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I'm seriously contemplating buying a TIVO... but before I do so, I want a few questions answered:

* Is installation easy/immediate/fast?

* What is the difference in the prices of the different TIVOS (why does one cost more than another?)

* Anything else I need to know before I purchase one?

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I'm seriously contemplating buying a TIVO... but before I do so, I want a few questions answered:

* Is installation easy/immediate/fast?

* What is the difference in the prices of the different TIVOS (why does one cost more than another?)

* Anything else I need to know before I purchase one?

I am a Cowboy fan so you may want to disregard everything I say. ;)

Installation is easy, but not immediate and fast.

The main difference in the Tivos is the size of the hard drive. The larger the hard drive the more shows it can store. I went with the 40hour hard drive, but I would recommend at least the 80hour hard drive.

Once you have had a Tivo you will wonder why you ever went without one.

You do not need to connect it to your high speed internet access, but I highly recommend it. You can connect it to your phone line, but that is not advisable, since it will tie up your phone line during downloads. The downloads can be programmed to take place at night, but I still recommend hooking it up to your high speed internet if you have it. You will maximize the use of your Tivo if you connect it to a Network.

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I am kind of confused why a Cowboy fan would be visiting a Redskin's fan site, especially in the offseason.

Can't help it I am weak, you may have noticed though I am visiting the tailgate section! ;)

I dont talk trash either, so go easy on me ok?

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I'm seriously contemplating buying a TIVO... but before I do so, I want a few questions answered:

* Is installation easy/immediate/fast?

* What is the difference in the prices of the different TIVOS (why does one cost more than another?)

* Anything else I need to know before I purchase one?

Installation is a snap. You hook it up like you would a VCR or DVD player. The Tivo will guide you through on the on-screen setup. That takes a while to program the remote and download programming. I would say at least 30 minutes.

Get at least 80 gig HD. I think Best Buy has them on sale right now.

You have 3 options here.

1. Buy a Tivo and pay the $300 lifetime subscription fee

2. Buy a Tivo and pay $13/month for service

3. Get a non-Tivo DVR from your cable company for about $7-$10/month

The best thing about Tivo is that everything about it is so intuitive with the on-screen menus and the remote control. Once you get a Tivo, you'll never be able to live without one. Unless you are homeless, then you can probably do without.

I also have a non-tivo DVR though the cable company and it is a steaming pile compared to my Tivo. It has HD, though, and my Tivo does not.

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I'm seriously contemplating buying a TIVO... but before I do so, I want a few questions answered:

* Is installation easy/immediate/fast?

* What is the difference in the prices of the different TIVOS (why does one cost more than another?)

* Anything else I need to know before I purchase one?

I have Directv w/ Tivo. I bought one that is kinda expensive, but it is a HD reciever too, and HD is super-fantastic.


Hooking it up was easy. Red wire to red hookup, yellow to yellow. Plus you need a phone line hooked up to it as well.

The difference in prices between Tivo boxes is generally how much memory they have.

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I got a DVR from my cable company about 2 years ago, and they couldn't pry it from my fingers unless they were cold and dead.

I will eventually buy a TIVO and get the llifetime deal, as long as it's not void if the thing crashes and burns. Does anyone know? Does the deal stand even if you have to replace the unit?

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You will love a TIVO. Unless your looking for HD or will be getting HD in the near future Tivo is the way to go. I have a HD DVR through my cable company and while the picture is great compared to a standard def Tivo, the interface is archaic.

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I'm seriously contemplating buying a TIVO... but before I do so, I want a few questions answered:

* Is installation easy/immediate/fast?

* What is the difference in the prices of the different TIVOS (why does one cost more than another?)

* Anything else I need to know before I purchase one?

extremely easy

my ex got the 40hour version and i added a 250gb HDD. mad easy. if you can add memory to a PC you shouldn't have a problem.

you need a tv and a phoneline for the initial install. you can do the initial install at a friends house if you don't own a landline. also i recommend wireless internet so you can get your tivo updates frequently and quickly.

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