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Andy Pollin MUST GO!!!!!


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Andy Pollie sux, Tony Kornhole sux, and Steve Zaben sux!!!!!

I listen to sportstalk 980 all the time and its sad that these folks are on the air. I do like them talking about the Skins a lot, but when you have nothing intelligent to add, whats the point? I much rather hear from Bram b/c at least he knows whats going on as he reports facts and gives pretty good projections about the Skins.

I will have to listen to the radio when Kornhole is on MNF. I'm glad the home opener is on Monday night so I don't have to hear his constant whining and Andy the next day kissing his butt.

BTW, they don't take many calls b/c they know they don't want to debate anything. In actuality, they can't debate what they don't know.

We did have another sports radio station about 2 years ago, Sportstalk 1260. But guess what? They were owned and operating by 980!!! They basically broadcasted the same exact programming, with Jim Rome the only exception (and maybe a few Wiz/Caps game).

I enjoy Mike and Mike in the Morning, the JT show, and the Bram Weinstein show, but other than that 980 sucks....and I have no choice but to listen (until I get Sirius).

I will say this. The Sports Reporters is a lot better with Pollie and Zabe. Anyone remember who was before them? Kiley and Booms!!! That was the absolute worst show ever!!!!!

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With me, it's more his arrogance with callers after the Redskins games. It's as if because he's the host of a radio show he know's more. Like we are idiots and can't make a decent point. They all joke on Beatrice like he was a "Loser." When in actuallity Beatrice knew and still knows much more then they do -- and can be objective.

He's and Kornheiser are the classic non jocks, that got into media because it's the only way they could be in the sports world. They weren't popular in high school at all.

But, come back to High School reunion with chest all out! I like Czabe if for any reason you tend to believe his cynicism. Polin really does not have a sense of humor. However, he is a hard worker, I will give him that. It's almost as if he won't turn down any assignment as to make himself so indispensible. Geez, the guy works seven days a week. Of course, the brass likes that guy. Just ask Andy, he will work for ya!

My biggest concern is that he doesn't like to go the phone enough, and acts like the callers are idiots when they don't agree with him. It's like he and Jacoby can do know wrong. I do like Kiper though.

He takes those calls the way a lot of fans would...with irritation or elation.

After a tough loss, he is on the air with his emotions (remember he's a HUGE Skins fan). He's naturally a Redskin defender so he takes calls from people bashing this or that and reacts like most of us would. I somewhat like his reactions because (rational or not) they're similar to my reactions when I hear some of the numnuts that call in.

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Once again:


Don't buy the Kornheiser line that says tune to another station! Ask Kornheiser what would happen if he tells MNF fans to turn the station if they don't like him. Pink slip.


I don't like Kornheiser so don't get me started on him...hahaha.

There are so many other outlets these days for sports fans (non-radio). To me, when it's Redskin season, I want Redskin news and that's all 980 is for half the year. This time of year, I want March Madness and that's all 980 has been.

I guess I'm fine with what they talk about because it's what I'm thinking about or into at the time. I'd love a year-round Skins station, but that's not realistic nor would it be all that helpful in March.

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I like Andy and TK.... and often listen to 980. The only show I really don't like is Dan Patrick, who I think is just too arrogant for my taste. The constant dramatic pauses annoy me. John Thompson has the best show.

Yeah, I hear you on the dramatic pauses, who does that guy think he is? I do actually listen to TK, even though he annoys me in some ways, at least he's usually interesting. The interrupting the updates thing is a real pet peeve for me, though, and he never fails to do it.

Someone mentioned that JT doesn't know anything that's not basketball related but I don't think that's a problem. Unlike other guys, he comes out and says, "hey doc, I'm just a fan and I don't know what I'm talking about, so tell me, what's the deal with our Redskins?" I think he does a great job of stepping back and letting the guest/co-host who knows the sport well do his thing while still contributing his perspective. Between Doc with football, JT with B-ball and Al with hockey, they've got people for all sports who are incredibly knowlegable. I love Doc's Redskins perspecitve, too, he gives it pretty straight and doesn't sugar coat things.

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He takes those calls the way a lot of fans would...with irritation or elation.

After a tough loss, he is on the air with his emotions (remember he's a HUGE Skins fan). He's naturally a Redskin defender so he takes calls from people bashing this or that and reacts like most of us would. I somewhat like his reactions because (rational or not) they're similar to my reactions when I hear some of the numnuts that call in.

Dude, are you Andy Pollin? If so get off the thread and go back to work. Oh that's right you're not working between 11AM and 1PM because you program a complete replay of the Kornheiser show that just ended at 11AM the same day. You suck as a "Program Director" also.

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Dude, are you Andy Pollin? If so get off the thread and go back to work. Oh that's right you're not working between 11AM and 1PM because you program a complete replay of the Kornheiser show that just ended at 11AM the same day. You suck as a "Program Director" also.


Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of him or Czabe. I just don't necessarily think they are as bad as some say. They talk about what is relevant.

