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I was listening to a local sports talk radio station in Norfolk Va a an apparent Redskin hater said that LLoyd has avoided drug tests and Adam Archaleta is damaged goods has a bad back can someone confirm either of these rumors. Say its not true.

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After watching that guy and hearing about him from various sources, I would be very, very hard pressed to believe that Lloyd is on drugs, or has tried to avoid drug tests. I have heard something about AA's back, but nothing too big.

Bradon Lloyd could very well be on drugs, we do not know for sure. Although, I know those drugs are not illegal because truthfully, you just can not run from a drug test. Unless you are Ricky Williams and just flat out retire early.

Brandon Lloyd suffered through some bad years in San Fran. His stats were there but, the wins, simply were not! I, for one, believe if Brandon is on any kind of drug it has to be anti-depressants! :laugh:

Adam Archuleta has a bad back? I am not sure how that would matter to anything unless it kept him out more than 2 games last year. Doesn't Santana Moss have a bad hammy? That killed us right? :Knock on Wood: :paranoid:

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only knocks I have heard on Archuleta are his recent injuriey (back) and his history of concussions. It has been stated that AA has experienced 5 concussions in his short career. Somewhat typical for a big hitting safety but a few more concussions could put him in danger of a doctor telling him to walk away while he still has his health. Lets just keep our fingers crossed, he is still huge upgrade over Clark for his blitzing ability alone.

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A player can not avoid a drug test, as bubba said a missed test is considered a failed test by the NFL. Every player that has played more then 2 years has a history of injuries, that is unless he's a bench warmer. As long as the player doesn't have chronic injury problems teams consider the player healthy.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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