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Lavar to the Giants???


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Unfortunately, he can sign with who he wants...he paid 4 million for that right. IMO, even if he does sign with an NFC East team, I think Gibbs will definitely have something in mind when gameplanning for him to take advantage of what will definitely be an overzealous player that day

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damn Antonio Pierce and LaVar playing together again would be dangerous. Once LaVar plays us, he's going to do some damage, and most of these Redskins fans were doggin him out these last two years, which is stupid. And in some aspects, I hope he gets his revenge too. I mean I'm a true Redskin's fan, but most of these fans who were doggin him out, were the same exact people who were on LaVar's **** before this started happening, and then with having two bad years, they decide to dog him out and not like him anymore....horrible.

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This only makes too much sense. the Giants are in dire need of quality LB'ing and with Pierce, as their best LB, lobbying for LA this could be a real scenario. You know what though? Time to move on...who are we going to replace him with? I'm hoping we bring in Will Witherspoon with some sort of deal that pays in a nice chunk in 2007...much like that dude on the Popeye cartoons..."I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today!"

Witherspoon will make us forget LaVar real soon!

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This only makes too much sense. the Giants are in dire need of quality LB'ing and with Pierce, as their best LB, lobbying for LA this could be a real scenario. You know what though? Time to move on...who are we going to replace him with? I'm hoping we bring in Will Witherspoon with some sort of deal that pays in a nice chunk in 2007...much like that dude on the Popeye cartoons..."I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today!"

Witherspoon will make us forget LaVar real soon!

Instead, if the CBA went through, I would want to sign Julian Peterson.

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Why didn't LA knock every other QB into retirement this past season?

1) Still injuried during the season.

2) 1/2 time was riding the bench, especially passing downs. Thus, few chances to bring the wood.

3) Next year, Revenge factor.

Not looking to see LA on other side of the ball.

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I think LaVar will be signed to the Cowboys instead. I say this because Dat Nyguen has retired, and LaRoi Glover was released, that gives the Cowboys more than enough money to sign Arrington, and Parcells will allow Arrington to play how he wants. I hope he gets his payback on anyone of these fans who's been doggin him out, because some of these fans are two-faced, one second they are on LaVar's ****, then the other second "LaVar sucks....he should leave....etc." And most of the fans who've been doggin him out, probably has a LaVar jersey in their closets. LaVar will still be one of my fav's no matter what team he goes to.

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Giants | Pierce pushing for Arrington

Tue, 7 Mar 2006 05:18:43 -0800


Mike Garafolo, of the Star-Ledger, reports one New York Giants player said Monday, March 6, that MLB Antonio Pierce has begun making a big push for the team to sign free agent LB LaVar Arrington (Redskins). The Giants player, who requested anonymity, said the team is interested in Arrington, but isn't certain the franchise has enough money under the current salary cap to afford him. In a radio interview in Washington yesterday, Arrington said he wants to stay in the NFC East, but would prefer not to play for the Cowboys. That would leave the Giants and Philadelphia Eagles as prime candidates for him to sign with

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Why didn't LA knock every other QB into retirement this past season?

Seriously, or knock ANY other QB's into retirement since Aikman? I'm real sure LaVar will be the difference maker in helping any NFC East team beat us, right, like Al Saunders and Gibbs wouldn't think of a way to just plan around him :doh: . But that's right, I forgot, LaVar meant everything to the team and was the glue that held us together as we made our way to playoffs, and without him we are surely doomed and our defense will become the worst in the league.

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I think LaVar will be signed to the Cowboys instead. I say this because Dat Nyguen has retired, and LaRoi Glover was released, that gives the Cowboys more than enough money to sign Arrington, and Parcells will allow Arrington to play how he wants. I hope he gets his payback on anyone of these fans who's been doggin him out, because some of these fans are two-faced, one second they are on LaVar's ****, then the other second "LaVar sucks....he should leave....etc." And most of the fans who've been doggin him out, probably has a LaVar jersey in their closets. LaVar will still be one of my fav's no matter what team he goes to.

This is a fine post, but it didn't need its own thread.

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1) Still injuried during the season.

2) 1/2 time was riding the bench, especially passing downs. Thus, few chances to bring the wood.

3) Next year, Revenge factor.

Not looking to see LA on other side of the ball.

and #4. LaVar hasn't played any teams with older QB'S, who's career is close to being over like Aikman's was when he took him out for his career. Last season, he only started enough games to play two old QB'S, which is Kerry Collins, Drew Bledsoe and Kurt Warner. Now with Brunell on the list, he could be next, Brunell doesn't have more than two years left before he retires. So with revenge on his mind, there's no telling what he could do.

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Maaan...forget Lavar, he is the enemy now....he WAS my favorite Redskin but he's not a Redskin anymore.....the guy NEVER could get off the block, heck they had to change his position cause tight ends were killing him....now he cant run.....its better this way, 12million cap hit he is not worth.....heck I don't think anyone on the team is worth a 12 million dollar hit.....and No ST is not worth that yet.....maybe soon but not now

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Would not worry me in the slightest. I can see why the Giants would want him - they are very thin at that spot. I hope they overpay because at this point he is a good player (not great) who hurts his team by being undisciplined.

If we play him watch for us to run the old sucker trap and play actions to Cooley of fake run blocks to his side.



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I think LaVar will be signed to the Cowboys instead. I say this because Dat Nyguen has retired, and LaRoi Glover was released, that gives the Cowboys more than enough money to sign Arrington, and Parcells will allow Arrington to play how he wants. I hope he gets his payback on anyone of these fans who's been doggin him out, because some of these fans are two-faced, one second they are on LaVar's ****, then the other second "LaVar sucks....he should leave....etc." And most of the fans who've been doggin him out, probably has a LaVar jersey in their closets. LaVar will still be one of my fav's no matter what team he goes to.

Didn't he just say last night that he couldn't see himself wearing a Cowboys uniform?

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damn Antonio Pierce and LaVar playing together again would be dangerous. Once LaVar plays us, he's going to do some damage, and most of these Redskins fans were doggin him out these last two years, which is stupid. And in some aspects, I hope he gets his revenge too. I mean I'm a true Redskin's fan, but most of these fans who were doggin him out, were the same exact people who were on LaVar's **** before this started happening, and then with having two bad years, they decide to dog him out and not like him anymore....horrible.

Sorry, but that does not sound like a "true" Redskin fan. In my opinion, it sounds like you are a Lavar Arrington fan. As far as "dogging him out", I do not think people saying they are tired of Lavar's me-first attitude is really "dogging him out". Instead, I have always seen people saying he is a gifted athlete, but needs to be more of a team player.

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Man, can you imagine how these fans feel who had (#56, or anything related to LaVar) as their screen names? It's sort of reminds me of that Dale Earnhardt commercial, where he changes his number from 8 to 6.5, and all of his fans do things like, get 6.5 tatted on their back, trim their bushes into a 6.5, etc., the only difference is, those who had a screen name related to him, they can change it.

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