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FA info...could be rumor, but reliable person!


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Are you from Green Bay? If so, it seems Javon Walker is pretty unhappy. I think he is a better choice than either Lloyd or El. He is young and a superstart when healthy. Clayton reported there is no way the packers trade him, but he seems hell bent on getting out of Green Bay saying "I'd retire before I play here again." If his relationship with the organization and fans is so bad and given he is coming off an injury, we may be able to get him for a reasonable price.

giggity. giggity.

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Just picked up a juicy bit of info from someone who is pretty reliable...anyway - here goes:

Redskins already have a deal with 49ers to acquire 49ers WR Brandon Lloyd for two draft picks.

Will acquire the Chiefs' Todd Collins to be their 3rd QB (knows Al Saunders well).

Are flying in free agent S Adam Archuleta (great blitzer; Gregg Williams loves him), free agent WR Antoine Randle El and free agent DE Andre Carter tomorrow. Will make their pitch, wine and dine them, take them to the Wizards-Pistons game. The Bears are their toughest competition for Archuleta and Randle El.

Heard from another source that Randle-El is as good as ours! That gives us Moss, Lloyd and R-E w/Patton as 4th WR!?!

If these guys are on the money (and I believe they are)... :cheers:

XXXXI :point2sky

Cheerleader info :D

man if that goes down i'll be in hog heaven.
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That I could definately live with.

But do we really need Lloyd AND El? Maybe El is the backup plan? Id be happy with one or the other.

Im liking the Andre Carter rumors too. Archuleta Im still not sure about, but as long as we bring Clark back to I guess it couldnt hurt. I do like him as a player, but continuity is key, and Im not sure Archy will sign on to be a backup.

Absolutely agreed. WE get Lloyd for tow mid rd picks (this year and next), and resign Clark and maybe get Archuleta as a back-up, if we are desperate. we then sign Andre Carter who is a solid DE, and fill the rest of our needs in the draft. Sounds good to me!

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not for nothing but can we get a BIG receiver??

Patton 5'10"

Moss 5'10"

Randel-El 5'10"

Lloyd 6'0"

we need a receiver that can get up over the defenders since we all know that brunell isnt the most accurate passer in the league


Watch the highlight video of Lloyd posted earlier in this thread. That kid has UPS.

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"Two sides" being the Bears and Randle El.

It's not really in writing that we are going after Lloyd. Not that I have seen. There are only only rumors that we are interested.

It is writing that the Redskins have not contacted the 49ers about Lloyd:


EDIT: Good find on the Koren Robinson signing.

That's a good amount of money, and R-E has earned it, but both moss and Coles got better deals then that when they came here. Moss got a 6 year, $31 million contract with an $11 million SB. Coles got a seven year, $35 million contract with a $13 million SB. Given that's our track record of money given to number 1 Wrs of late, $20 million is straight chump change. That's like a $10 million difference there.

As for the Lloyd thing, there's beyond to much smoke there for there not to be a fire. Too many people saying its going to happen to allow one person to come in and shut it all down. That's my opinion though.

Having both Lloyd and R-E would make our offense nearly indefensible. Standing pat with what we have or maybe adding just one WR won't do that. I feel we should be moving to go over the top, not just get enough talent that by overachieving we might get close.

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Bump for JayNeal7.

It looks more and more like you were spot on so far.

I don't want anyone forgetting that you were the story breaker

I love my fellow Skinfans...couldn't sit on that one.


now off the jock before I get all soft and mushy :puke:

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here is a great highlight video of brandon lloyd. see if it changes any minds........


this is one of the best player highlight videos ive ever seen.

That highlight show was sickening. I can't believe we picked this guy up for a 3rd and a 4th over two seasons. He's nabbed 11 TD's over 2 years in an anemic offense, and that reel shows some sick skills, I'm real happy with this pick-up.....!!!!!!

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Living out here in SF and seeing the games in person....He sucks....

Cant people get it through their heads that one of the worst teams in the league wants to let him go for mid to late round picks?!....Why is that?

Because they are a poorly run organization? Because they know Lloyd was going to walk on them next year regardless, and they want to get something for him while they could? Or because they have a guy as a head coach that the Skins ran out of town on a rail? Need I go on?

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I think after the guys at the Wiz game sign tonight...yes, all 3 will...the Skins will focus on a TE, LB and CB. Hopefully we will draft an OL with the 2nd rd pick. My biggest pet peeve with Skins drafts in the past is that we don't use enough high picks on hamburger. There is no substitute for a dominant OL. Oursa is very solid across the board, but I think we need 1 GREAT mauler to open craters for CP. My kingdom for a rookie Tre Johnson!

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Great job Jayneal, you really nailed this one, (and your source did too).

Man we have got some good inside info lately this week.

Now, anyone have anything specific on which players we go after next?


Thanks. I've enjoyed my 15 min of fame. Guess ya'll gonna have to call on the Andyman for your next tidbit. If I do hear anything new, I'll pass it along.

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