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Question about Jason Campbell...


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uh-oh...somebody is catching on....
LOL, my thoughts exactly! :applause:

Catching on to what?

The thread premise was that Campbell is "progressing slowly," and hints that there have been "reports" supporting that contention, particularly from Gibbs.

To this moment, nobody has stepped up to actually SHOW any.

Don't you guys have anything more to add to the conversation than these little drive-by's?

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Wow!! Keep trying to change the subject and not answer the question.

Here, I'll even start the ball rolling :


Your turn.

You are the man Om, but then again, you are the man.

The only other comment besides the one you posted that I have heard was from the poster that lives in Jacksonville that stated he actually talked to Brunell. If he is to believed, he said that JC had some trouble picking up the system in the beginning, but would one day be a starter. The poster said Brunell had confidence in JC.

Edit: I can't remember the name of the poster.

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ScottnSharrer--Wow!! Keep trying to throw your "Internet weight" around.
Explain to me how Om is doing that. Explain how he isn't posting just as any other member by showing me something in his language that reasonably supports your comment.
Gibbs did say that he was progressing slowly in regards to learning the system, but that he expected it and basically that JC was further ahead then what most thought he would be.
No he didn't, and you won't be able to produce evidence he did. Show me I'm mistaken. Fact is, I do so someone who said similar words, but it wasn't Gibbs.
Gibbs has always had high expectations of QB's,...
...unlike other coaches? And Gibbs is famous for winning with QB's who weren't always stars during their career. Lets go on and see if you can get even one thing close to right with your post.
...and JC I believe is the youngest QB Gibbs ever coached,...
Yay! It took some work from me, but there it is! Something correct.
...so JC wasn't at the level Gibbs is used to,...
Ooops. Back to pointless...what does that mean? Gibbs had no idea of the level JC played at? Gibbs doesn't know the diff between college & pro levels? I'm not sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's pointless at best.
...that is where the statement came from,....
No, it's not, because Gibbs never said it. And the guy who did say something like it (I'm not gonna tell ya who) didn't say it because "JC wasn't at the level Gibbs (or he) is used to" ...he said it becuase (as he also said after it) ALMOST ALL college QB's are slower in those areas of development....
but before you go off the depend
...said the boy sitting at the bottom of the pool...
challenging everything other people
...he didn't challenge "everything" other people say. I think you've set a record for incorrect contentions in a single paragraph. He challenged people to show Gibbs saying any such things about JC as are being claimed.
read all reports, not just some of them.
Good advice for you to follow and I'll add: remember what you read, understand what you read, and be able to accurately refer to what you read, when possible. :)

And maybe acquire some weight of your own before tossing others around on the internet. ;)

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Found it.


Hi, Stephen from Jacksonville here. I've known Mark Brunell for about 8-9 years now since the middle of his playing days here in Jacksonville as the QB of the Jaguars. We aren't good friends, but I would consider us acquaintances. I was one of the first members of the church, Southpoint Community, that Mark founded with Jaguars LT Tony Boselli, and other Jaguar players Bryan Schwartz and Joel Smeenge. Southpoint began as a Bible study in Mark's home with a few of the Jaguar players (Boselli, Smeenge, Greg Huntington) and grew into a church that now boasts nearly 4,000 members and included almost half of the Jaguars' squad.

I joined the Church when after we branched from Mark's house to our first building. I've worked for the Jaguars organization for some time now and had the chance to develop a relationship with a lot of the players and was introduced to Mark's Bible study at that time. Here's the link to our Church - if you ever happen to be visiting Jacksonville, check us out, we would be glad to have you -> http://www.southpointcc.com/

Anyway, Mark is back in Jacksonville with his family and we sat down and talked at length this morning about football at a Sat. morning church get-together - and most specifically his career with the Redskins. FYI, when I mentioned that I am a poster at extremeskins.com and asked him if I could post parts of our converstion here, he laughed and said: "Sure, I visit that website. A lot of the people there know their football, but some of the others...oh man...if they had been coaching instead of Joe, I would've been strung up and burned at the stake and thrown into a vat of hot oil two years ago!" He and Stacy had nothing but good things to say about the fans in Washington, though.

He told me last year before the season got started Santana Moss is the best wide receiver he has ever worked with. I couldn't believe my ears because Mark played with one of the greatest tandems of all time in Jax with Jimmy Smith and Keenan McCardell - Jimmy Smith is the 7th best WR of all time in receptions and the 11th in receiving yards and Keenan is up there too. And we all know what happened last season...

