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[BOLDER PREDICTION] Short and Walker to sign with Skins!

Mister Happy

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Redskins will sign Brandon Short (LB) and Denard Walker (CB).

Given the movements of Redskins One to NC and Dallas yesterday and the previous interest of the coaches to Short and Walker and the announcement by Larry Michael coming up this afternoon, I thought there was a good chance that we sign those guys.

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Hey who the F%^$# started this thread? This is dumb. First off who the hell is short, who he play for HD Woodson, Warriors or somebody, second off what would he mean to the Redskins, third, who needs to know...the Redskins don't and then there's speculation. Lock this thread!

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This is an example of a vet member doing that which the new guys are taking all the blame for.

Either put your predictions in one post/thread or offer some kind of thought analysis as to why you think your prediction will take place.

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