For example, what would you like to hear tonight on the Sports Reporters? We can see how interesting Plorell's Sports Show would be. Go!

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Andy Pollin has changed quite a bit over the years. It is interesting how opinionated he is during the sports reporters in relation to his wimpy behavior during Tony's show. I can't stand to hear them speak Redskins and to here them talk Wizards or Caps is worst. Those guys are generally lazy and I can hear the same stuff at the barbershop.

Anyway, I have Sirius Radio now and haven't heard them in over a month.

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Yeah, I hear you on the dramatic pauses, who does that guy think he is? I do actually listen to TK, even though he annoys me in some ways, at least he's usually interesting. The interrupting the updates thing is a real pet peeve for me, though, and he never fails to do it.

Someone mentioned that JT doesn't know anything that's not basketball related but I don't think that's a problem. Unlike other guys, he comes out and says, "hey doc, I'm just a fan and I don't know what I'm talking about, so tell me, what's the deal with our Redskins?" I think he does a great job of stepping back and letting the guest/co-host who knows the sport well do his thing while still contributing his perspective. Between Doc with football, JT with B-ball and Al with hockey, they've got people for all sports who are incredibly knowlegable. I love Doc's Redskins perspecitve, too, he gives it pretty straight and doesn't sugar coat things.

Love the JT show too. Although the Arrington charade throughtout the year (he could do no wrong) was a bit nausiating.

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Like I said, I'm not a huge fan of him or Czabe. I just don't necessarily think they are as bad as some say. They talk about what is relevant.

For example, what would you like to hear tonight on the Sports Reporters? We can see how interesting Plorell's Sports Show would be. Go!

In order...

1. Wizards

2. NBA

3. Final Fours

4. Mason / Terps

5. MLB - Nats

6. NFL

7. Redskins

But most importantly, I would have guest on that know what they're talking about. Even if they're local writers.

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Someone stated all they talk about is baseball.


Dude, they talk about the Skins (sometimes) at 6PM. One hour into the show. I'm a HUGE Skins fan (not boastful, just the truth) so believe me when I say, that I know how much they talk about the 'Skins. Forget the 'Skins, TALK ABOUT THE NFL FOR ONCE!!!

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The way they ran Portis in Gibbs' first year back you could definitely argue that Portis wasn't the right style of RB for Gibbs' 2004 system....

Don't want to hijack this thread but that is flat out wrong.

Portis ran for 1300 yards and ran for over 100 yards 5 times. Besides, even if it's true, there was nothing, nada, bupkis in Betts' performance that day to make anyone believe that he somehow was a better fit than CP.

According to Pollin, somehow Betts' 100+ yard day against the Vikings is more impressive than the following CP performances of 2004:

148 yards v. Tampa Bay

171 yards at Chicago

147 yards at Detroit

148 yards v. Giants

110 yards at 49ers

I still don't see why Betts' 100 yard game invalidates Portis' performances in 2004.

Anyway this just highlights the problem with Pollin, he didn't like the trade for Portis from the beginning and as far as I know has yet to admit that he was wrong about CP. He'll stick to his opinion, facts be damned.

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In order...

1. Wizards

2. NBA

3. Final Fours

4. Mason / Terps

5. MLB - Nats

6. NFL

7. Redskins

But most importantly, I would have guest on that know what they're talking about. Even if they're local writers.

OK, fair enough.

If it's me, I'd tune out until 3 & 4.

The Wizards are not a huge story until it's closer to playoff time. They should focus on NCAA/George Mason, a little spring training (I guess), and REDSKINS!

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I still don't see why Betts' 100 yard game invalidates Portis' performances in 2004.

First off, I do NOT agree with Pollin on this topic. However, there is a difference between saying that a 100 yard performance invalidates something and mentioning that a 100 yard performance raises questions about whether Portis was NECESSARY for the Skins to be successful.

I am so glad we got Portis and love him as a Redskin, but I think we'd be almost as good at RB with Betts in there as well.

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OK, fair enough.

If it's me, I'd tune out until 3 & 4.

The Wizards are not a huge story until it's closer to playoff time. They should focus on NCAA/George Mason, a little spring training (I guess), and REDSKINS!

The Wizards are a playoff team on a really important road trip out West right now. How many playoff teams have we had in this town in the four major sports the last 13 years. 5 or 6? I'm not saying its "huge". I'm saying its more relevent than asking people to call in with they're "hit by a pitch stories". Which they did recently.

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I love having satellite radio.

Only time I listen to 980 is when I am on the computer and expecting an interview or specific show.

plorell, good luck with your campaign. Such a big sports town should indeed have a little more variety with sports programming.

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The Wizards are a playoff team on a really important road trip out West right now. How many playoff teams have we had in this town in the four major sports the last 13 years. 5 or 6? I'm not saying its "huge". I'm saying its more relevent than asking people to call in with they're "hit by a pitch stories". Which they did recently.


OK OK...that's fine. I guess I don't listen to 2 hours of the Sports reporters every day so I don't know how irritating it gets.

