy fans in the DC Area. When I see them on the Metro, I just want to clip them up and look that other way like nothing happened. But I just shake my head and realize that they probably don't know the game anyway...

It's so true too...

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I went to 1st and 2nd grade in Richmond, Va back in the late 70's and fell in love with the skins. Then we moved to Houston for 2 years then San Jose, Califorina for 20 years and now Southern California.

I've have always bled burgandy and gold. Never putting another team before my beloved skins.

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I have lived all over the country and now live in Kentucky but still cheer for my Skins!! I do find myself routing for the Bengals as they need all the help they can get but have never gone to a game--until preseason this year :) Also, I have become a Cincinnati Reds fan since living here and do not follow the Orioles as much as I did in the past. I guess I am just more of a football fan then a baseball fan.


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Being a military brat, I've lived all over the country and also lived in Puerto Rico, Germany, and Panama. The wierd thing is, besides the Yankees in baseball (born and raised), when I learned about certain sports at certain levels, depending where I was living, the local team is who I still root for even to this day. I learned about the NFL when I was very young and I was living in VA, hence why I'm a skins fan.

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My family was never big Redskins fans. My father is from LA and still pulls for the Lambs so growing up I developed my own infatuation for the Redskins. SInce I became a fan I have lived in Steeler country, Charger country, and cowgirl country. I think being away helped strenghten my love for the skins, "absensce makes the heart grow fonder."

That being said, with the exception of the cowgirls Ipull for the steelers and the bolts when the outsome doesn't affect the skins negatively. Sports teams create a family and a sense of comraderie. I think it is an excellent way to quickly fit in a new city, and teams should be embraced, but never forget where your home team plays.

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