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Question about Jason Campbell...


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Here is some info from march 14th that i find interesting enjoy lol

Collins, who will receive a $450,000 signing bonus, is the sixth player acquired by the Redskins since the start of free agency. He is expected to work behind starter Mark Brunell, while second-year player Jason Campbell develops.

They were pretty clear that he'd be second-string," said Collins' agent, Brad Blank.


My only problem with this is the coaching staff plays the best and most prepared player. If Campbell steps up duing the off-season and preseason he will be the number 2. If Campbell falters he will fall to number 3. Campbell has to earn the number 2 spot. The spot is available and I can't believe it was handed to Collins. Collins has to compete just like everyone else on the team. Brunell is number one until he falters.

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Chicken. :)

Yet again I ask ... and it's a simple question, really ... when you parroted sweet daddy's drive-by, 1) what did you think he was referring to that you thought so compelling you'd echo his drive-by with one of your own, and 2) assuming there was more to your post than simply spamming for the sake of spamming, how about enlightening us all on just what the heck you were trying to say?

You can keep tapdancing, I suppose, but I guarantee you there's not one person reading along who can't see it for what it is.

My thoughts on the original post that I originally replied to, are like this. I think JG past supports the fact that he prefers a veteran QB. I think the fact that they brought in Todd Collins, a veteran who played under Al Saunders, furhter supports this fact. I think JG likes to talk highly about young guys to keep their confidence up. I think if JG meant what he said about how great JC was coming along, and how he'd have been comfortable if he 'had' to use JC last year, he'd have put him in there against the Giants when Brunell went down. Instead, he put PR in there, someone who had no future with the team and someone that played one quarter before being benched for the entire season. Thats how much confidence he had in Ramsey, which obviously means he had even less confidence in JC.

Now, all that being said, those are just my thoughts. I just agreed with someone on here who must have been thinking somewhere along the same lines, or maybe I just misunderstood his 'drive-by'. Why dont you try harassing him for his thoughts. I dont need to quote anybody because I never said anyone said anything, ya dig? You can hang on JG every word if you choose to do so. I on the other hand can sift through the BS and come to my own conclussions based on what I do or do not see with my own two eyes. Ask the man I originally replied to to quote whatever it is your looking for.

Finally, it would be in your best interest to watch your own replies from now on because Ive seen you put in your two cents with a quick 'me too' before. Let me see that again, hypocrite, 'cause I will blast you down. Good night, precious.

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My thoughts on the original post that I originally replied to, are like this. I think JG past supports the fact that he prefers a veteran QB. I think the fact that they brought in Todd Collins, a veteran who played under Al Saunders, furhter supports this fact. I think JG likes to talk highly about young guys to keep their confidence up. I think if JG meant what he said about how great JC was coming along, and how he'd have been comfortable if he 'had' to use JC last year, he'd have put him in there against the Giants when Brunell went down. Instead, he put PR in there, someone who had no future with the team and someone that played one quarter before being benched for the entire season. Thats how much confidence he had in Ramsey, which obviously means he had even less confidence in JC.

Now, all that being said, those are just my thoughts. I just agreed with someone on here who must have been thinking somewhere along the same lines, or maybe I just misunderstood his 'drive-by'. Why dont you try harassing him for his thoughts. I dont need to quote anybody because I never said anyone said anything, ya dig? You can hang on JG every word if you choose to do so. I on the other hand can sift through the BS and come to my own conclussions based on what I do or do not see with my own two eyes. Ask the man I originally replied to to quote whatever it is your looking for.

Finally, it would be in your best interest to watch your own replies from now on because Ive seen you put in your two cents with a quick 'me too' before. Let me see that again, hypocrite, 'cause I will blast you down. Good night, precious.

Well, what do you know. An actual post, with actual thoughts in it. Took a while, but we're making progress. Had you actually written that in the first place, nobobdy would have said anything about it. Instead, you tossed out a meaningless one-liner that meant nothing to anybody.

Then, when asked to flesh out what if any actual thoughts were behind it, instead of answering you chose to tapdance, moonwalk, and then veer off into some bizarare fantasy world about threesomes involving two people.

But, at least you finally answered the question, so at least there's that.

As to the substance of your Campbell position, your logic and conclusion, to me anyway, are pretty damn weak. So much so that it wearies me to think of trying to break it down at this point. I may, but not tonight. That's fine, though, at this point at least they're out there, and others can comment on them if they choose.

Next point. If you go back and check, my acerbic and dour friend, I DID ask sweet daddy for his thoughts. In fact, I've been trying to lure him out of hiding all day too. So far, he's either been absent or even less interested than you in actually saying something tangible. If he shows up, I'll talk to him too.