So I asked Mark about what he thought about Brandon Lloyd and El and he said that the Skins just took a weakness and made it a huge strength. He thinks that the Redskins will have the most productive and explosive offense in the NFL next year. When asked about what was the biggest offensive pickup over the offseason - he said it was Al Saunders. Mark said that he has met with Sauders fairly frequently already and this guy has a brilliant offensive mind. Not to take anything away from Joe as a playcaller, he said, but he was ecstatic about Saunders taking the helm as Offensive assistant.

He told me that Jason Campbell is steadily improving. He said that Campbell is an apt student and in a year or two he should be ready to be a viable starter in the NFL. He said that Campbell had some trouble adjusting to the NFL but was vague about what in particular, but he said that Campbell has a great attitude and will be a good qb someday.

About Gibbs and Ramsey, Brunell had nothing but good things to say. He said he hopes Ramsey can earn a starting job in NY and talked about hunting with Ramsey, apparently they are friends, which surprised me.

Didn't have too much more to say, other than humbly stating that he thinks this will be the first year in more than a decade where the Redskins will be able to make a viable Super Bowl run. I told him that he needs to log on to extremeskins.com and see my avatar!

Sorry for the length of the post, I thought you would be interested in this...


Stephen Hodge

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^^ That's the one I referred to. It was a second hand (which I choose at this time to accept) report by mark's dad, as to what mark said, with all the connations attched to that. And not anything Gibbs had said about JC, just as Om had stated.

Though I would have liked to have seen Scott do a little work before it showed up in this thread.

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Here, to show how bad I feel about throwing my considerable internet weight at you, I'll even highlight the part of Brunell's comments--as interpreted by an internet poster on a message board--for you that you're probably going to think help you make a case:

He told me that Jason Campbell is steadily improving. He said that Campbell is an apt student and in a year or two he should be ready to be a viable starter in the NFL. He said that Campbell had some trouble adjusting to the NFL but was vague about what in particular, but he said that Campbell has a great attitude and will be a good qb someday.

Feel free to try to make hay out of this.

Seriously. We could use the entertainment. :)

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Actually, that post wasn't from Mark's dad, that was from a gentleman who reports knowing Mark through a church in Jax.

The record must be kept clean. :)

My bad. Was confusing that one with the one from mark's dad about his knee injury. Cleanliness of the record is next to correctness.

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Meanwhile, somewhere out in cyberspace, people are madly scouring the 'net for "reports" of Jason Campbell's struggles "picking up the system, making bad reads, etc."

No rush. We'll wait.


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To take it a step further, I challenge anyone here to come up with a quote from anyone who has had daily contact with Campbell in practice and in the meeting room that comes close to even hinting at that.
Some guy who claimed to know Mark Brunell posted a thread saying that Mark thought Jason Campbell struggled a little bit at first last year, but that he's really picked things up since then.

A guy who says he knew Mark Brunell is the closest we have to such a statement, and I still took the statement as positive. Jason Campbell will tell you straight up that he was overwhelmed at the beginning of last season, but he feels like he could step in now.


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Listen up.... Jason Campbell will be the next great REDSKIN for one reason....Coach GIBBS wanted, needed him so he could sleep at nite.... Has anyone ever heard of the REDSKINS CURSE....AKA Conspiracy Theory of # 17.... I've been a Redskins since age 7.. the year was 1985....Now here me out...

The original # 17 DOUG WILLIAMS is the only African American to start & win a SB 1987 & 88 season... Guess what happens next.... # 17 never touches an NFL Football or Field again...He does have a very SUCCESSFUL career as a coach and in the Front Office....But How could any MVP QB OF A SB regardless of race, color or whatever leave the game without touching the field again... Dont even think Elway or Barry, Different people.....Some say he left because of an injury / Some say he left for personal reasons... A few old timers (55 & UP) say Gibbs was the reason why... What ever the reason CURSE IS now broken because in GIBBS I trust...

He found # 17 again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heath Shuler-bust, Humphries-left wound up going to the Big Show (loss though), Hosteler-former giant, Ferrote-was a head banger, BANKS-too many INT'S, Brad Johnson-needed 1 or 2 more season's after 99: He won it for the Buc' s a few years later... Jeff George-Thug, Spurrier: Mathews, Danny Awful and he broke down RAMSEY whom I really like... need i say more... Mark Rypien drank too much after the SB... GOT to high on his own sucess.... Did I miss any one whom wasn't consistent or given the opportunity....After Gibbs retired we lost all consistency in the QB positon....