I know the Wiz are a big story and they're playing well for the second straight year...I just don't know how many people around here care about it until they're getting ready to play their first playoff series or closing out the regular season with a better seeding on the line.

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I'm from the DC area and would listen to WTEM whenever I visit home(now online). Now I live in Boston, the self-proclaimed "America's Best Sport's Town" and maybe rightfully so, after listening(reading) to everyone on this particular topic. Boston's main sports station is a true ESPN affiliate w/ most of their lineup mirroring ESPN radio until 4PM (890 & 1400 depending on your location in the Bosotn area) the local guys come on. They also have on callers for the moajority of their show, and actually engage w/ the callers in asking for their opinions. It's annoying because they believe every move the Patriots make are smart and every other team is just plain "out of their minds." But enough about them.

The difference here is that they have a few other stations to listen to which brings competition. Unforutunately these guys have the inside track on what's going on with the Patriots, Bruins and Red Sox. Similar to Al Michaels on RedsksinsTV. That's the type of personality and connections DC needs for all of the local professional teams, at the least. It seems like TK, Andy Pollin, Czaban and the others don't have any better connections than we have here on these boards.

So we have a ways to go until we can claim we have a true sports radio option, hence a true sports town.

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Another good reason why we need competition for sportstalk 980....it would thrive. The Sports Junkies (now just called the Junkies) were a big hit on WJFK a few years ago as they talked mostly sports from 7-10p. They were just your regular Joe Schmo giving their own opinions about sports with an occassional interview and lots of callers.

IMO, what makes good sports talk is giving a good opinion and being able to back it up. Obviously, Andy Pollie or Kornhole don't believe in this b/c they rather hear themselves talk and could care less about other people's opinion. They cut many people off when you don't agree with their point of views (although Pollie and Zabe are always at opposite ends of the spectrum to curtail other thoughts).

I wish 980 would bring back the Jungle b/c I like to hear the callers 'take', even though they tend to be a lot more outrageous then needed. Plus, the more Jim Rome, the less Kornhole and Pollie (which is why they canned his simulcast in the first place).

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I prefer the 980 culture over a bunch of lunatics with New York accents screaming about the deficiencies of the bottom of the Nats batting order.

But you have to admit that those lunatics (and the hosts) are humorous!

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I know the Wiz are a big story and they're playing well for the second straight year...I just don't know how many people around here care about it until they're getting ready to play their first playoff series or closing out the regular season with a better seeding on the line.

Dude, there's less than 15 games left in the regular season. The Wiz are fighting to keep hold of the 5th seed. If they have a terrible West Coast swing, they could end up in 7th or 8th place and play the Pistons or Heat in the 1st round. I don't think anyone wants that. I much rather play Indiana or Boston.

They can spend a good segment on why Eddie Jordan benched Brenda Heywood, in favor of Etan Thomas. Why not talk about how the Wiz always give up a 4th quarter lead b/c they can't play defense. How about making the trade for Caron Butler, who is a lot better than Larry Hughes. All they have to do is bring on Scott Jackson for a while, which is better than Pollie and Zabe.

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WTEM is just badly structured as a station in my view. I don't know whose fault it is, but another big problem is that the shows are too compressed. The Sports Reporters should be the flagship show of the station, but it's only 2 hours long. They get into a good topic and immediately have to change gears. Not to mention that you generally have two hosts, one guest, and the update guy competing for air time in those two hours.

Mike and The Mad Dog run for 5 and 1/2 freaking hours (which is actually about an hour and a half too long, but whatever). They can spend an hour talking about the 7 and 8 spots in the Mets batting order because they have the time. They would take a full hour at least on Soriano calls. Andy and Steve have to keep the Soriano talked confined to 20 minutes at the most.

If I was running WTEM, this is my lineup:

5:30 - 9:00 Local "whacky sports" morning show. I think Bram Weinstein would be perfect for this. Something along the lines of the old, night-time Sports Junkies Show.

9:00 - 11:00 Kornheiser. I dig the guy; I know a lot of folks here don't. But it is embarrassing that a sports station in a major market is running a show back to back in mid-day. Also, I would take Andy off of this show. There is definitely too much Andy on WTEM.

11:00 - 1:00 John Thompson. I would drop him but he seems to have an audience. I'm cutting his hours, but giving him a better time slot.

1:00 - 3:00 Rotating show depending on the season - "Nat's Notes," "Wizard's Watch" whatever. Stern during baseball season. Jackson/Lynn during basketball and hockey season. WTEM is far too Redskins heavy. And baseball demands this kind of day to day attention that 10 minutes of Nats notes does not get. This time slot is death anyway so give it to the Seamheads who want to spend hours talking about double switches.

3:00 - 7:00 The Sports Reporters. Make the show the flagship, it should be. Stop rushing things. Get real guests.

7:00 - 12:00 Sports events. The station desperately needs more actual games.

12:00 - 5:30 Cheap Syndication or Infomercials.

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