As to your last paragraph, my first reaction was to laugh. Instead, I'll simply challenge you again and suggest the same thing to you that started this whole thing in the first place: back it up.

Come up with an example and back up your claim I'm a hypocrite. I've posted here going on 12 thousand times. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure not one of them have been a "me too." And if in your investigation you DO find such a post or posts, my guess is 1) it was qualified as a joke right in the post, and 2) if someone were to have come along and asked me a question about it or explain what I meant by it, you won't find me following it up by going out of my way to act the total horse's ass you've acted here today.

Or, you can continue on your merry way, poking that stick through the bars and thinking the tough guy act is working, and assume nothing will come of it.

Sweet dreams.

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Well, what do you know. An actual post, with actual thoughts in it. Took a while, but we're making progress. Had you actually written that in the first place, nobobdy would have said anything about it. Instead, you tossed out a meaningless one-liner that meant nothing to anybody.

Then, when asked to flesh out what if any actual thoughts were behind it, instead of answering you chose to tapdance, moonwalk, and then veer off into some bizarare fantasy worlk about threesomes involving two people.

But, at least you finally answered the question, so at least there's that.

As to the substance your Campbell position, your logic and conclusion, to me anyway, are pretty weak. So much so that it wearies me to think of trying to break it down at this point, and I may, but not tonight. That's fine, at this point at least they're out there, and others can comment on them if they choose.

Next point. If you go back and check, my acerbic and dour friend, I DID ask sweet daddy for his thoughts. In fact, I've been trying to lure him out of hiding all day too. So far, he's either been absent or even less interested than you were in actually saying something tangible. If he shows up, I'll talk to him too.

As to your last paragraph, my first reaction was to laugh at you. Instead, I'll challenge you again and suggest the same thing to you that started this whole thing in the first place. Back it up. Come up with an example and back up your claim I'm a hypocrite.

I've posted here going on 12 thousand times. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure not one of them have been a "me too." And if in your investigation you DO find such a post or posts, my guess is 1) it was qualified as a joke right in the post, and 2) if someone were to come along and ask me a question about it or explain what I meant by it, that you won't find me following it up by going out of my way to act the utter horse's ass you've acted here today.

Or, you can continue on your merry way, poking that stick through the bars and thinking the tough guy act is working, and assume nothing will come of it.

Sweet dreams.

I didnt even bother reading past your first paragraph. I'll tell you this. If I want to do a driveby, I will. I dont give a damn whether you like it or not. There is no such rule that states I have to let anybody know exactly what Im feeling or thinking at any point in time. Know this, if I make a statement, I can back it up. And I could give two turds whether you or anyone else agrees or disagrees with what I think. Obviously that one liner I threw out there meant something, or else I wouldnt have said anything. I do not feel like I need to explain EVERYTHING to you or anyone else. Matter of fact, I think I like doing drivebys. I think I'll do them more often. So from now on, you'll know that I can and will back myself up, if I feel like it. Im sure you probably think my reasons in this arguement are lame, otherwise you'd look pretty silly with no response at all, judging from your first paragraph. Youre probably one of those folks who think JC is destined to be a star because he had one good year in college. To be honest I dont want to know what you think. The facts are that in signing Collins, JC is competeing to work up from third string QB. He's never played a snap in the league and if JG REALLY thought he could have handled it, he would have played. Those are facts, lets just stick to those.

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I didnt even bother reading past your first paragraph. I'll tell you this. If I want to do a driveby, I will. I dont give a damn whether you like it or not. There is no such rule that states I have to let anybody know exactly what Im feeling or thinking at any point in time. Know this, if I make a statement, I can back it up. And I could give two turds whether you or anyone else agrees or disagrees with what I think. Obviously that one liner I threw out there meant something, or else I wouldnt have said anything. I do not feel like I need to explain EVERYTHING to you or anyone else. Matter of fact, I think I like doing drivebys. I think I'll do them more often. So from now on, you'll know that I can and will back myself up, if I feel like it. Im sure you probably think my reasons in this arguement are lame, otherwise you'd look pretty silly with no response at all, judging from your first paragraph. Youre probably one of those folks who think JC is destined to be a star because he had one good year in college. To be honest I dont want to know what you think. The facts are that in signing Collins, JC is competeing to work up from third string QB. He's never played a snap in the league and if JG REALLY thought he could have handled it, he would have played. Those are facts, lets just stick to those.

Actually, you have a couple of things wrong.

