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Who Is Geroge Rogers??


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From what I could gather at the time, George Rogers ruined his career with an addiction to cocaine. At 29 he was done in the NFL, a shadow of the player he had been earlier in his career. He had two very good years with the Skins but the 1987 season was his swan song and his poor performances late led Joe Gibbs to start Timmy Smith in the Super Bowl.
Yes thats what happen to Geroge Rodgers injury prone & drug addiction. The word in my neighborhood that I live in was that Rodgers was buying some of his drugs from the Barber Shop around the corner. The Barber that owned then was heavy into sports & gambling. He had pictures on the wall of some of the skins taken with him in his shop. It was some activity going on in that shop & with that barber. When I went in for cuts sometimes they were talking skins & bullets. But this barber had the hook-up with some of them. Another skin that came around to that shop was Wilbur Marshall & he was using something also. I saw Wilbur myself when I was in for a cut he stuck his head in the door to speak with the barber then he was gone. Things got to heavy in that shop for me so I stop going in their. The Barber lost the shop with his addiction. But some in the neighborhood always said that the drugs was the reason for Rodgers & Marshall to be around in that shop.
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Wasnt he a running back?

Rogers was a RB and wore #38. He played for the Skins in 1985 - 1987. He was the workhorse starter in 1987, but was benched in the SuperBowl against the Broncos in favor of rookie Timmy Smith (#36). Smith made his first NFL start that day and made the most of it. Smith had a MONSTER game against Denver in the SuperBowl and set a SuperBowl rushing record. :notworthy

Timmy Smith played for the Skins in 1987 and 1988.

Bryant (#24) played in the USFL for Philadelphia and the Skins 1986-1988 and 1990.

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He was drafted #1 by the saints in 1981.

But Scott Van Pelt on Sportscenter said " When he was with the Redskins he had one of the best postseasons hits I ever seen."

What is he talking about. :feedback:

The ironic thing is you have Timmy Smith as your signature and Timmy was Georges back up in 87. Rodgers had a turf toe which bothered him all year and he missed a lot of time - I remember Keith Griffin getting quite a bit of duty that year as Timmy smith was a rookie. In the playoffs Smith got some more time and did well but it was complete surprise to all when Smith got the start over Rodgers in the Super Bowl.

The rest is history (at least for that 1 game!)

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George Rogers was the short yardage bruiser and Bryant was the 3rd down back and receiver.

Gibbs has always had a two back system, with one big bruiser and the smaller more elusive back to spell him.

Riggin and Joe Washington, Rogers and Bryant, Riggs and Byner with a dash of Ervins.

Portis is the only non Gibbs type back he's ever had,but what Portis lacks in Size he makes up for in Toughness.

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Agree. Rogers was a bruiser - typical Gibbs back. Kelvin Bryant was one of the best receivers out of the backfield I have ever seen. Shifty and quick and could stop on a dime and make defenders overpursue.

Whoever compared Kelivin Bryant to Jerome Bettis is losin' it. Bryant was a liitle over two hundred pounds and shifty. Bettis is obese and slow.

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