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Scott Stapp speaks out.....And The People listen.


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Scott's side of the story.


Stapp calls sex tape release sabotage

Ex-Creed singer says the video was stolen from him

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Scott Stapp thinks a recently released sex video showing him and Kid Rock with several strippers is meant to sabotage him.

"Obviously someone wants to hurt me and doesn't want me to be successful in my solo career," Stapp told AP Radio in a recent interview.

Stapp claims the tape, which was made in 1999, was stolen from him. He and Kid Rock have won a temporary court order preventing World Wide Red Light District from distributing the video or promoting any part of it.

Red Light, which sold the infamous Paris Hilton sex tape in 2004, had displayed a 40-second preview clip of the video on its Web site. The company has acknowledged that the tape came from a third party, but has denied that it was stolen.

The tape was released just days after Stapp, the former lead singer of Creed, married former Miss New York Jaclyn Nesheiwat in Miami on February 10.

Stapp, 32, says the tape was made soon after he was divorced from Hillaree Burns.

He said he previously told his new wife about having a wild year and that she accepts the tape as part of his past.

"You think it's part of your rock 'n' roll memories," Stapp said. "I should have burned that tape."

The tape was not the only thing causing Stapp headaches. A day after his wedding, Stapp was arrested for investigation of being drunk at Los Angeles International Airport. He is set for arraignment on March 8.

"You don't want to say it's laughable, but it's just like, my God, there's so much stuff," he said. "Somebody does not like you and somebody wants you to fail."

Stapp, who won a Grammy in 2000 for Creed's song "With Arms Wide Open," released his first solo album, "The Great Divide," last November.

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Gimme a break, what a plea copper.

Your album isnt selling because you suck and even those that did like you at one point can see through you now. The sex tape would only help his album sales by getting his name out there. Nobody cares about this dude. His tix were going 10 for 30 bucks for his show at 930 club on ebay. We almost bought them just to go and heckle him.

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I happen to like Scott's music... However, I do not support his behavior (alleged or not). He made his bed... Now, he has to lay in it. That is not a judgement, but the reality of life. Lord knows, I am the last person that should ever judge what another person does. (That's just a bit too hypocritical for me)

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God Complex: a colloquial term used to portray a character flaw where the person does not believe he is God, but is said to act so arrogantly that he might as well believe he is a God. For example the kind of person who would blame his lackluster album sales on being persecuted or thinking people are out to get him or “sabotage” his career.

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Yeah....funny to hear Kid Rock call someone else an idiot...I guess "tool" was already taken. Loved how Stapp said that his new wife knew about the tape and the wild lifestyle before they were married and is ok with it. How would any of you married guys feel if your wife saw YOU act like Stapp did in that tape...regardless of how long ago it was. Kid Rock said that he was so drunk that night and that Stapp brought the video camera into his trailer...and has never seen Stapp since. Says that he is angry now to be lumped into the group of others with "sex tape" scandals....Paris Hilton, his ex Pam Anderson, etc...yet Kid Rock thanked him for the publicity since he has an album coming out. What a coincidence that two fading rockers had a sex tape from years ago "leak" as soon as they have new CD's and tours.....obviously pupils of the "Paris Hilton School of Relevant Celebrity"

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Kid Rock said that he was so drunk that night and that Stapp brought the video camera into his trailer...and has never seen Stapp since.

I say Scott Stapp needs to have his "guy" card taken away from him. Any smart guy knows, you NEVER bring a camera to a party...no camera, no evidence.

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Lemme get this straight...someone wants to HURT Stapp, so they give hims tons of free publicity by coming out witha sex tape?

Anyone else here think the tape was stolen by Stapp's agent? Assuming Scotty didn't just distribute it himself.

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