First, you don't get to set the standards here. The staff does. And the staff, if I do say so myself, after all these years and all these tens of thousands of members to work with, has gotten pretty good at it.

Second, one of the things we do rather well is know when to let people mouth off, as you have been allowed room to do at great length here, and decide when those aforementioned standards have taken enough of a beating and it's time to finally take someone aside and see if we can't find some meeting of the minds.

Not sure exactly why you're still forcing the issue at this point, but since you are, PM me if you'd like to continue this dialogue. Perhaps if that goes better than this public version, you'll be posting drive-bys again in no time.

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Jason Campbell will be a great QB, once he's settled in. Playing time is cruicial, but more than that he needs to hold confidence in himself. I think with us being so successful last year, it's gonna be hard to put him in there. Plus if he messes up, it might hurt him in the long run. Keep him on the bench until we are COMPLETELY sure he's ready to go...

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I think it speaks volumes about JG when he could have traded for Ramsey 2 years ago and gotten a first or second for him...like was on the table....then he bungles a 4th round last year, sits Ramsey in a playoff game (which could have increased his trade value) when MBV is obviously off his game because of injury and then let him go this year for a sixth. If he says that JC isnt ready that may be a compliment to JC. I am not sure JG knows how to evaluate QB's and play them to their potential...Saunders does....Gibbs is questionable. I cant wait for Saunders evaluation of JC. That will be solid.

:doh: Sorry, Pal. But, it's quite obvious that you haven't got a 'clue' about either Joe Gibbs, NFL Quarterbacks, and/or NFL Offensive Football...because, last time I 'checked':

:1stplace: (1.) Joe Jackson Gibbs is the ONLY Head Coach in NFL History to have WON 3 Super Bowls (NFL Championships) with 3 DIFFERENT Quarterbacks - NONE of which were "highly regarded" as NFL QB Prospects (or, even as NFL Players, for that matter) by any of the so-called "Football 'Experts'..."

:cheers: (2.) Joe Jackson Gibbs, by the way, was inducted into the PRO FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME for that VERY Reason: "Joe Gibbs KNOWS NFL Quarterbacks, NFL Offensive Football, NFL Team-Building & Organization, Etc.!!!"

:shutup: Therefore, upon the hereon premises rendered and considered, DON'T YOU EVER-AGAIN DARE TO INSULT "ANY ASPECT" of Head Coach JOE GIBBS!!! As, YOU could NOT only even 'CARRY' his 'jock-strap', but YOUR 'gonads' are NOT even REMOTELY 'LARGE-ENOUGH' to 'FIT' his 'jock-strap'!!!

:notworthy In FACT: YOU couldn't even 'SNIFF' JOE GIBBS' 'jock-strap'!!! (Nor could ANYONE-ELSE in THIS Life - when it comes to NFL Football!!!)

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My thoughts on the original post that I originally replied to, are like this. I think JG past supports the fact that he prefers a veteran QB. I think the fact that they brought in Todd Collins, a veteran who played under Al Saunders, furhter supports this fact. I think JG likes to talk highly about young guys to keep their confidence up. I think if JG meant what he said about how great JC was coming along, and how he'd have been comfortable if he 'had' to use JC last year, he'd have put him in there against the Giants when Brunell went down. Instead, he put PR in there, someone who had no future with the team and someone that played one quarter before being benched for the entire season. Thats how much confidence he had in Ramsey, which obviously means he had even less confidence in JC.
While staying out of the rest of this, I'll just put in my two cents on this part. Someone can be more than welcome to correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Gibbs HAVE to use Ramsey since you can only have 2 active QB's on the roster and the third one is considered an emergency QB in case of injuries? So wasn't Campbell just filling in that role? I thought I heard that somewhere on here last December, but again, correct me if I'm wrong anyone. And even if that is incorrect, why wouldn't Gibbs put Ramsey in during the Giants game? Ramsey atleast has experience in games and knew the system better than Campbell probably did, and in a close game against a division rival with the playoffs on the line, why would Gibbs put in an untested rookie QB rather than the serviceable backup?
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While staying out of the rest of this, I'll just put in my two cents on this part. Someone can be more than welcome to correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Gibbs HAVE to use Ramsey since you can only have 2 active QB's on the roster and the third one is considered an emergency QB in case of injuries? So wasn't Campbell just filling in that role? I thought I heard that somewhere on here last December, but again, correct me if I'm wrong anyone. And even if that is incorrect, why wouldn't Gibbs put Ramsey in during the Giants game? Ramsey atleast has experience in games and knew the system better than Campbell probably did, and in a close game against a division rival with the playoffs on the line, why would Gibbs put in an untested rookie QB rather than the serviceable backup?

