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Chat with Richard Sharpstein -- Taylor's Attorney. (DATED THREAD)


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Though we're not sure whether it's enough to allow Taylor to escape a trio of serious felony charges that entail minimum mandatory prison terms of three years each, Grieco's decision to augment his income as one of the chief law enforcement officials in Miami-Dade County via spinning records by night reflects questionable judgment, at best. Failing to maintain a complete firewall between his two careers is inexcusable, given the gravity of the work he performs on behalf of the citizens.

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Unless this is from the prosecutor's training manual, Mike Grieco is one sick puppy.

In addition to the photo of S&M Barbie, there's a cartoon called "Biff does the 'Dirty Sanchez'" and a rapping, dancing young boy named "Gino the Ginny," who lets the expletives fly, and all sorts of other stuff that isn't very becoming to a prosecutor. Frankly, we're amazed that Grieco didn't appreciate the ultimate connection between his on-line persona of "DJ ESQ" -- and the eventual removal of the "ESQ" from his official professional title.




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Remember that Sharpstein has been saying since the begining that the DA was only prosecuting this case to make a name for himself. For a while that sounded like normal defense lawyer speak. All of a sudden it's sounding more like a prophecy.

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Remember that Sharpstein has been saying since the begining that the DA was only prosecuting this case to make a name for himself. For a while that sounded like normal defense lawyer speak. All of a sudden it's sounding more like a prophecy.

If this turns out to be verifiable, can civil charges be pressed against him, or something? (I'm no lawyer :) )

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Man... I wonder how the defense got wind of this page. I mean, I'm not sure anyone's first thought would be, "Hey, I wonder if the DA has a MySpace page..."

Plus, navigating the results in a MySpace search isn't exactly easy... i mean...

Grieco has a MOLE in his outfit.

Courtroom drama and intrigue. This is wonderful.

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Man... I wonder how the defense got wind of this page. I mean, I'm not sure anyone's first thought would be, "Hey, I wonder if the DA has a MySpace page..."

Plus, navigating the results in a MySpace search isn't exactly easy... i mean...

Grieco has a MOLE in his outfit.

Courtroom drama and intrigue. This is wonderful.

my guess is someone tipped Sharpstein. maybe a rival dj.

amazing thing is how many people myspace seems to have taken down. i've recently read about prospective employers who now check myspace pages, and even some college admissions who do the same. i think it may be safe to assume you could add Dade County DA's office.

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In a statement released Wednesday afternoon, the Office of the State Attorney said:

While nothing on Assistant State Attorney Mike Grieco's Web site compromised the integrity of the Sean Taylor case, Mr. Grieco, as the prosecutor, feels that the case is more important than any individual who would prosecute it. The desire to smear a prosecutor and affect a potential jury pool is a reprehensible trial tactic. Every case should be decided by the relevant evidence presented to a jury.

"To insure the proper handling of this case, Mr. Grieco has reluctantly asked to have another Assistant State Attorney replace him as he sees himself becoming the courtroom focus, rather than the individual charged with the criminal offense.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Grieco had not deleted the messages and images sent to him at his personal website. That has been rectified and he has disabled the website."


so what happens if no one takes the case?

Grieco is a dumb ass he smeared his own name.

the internet is not for privacy,and all the defense did was make it more known.

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Awww he has RELUCTANTLY pulled himself from the case. Poor grieco doesnt get his publicity. or his straw man. :rolleyes: He feels the case is more important then the person prosecuting it, what a joke. He acts like ST shot someone, when he was the one who got shot at. Who are the victims Grieco? Some hoods? And what did he do to them ? Brandish a weapon? Yes thats illegal but honestly is his crime really that serious? Noone was hurt and his motivation was not criminal in intent. He was merely protecting his property, while although done irresponsibly and illegally(in retrospect), not necessarily reprehensible.

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Awww he has RELUCTANTLY pulled himself from the case. Poor grieco doesnt get his publicity. or his straw man. :rolleyes: He feels the case is more important then the person prosecuting it, what a joke. He acts like ST shot someone, when he was the one who got shot at. Who are the victims Grieco? Some hoods? And what did he do to them ? Brandish a weapon? Yes thats illegal but honestly is his crime really that serious? Noone was hurt and his motivation was not criminal in intent. He was merely protecting his property, while although done irresponsibly and illegally(in retrospect), not necessarily reprehensible.

remember that it is ALLEGED that ST brandished a weapon. not proven. that is what this rediculous case is all about.

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Q: Actually, if you can believe it, we had links to Mr. Grieco's MySpace page a couple of weeks ago. We see it has changed rather dramatically looking at it today.


Q: Did you tip off anyone in the D.C. media?


Yes. I spoke to Jason (La Canfora) because Grieco has been in his ear. So, we got into his other ear. Last night we tipped Jason so he’d have a chance to see the site before the destruction.


My friends, I do not know if this was posted on this board, but for any of you who missed the site welcome to the wonder of google cache:

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This is just absurd. Could it get any weirder? I was actually most impressed by the fact that one of the alleged "victims" of Taylor's crime was stopped while stealing SOMEONE ELSES ATV! If this case isn't quietly dismissed, I will be very surprised.


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