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Hi Redskins fans!

Wanna know the SWEETEST part about Seattle's loss Sunday? That's right, watching them get JACKED UP by the zebras. Seattle made it to the SB because of crazy officiating in their favor - now it comes back to bite 'em on the a**.

Honestly, without the hometown officiating, Seattle gets exposed for what they are - an average team that got there by playing the easiest schedule in football.

What was their most costly penalty? That's right again, OFFENSIVE HOLDING. They held the s*** out of us in a our game and never got called until one time late in the game. It just felt good to see their most crucial plays called back time and again for OFFENSIVE HOLDING.

The thing that made it even better was that on the replays the holding was OBVIOUS. How many people believe (rather KNOW) that none of the holding calls would have been made if this game was played in Seattle?

Anyway, the moral of this story is, WIN THE NFC NEXT YEAR so we can get some of that good ole' HOMETOWN COOKIN in the playoffs.

P.S., For those of you who are sure to come here and say "shuttup man, officiating doesn't matter - we lost to a better team!" I say this - without those crucial calls that went against Seattle yesterday (holding, offensive pass interference, etc) Seattle is now the SB champs.

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MG, then say that. Don't just tell people to shut up.

Personally, I thought the same thing as the OP about the holding call. Seattle was holding like crazy all throughout the playoffs, not just our game, and rarely got called for it. I certainly didn't bat an eye when they got flagged for it yesterday.

The refs were pretty terrible though. For a SB you expect a better crew.

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Personally, I thought the same thing as the OP about the holding call. Seattle was holding like crazy all throughout the playoffs, not just our game, and rarely got called for it. I certainly didn't bat an eye when they got flagged for it yesterday.

Rarely, Henry... ? ;)

I'd say borderline never. One meaningless holding call against them in our game when our guys were coming up with their jerseys askew from all the holds during the rest of the game. Those guys held so much without getting called that I thought John Runyan was playing every single position of the line that day.

I was certainly crying no tears for Seattle yesterday.

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I agree 100%

They got what they deserved....... and can anyone tell me what happened to the seahawks after the game?? there was no shaking of hands or any congrats between the two coaches or the teams and there was no group prayer in the middle of the field or the endzone I think seattle was mad that the calls went against them this time and left the field in protest

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The officiating has been terrible the entire season. So I expected nothing less than that last night. There were bad calls made all over the field. I really feel that something has to be done about the ridiculous calls/non-calls that happening. This is the kind of thing that can destroy the reputation of the league.

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The officiating has been terrible the entire season. So I expected nothing less than that last night. There were bad calls made all over the field. I really feel that something has to be done about the ridiculous calls/non-calls that happening. This is the kind of thing that can destroy the reputation of the league.

Yes, it has been awful and last night was a joke. Pitt's first TD was WAY too close to be a TD, Seattle got the short end of the stick on the offensive PI call, the holding call that took Seattle's first-and-goal from them was bogus, and the ball placement was erratic all night long. I don't know what the deal is, but I'll agree that most of the calls all season long seem to favor the home team. And let's face it, last night Pittsburgh was the home team and their winning the Super Bowl was the story that the NFL and media wanted to see....

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Rarely, Henry... ? ;)

I'd say borderline never. One meaningless holding call against them in our game when our guys were coming up with their jerseys askew from all the holds during the rest of the game. Those guys held so much without getting called that I thought John Runyan was playing every single position of the line that day.

I was certainly crying no tears for Seattle yesterday.

I just didn't want to come across as bitter. :)

But after the 100th replay of Hasslebeck crossing the goal-line, ball-raised in triumph, while noone seemed to notice the fact that our DE got spun around like a rag-doll on the play right in front of an official ... like I'm gonna cry for the Hawks finally getting called for it.