And... by the way Spartacus87, that was a good post... and Collins agent should know better than to assume Todd's ranking is set in stone. Especially with this organization. That's why JG came out with the statement that he would COMPETE for second string. If he wins out, he WILL be second string. And wheather anybody likes it or not.... Brunell will start this season. No matter what ANY of them look like in preseason. Somewhere DURING the season is a different matter (if it comes to that point). Just my opinion (which AIN'T worth 2 cents).

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Someone can be more than welcome to correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Gibbs HAVE to use Ramsey since you can only have 2 active QB's on the roster and the third one is considered an emergency QB in case of injuries? So wasn't Campbell just filling in that role? I thought I heard that somewhere on here last December, but again, correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

not 100% sure without having to try and look it up somewhere..probably 99.5% though...

once that third QB goes in, your top two are done for the game, even if the top two are healthy and able to play. I'm pretty sure if you go back and look at any trick plays (Steelers for instance), while you may see a Hines Ward or Randel El lined up at QB, their actual starting QB will be somewhere on the field still, such as maybe WR or something.

...just an FYI

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Isnt that something, one of our senior members doing a little mudslinging/namecalling of their own. Why dont you follow your buddies advice (OM), dont bother contributing if it has no substance. Really, its just taking up valuable space. Remind you of something?

I'm ok with it, given the context. I thought about it before posting.

I assure you, were one of you guys to have done it exactly that way, it would've been fine too, as long as your history wasn't one of too many drive-bys.

As far as substance, we count attempts at wit or humor (even needling as long as its not too over the top) as substantive to the board, though its admittedly subjective.

I don't see any real mudslinging or namecalling. And a little sarcastic nudge among posters is hardly unusual or even out of line if not overdone. Respectfully, I think you over-react. And 51 isn't senior! I get 9 more years.

Besides, the point of the blank space was to let you be responsible for what you "saw" in there :D .

If I hear otherwise on this Painful, I will be sure and tell you. :)

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Gee, I went and responded to painful all sincere and straight and everything as soon as I read his post only to find out he went soooooo far over the line himself.

Heavens to Betsy.

I feel as though mud has been slung against me and names have been called. This can be such a cruel board.

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I think the fact that we brought in a veteran QB who HAS NOT really played in 5 years speaks volumes regarding how far along they feel Jason is. Gibbs always prefers veterans, but if he didn't have confidence in JC, he probably would have gone after a QB with more experience or upside ... such as Garcia, Frerotte, etc. I believe based on how well Ramsey sat last year, that they were shipping him no matter what just to be fair to him.

NO NO This doesn't speak volumes... Don't get it twisted. Collins is only here because he knows Saunders system.... Collins knowledge will help Campbell and Brunell

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A lot of my positiveness died with the "Campbell MIGHT compete for the backup spot" article.

The article said that Campbell would (not might) compete for the #2 spot. It's still up in the air (i.e. they aren't just going to hand it to him).

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I'm a bit confused. I keep hearing mixed reports on JC's progress, and I was hoping someone could clarify something for me.

Last year, everyone was talking about how 'smart' of a quarterback he was; how he had gone through 4 offensive coordinators in as many years at Auburn, and how he would be amazing at the next level for that reason.

At the same time, however, I have heard reports (I'm pretty sure Gibbs even said something about this at the end of the season) that he is progressing along a little slowly, and having trouble picking up the system (making bad reads, etc). Am I wrong in this? Can anyone verify if he is progressing along well, or if he has been having problems? I'm not worried, because I'm sure that he's going to be the man, but I could use a little clarification with so many conflicting reports going around.

Actually, the suggestion that Gibbs said anything even REMOTELY like Campbell was progressing slowly IS dead, flat wrong. Gibbs was nothing short of effusive about Campbell the one time he actually spent any time on the subject just after the season ended.

To take it a step further, I challenge anyone here to come up with a quote from anyone who has had daily contact with Campbell in practice and in the meeting room that comes close to even hinting at that.

Do that and we'll have something to actually talk about. Until then, it's just more of the same old song and dance.

Meanwhile, somewhere out in cyberspace, people are madly scouring the 'net for "reports" of Jason Campbell's struggles "picking up the system, making bad reads, etc."

No rush. We'll wait.


Hello. :)

So ... how's the search for "reports" that Jason Campbell is "progressing along a little slowly, and having trouble picking up the system (making bad reads, etc)." going?

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