Now tell me has anyone heard of this Conspiracy Theory.... if so then you understand why # 17 is critical to our future and sucess...


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Here is some info from march 14th that i find interesting enjoy lol

Collins, who will receive a $450,000 signing bonus, is the sixth player acquired by the Redskins since the start of free agency. He is expected to work behind starter Mark Brunell, while second-year player Jason Campbell develops.

They were pretty clear that he'd be second-string," said Collins' agent, Brad Blank.


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Yes. _____ minds think alike. I see that from time to time. It's a good thing. :)

Isnt that something, one of our senior members doing a little mudslinging/namecalling of their own. Why dont you follow your buddies advice (OM), dont bother contributing if it has no substance. Really, its just taking up valuable space. Remind you of something?

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Isnt that something, one of our senior members doing a little mudslinging/namecalling of their own. Why dont you follow your buddies advice (OM), dont bother contributing if it has no substance. Really, its just taking up valuable space. Remind you of something?

So does this mean your only response to being challenged and chided to actually back your initial classic drive-by statement is to answer said challenge by trying to throw another challenge back at the challenger ... and still not rise to the original challenge?


I ask again ... when you did the "me too!" thing to sweet daddy's apparently meaningless little drive by, 1) what exactly was it that you thought he was saying that you agreed with, and 2) if there actually was something with any substance, are you or are you not prepared to try to support it?

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So does this mean your only response to being challenged and chided to actually back your initial classic drive-by statement is to answer said challenge by trying to throw another challenge back at the challenger ... and still not rise to the original challenge?


I ask again ... when you did the "me too!" thing to sweet daddy's apparently meaningless little drive by, 1) what exactly was it that you thought he was saying that you agreed with, and 2) if there actually was something with any substance, are you or are you not prepared to try to support it?

Hey man, dont try and get me involved in you and Jumbos threeway. I never said anyone said a damn thing so when you two get a life and cease with the assumptions, i might just play along. Check that last statement, I still wont be interested in your affairs with 'Jumbo'. Did you give him that pet-name or does he just make you call him that?

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uh-oh...somebody is catching on....
LOL, my thoughts exactly! :applause:
Hey man, dont try and get me involved in you and Jumbos threeway. I never said anyone said a damn thing so when you two get a life and cease with the assumptions, i might just play along. Check that last statement, I still wont be interested in your affairs with 'Jumbo'. Did you give him that pet-name or does he just make you call him that?

Very good, sir. We can play it your way if you'd like.

From the looks of it, based on your performance in this thread, aside from possessing the apparent charm of a dyspeptic yak, you're either losing your memory, are a liar, or, most likely, suffer from an utter and total lack of the courage of your convictions.

Care to enlighten us on which?

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Very good, sir. We can play it your way if you'd like.

From the looks of it, based on your performance in this thread, aside from possessing the apparent charm of a dyspeptic yak, you're either losing your memory, are a liar, or, most likely, suffer from an utter and total lack of the courage of your convictions.

Care to enlighten us on which?

Do me the honors smarty pants. Please, quote me saying something about somebody. You dont have a leg to stand on. Ofcourse you dont need one when your in Jumbos arms. xoxo

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Do me the honors smarty pants. Please, quote me saying something about somebody. You dont have a leg to stand on. Ofcourse you dont need one when your in Jumbos arms. xoxo

Chicken. :)

Yet again I ask ... and it's a simple question, really ... when you parroted sweet daddy's drive-by, 1) what did you think he was referring to that you thought so compelling you'd echo his drive-by with one of your own, and 2) assuming there was more to your post than simply spamming for the sake of spamming, how about enlightening us all on just what the heck you were trying to say?

You can keep tapdancing, I suppose, but I guarantee you there's not one person reading along who can't see it for what it is.

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Here is some info from march 14th that i find interesting enjoy lol

Collins, who will receive a $450,000 signing bonus, is the sixth player acquired by the Redskins since the start of free agency. He is expected to work behind starter Mark Brunell, while second-year player Jason Campbell develops.

They were pretty clear that he'd be second-string," said Collins' agent, Brad Blank.


Did he really say it like it was good news?:doh: :laugh:

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