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Monk,Clark,Sanders!!!!MOSS needs help Owens is the anwser for a superbowl!


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I have been a skins fan all my life! I have watched Dan Snyder fire alot of people as we all have and all were to try and win the big game for we all know that is what the man wants! If Dan would take control of Owens we would win the big game hands down!!!!!!:notworthy We all know Owens history but you cant say a thing about his talent for he backs up all of his talk! The skins D can shut him down as they have done in the past, but he would make dallas that much better. I can understand why Owens talked chit about mcnabb he should not have been in he was not helping their team! I am sorry our skins are makeing a mistake if they do not pick him up....I am not saying that we don't have a chance of going to the big dance next year....But as all of us wached we needed that one more player to get over the hump...We should be champs right now, I could not belive my eyes watching that game vers the hawks...:mad: I still have a bad tast in my mouth and I don't even play on the NFL level!!!:doh: For all who think Owens is a big prolbem watch him this year and think back to when you read this for he is going to light people up this year and I just wish I could be on the cheering end of his records!!!!!:cheers:

I just want Moss to have some help, Most if not all of you rember the poss"e"

Owens could pair up with Moss very well!!! Whatever happens I will still watch every game and I hope that I do not need to toss any tv's out of the house this year for the skins run through my veins!!!:helmet:

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I have been a skins fan all my life! I have watched Dan Snyder fire alot of people as we all have and all were to try and win the big game for we all know that is what the man wants! If Dan would take control of Owens we would win the big game hands down!!!!!!:notworthy We all know Owens history but you cant say a thing about his talent for he backs up all of his talk! The skins D can shut him down as they have done in the past, but he would make dallas that much better. I can understand why Owens talked chit about mcnabb he should not have been in he was not helping their team! I am sorry our skins are makeing a mistake if they do not pick him up....I am not saying that we don't have a chance of going to the big dance next year....But as all of us wached we needed that one more player to get over the hump...We should be champs right now, I could not belive my eyes watching that game vers the hawks...:mad: I still have a bad tast in my mouth and I don't even play on the NFL level!!!:doh: For all who think Owens is a big prolbem watch him this year and think back to when you read this for he is going to light people up this year and I just wish I could be on the cheering end of his records!!!!!:cheers:

I just want Moss to have some help, Most if not all of you rember the poss"e"

Owens could pair up with Moss very well!!! Whatever happens I will still watch every game and I hope that I do not need to toss any tv's out of the house this year for the skins run through my veins!!!:helmet:

what a novel idea. this is a true original thought. why oh why have we never discussed TO and his freakin ego before??? are you high? the Skins are building something that you rarely see in the NFL anymore. it is called a TEAM. a group of men united in one cause with one purpose, working together to achieve one goal. we do not need or want TO. he is a virus of the lowest order. a grown ass crybaby.

we will win without a giant ego such as his. TO would do nothing for us, only to us. so let TO/golum earn his precious someplace, anyplace else. he is a blight on any team dumb enough to take him.

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:laugh: @ registering a name just to express this one opinion

dude, this is why there's 50 kagillion posts by members complaining about the vets slamming people who post based on post count. Stop it and let people say what they want to say, if they say something stupid, tell them why you think it was stupid, and the reason can't be, "because it's only your 2nd post."

It's like telling a 400 pound dude you just met that his diet isn't working, when he may have lost 300 pounds on it before you met him.

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I have been a skins fan all my life! I have watched Dan Snyder fire alot of people as we all have and all were to try and win the big game for we all know that is what the man wants! If Dan would take control of Owens we would win the big game hands down!!!!!!:notworthy We all know Owens history but you cant say a thing about his talent for he backs up all of his talk! The skins D can shut him down as they have done in the past, but he would make dallas that much better. I can understand why Owens talked chit about mcnabb he should not have been in he was not helping their team! I am sorry our skins are makeing a mistake if they do not pick him up....I am not saying that we don't have a chance of going to the big dance next year....But as all of us wached we needed that one more player to get over the hump...We should be champs right now, I could not belive my eyes watching that game vers the hawks...:mad: I still have a bad tast in my mouth and I don't even play on the NFL level!!!:doh: For all who think Owens is a big prolbem watch him this year and think back to when you read this for he is going to light people up this year and I just wish I could be on the cheering end of his records!!!!!:cheers:

I just want Moss to have some help, Most if not all of you rember the poss"e"

Owens could pair up with Moss very well!!! Whatever happens I will still watch every game and I hope that I do not need to toss any tv's out of the house this year for the skins run through my veins!!!:helmet:

I could swear I've heard this before....

Oh wait, Eagles fans said the same thing. He really helped them out with a Super Bowl Trophy, didn't he? :rolleyes:

Aside from that, aren't we currently trying to REMOVE that element from our locker room? I think you need to set the crackpipe down & walk away slowly...

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I could swear I've heard this before....

Oh wait, Eagles fans said the same thing. He really helped them out with a Super Bowl Trophy, didn't he? :rolleyes:

Aside from that, aren't we currently trying to REMOVE that element from our locker room? I think you need to set the crackpipe down & walk away slowly...

Come on. You know hard it is to put that stuff down. Just ask Carter. :rotflmao: (Sorry inside joke..)

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dude, this is why there's 50 kagillion posts by members complaining about the vets slamming people who post based on post count. Stop it and let people say what they want to say, if they say something stupid, tell them why you think it was stupid, and the reason can't be, "because it's only your 2nd post."

It's like telling a 400 pound dude you just met that his diet isn't working, when he may have lost 300 pounds on it before you met him.

:stfu: about it already! We vets are NOT going to change. You don't like the way we "police" this site, then find another one that has planty of 400 lb dudes slappin' each other's azzes for being 400 lbs.

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I love it you guys are right to the point but you will not change my oppion. He played for SF and Philly he just made that bad team that much better rember Philly used him to get over the hump! The man has fire in his eyes and hates to loose if Philly would have won the big game he would have been the talk of the town but they did not and he was pissed! Step away from the keyboard whatever, never how about you dont read step away from your pc its ok you dont need to reply step away!

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