Actually, the biggest smile for me was the offensive PI call. Technically it was the right call, but they almost never call that in a playoff game. But seeing Irvin at halftime complaining about how the WR shouldn't get called for a push-off ... well duh, Mikey. Noone ever called YOU on it. That doesn't mean it's not against the rules. :)

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Seahawks team does not know how do score in the 4th qtr when they have 50 sec left and no time outs. Holmgren doesn't coach on that criteria and Hasselback is not good at controlling time in that situation. You put Brunnel and Moss there? You get two tuch downs :D. Yup, what goes around? Comes around. Totally overrrated team with overrated MVP. It would have been the WORST team in the NFL winning the super-bowl, in my book, if they won. Steelers and Cowher deserved it more.

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Everything comes full circle. I agree with a lot of what has been said about Seattle. I dont think they can win with a hard schedule and when they are not in their home stadium with some "hometown" calls going their way.

To me they seem like they expected to get a free ride to the big ring.

The only game I felt like they really won in the playoffs was against the panthers who seemed to not show up to play. But in their defense the Panthers did have some hard games to play to get to the NFCCG

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Aren't the officials at the Super Bowl supposed to be the best in the league? If they are, that's pretty sad.

I don't think the officiating was that bad though. The two things that I can remember as blatantly bad calls were the phantom holding, and the "block below the waist" by Hasselbeck. Why would Hasselbeck block for the other team? Am I missing something there?

BTW, that offensive pass interference was the right call!

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MG, then say that. Don't just tell people to shut up.

Personally, I thought the same thing as the OP about the holding call. Seattle was holding like crazy all throughout the playoffs, not just our game, and rarely got called for it. I certainly didn't bat an eye when they got flagged for it yesterday.

The refs were pretty terrible though. For a SB you expect a better crew.

I agree with the holding calls. I know we all saw at least 4 blatant holds go uncalled in our playoff game. As far as the officiating, the only thing I disagree with is the expectation. The refs have pretty much been crap all year long and especially in the playoffs. I can't remember the last game I saw that didn't have at least one major officiating error in it. They've got a lot of work to do this offseason and this year is one they're going to want to forget. Just terrible all year long, no two ways about it.

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Yes, it has been awful and last night was a joke. Pitt's first TD was WAY too close to be a TD, Seattle got the short end of the stick on the offensive PI call, the holding call that took Seattle's first-and-goal from them was bogus, and the ball placement was erratic all night long. I don't know what the deal is, but I'll agree that most of the calls all season long seem to favor the home team. And let's face it, last night Pittsburgh was the home team and their winning the Super Bowl was the story that the NFL and media wanted to see....

I disagree about the offensive PI. He did push off and I'm just glad they're finally calling it against offensive players. Anyways, at least it's some vindication for the offensive PI against Patten on that 40ish yard TD in the Chiefs game (or was it the Broncos, can't remember which).

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But after the 100th replay of Hasslebeck crossing the goal-line, ball-raised in triumph, while noone seemed to notice the fact that our DE got spun around like a rag-doll on the play right in front of an official ... like I'm gonna cry for the Hawks finally getting called for it.

Exactly, I thought it was holding but it doesn't matter here or there to me because they had no calls of consequence against them in two games at home. I'm supposed to cry because they get one called against them.

As far as the Offensive PI. He was right in front of the ref. Do that in the middle of the field and hope not to get caught. Don't do it in the endzone during the Super Bowl with the ref close enough to slap you.

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Thank you karma gods, thank you! After being in Seattle for the Redskins playoff game, I noticed a Philthy-esque potential in the crowd.

This is what I wrote in a thread before the Super Bowl:

I echo these thoughts. I was at the Seattle game, and after witnessing one of your fans, assaulting a 5'2", 100lb female b/c she had a Redskins jersey on, I want Pittsburgh to win. This is b/c I believe in karma...as I believe God also never allows Philthy to win a SB b/c of some of their thugs. You guys put together a couple winning seasons, and you may become Philthy West, where the fairweather thugs come out to play. I've been to several stadiums, and Qwest was the second worst fan behavior I've seen after of course, the Stinc.

It came true!!

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