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Hours Spent on ExtremeSkins?


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Wassup ALL,

I will finally admit that im a extremeskinsholic. i think i spend around 2-3 hours here and viewing around 100-200 threads each day.. it seems though everytime i open a browser i come here first. 1st-extremeskins 2-college work..

Opinons on how to stop this madness?

How many hours do u spend on here? and do u lose productive hours at work on here?

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you people: i spend at least 3 hours per day in here, this is the best news agency going for skins news, however, my australian football and rugby league seasons are about to start so that could slow me down a bit, i love this site and the news and the peoples opinions especially those that agree with me.:D

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Let's just say that it severely hinders why productivity at work.


There was a time when they had to shut the board down for an entire day...I had to work hard at pacing myself at work that day. I didn't want my boss to see a spike in production that day. :D

....I would say about 3 hrs a day on average, but my record for one day was around 8 hours.

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Ummmm, I think I am on here a bit tooo much then :paranoid:

On average, I probably spend 24 hours a week in here, average about 10-15 posts a day. There have been weeks where I have been on these threads nonstop (think Katrina) and other times when I hardly show up . . . on average, I would have to say about a day a week, but that time definately decreased after the daily babe was destroyed. . .

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