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What does Snyder think about the job Gibbs is doing?


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Im preparing for another mass assault for my opinion but here goes:

Snyder knew JG could not take the team to the next level so he forced some recent moves. Extending GW's contract and hiring Saunders was all him(my speculation of course). Snyder wasnt going to let the team go through the same crap next year when the potential to go all the way is there. I am thrilled w/this of course and cant wait for next yr.

I have no harsh feelings towards JG as he won 3 Superbowls. I was a die hard fan for the last one(I was a frontrunner that never gave up on his team, I stuck w/Toronto in baseball all these years too). Unlike this site's majority though, I can look at his job perfomance objectively. After one of the worst coaching jobs in NFL history last year(we had one of the best Ds in recent memory and even a tiny bit of O would have made us 10-6, we had tons of talent on O and to finish #30 was a travesty), JG started out this year this yr on the same note. Then after the Dallas miracle, he evolved his gamplan and things really started rolling. The O got up in the top 5 I believe and that was no fluke....

Then he went back to the old Joe. All his new plays like the WR screen, reverses, Cooley out of the backfield, ect. were properly prepared for by opposing teams. Instead of counter preparing, he did little and was shut down often. Yes, we won 6 straight but that's because the D really took it to the next level. If there was one person I would give credit for that streak, its GW and his D gameplan and P. Daniels in particular. His ability to get constant pressure for GW really made the D look like last yr's squad. The O was headed backwards fast in the latter part of the yr. Think Oak, St. L, AZ, Philly, Tampa, and Seattle. The Ws in there are from outstanding D down the stretch when the O couldnt bring it home. To say the O finished #11 is not taking in to account how it will measure up next yr.

Ok now to the point of the thread as I have spent many threads already on JG...

Danny, being the genius that he is, saw everything I just said. That's why he made it a huge point to retain GW, who gets far more credit than JG for our success the last 2 years. At a time when JG was going in to the playoffs, I doubt he would spend much time worrying about any kind of contract(player or coach), even his own, in order to keep the focus on the games. Plus, JG being an ultra nice guy, you would think he might let GW test the waters a bit and see how great of an opp. he might get as a hc. The fact that GW got a moster deal when he did, combined w/the fact of sone of the clauses in the deal, make me think DS made it a point to let GW know he is the real leader of this team......I can feel the hate responses coming right about now....

I didnt come to that conclusion until the Saunders hiring. As this site likes to hold on to the fact JG finished the yr raked #11 in O, I suspect JG was happy or thought he might need another asst. to tweak a few glitches. But never would he ask DS to hire the best and most expensive O cord. in the NFL. Think about this hiring...

Saunders is viewed by the NFL as a great mind and was certain to get a hc job somewhere. I doubt he would want to come to an O w/the way it is run by JG. It would be a backwards move for his career that could cost him huge. My guess is he will have a strong say in the playbook. Factoring in that GW controls the D, JG becomes a figurehead of sorts, which is good. I said I am obj. about JG, so I can freely admit he done a wonderful job the last 2 years putting this team together. I hope he stays w/the admin for many yrs to come in a high position.

My bottom line and point to this thread is DS was unhappy about this yr and might have even asked JG to be Pres/GM and give up the hc role. Let JG be like Bird in the NBA...I think him and JG put their heads together and came up w/this current solution which is a SB ticket.

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I don't think DS (to continue with the acronyms) was any less happy than most of us here. We made the playoffs for what really is the first time in his tenure. That had to get him stoked. What JG did do, and you fail to credit, is change the emotional make-up of the team. He got rid of the me guys and instituted the style of team play we remember from the good old days. That should be apparent to all, and is not given the credit it deserves. JG himself, recognized that he didn't have the time to concentrate on play calling to the extent necessary. He fixed that problem. 'nuff said.:)

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Wait, shouldn't this thread be titled something like, "The Downside of Joe Gibbs, What Snyder Really Thinks" or "The Downside of being the richest franchise in the NFL, the Evil of Joe Gibbs and Dan Snyder"??

dmauro1, you never cease to amaze me with this wolf in sheep's clothing act. Is there anything we can do to hasten your exodus from this site once and for all? Nobody appreciates a troll posing as a fan of the team, especially one who prefaces every post with a disclaimer that the masses are not going to appreciate the impending pearls of wisdom. Call it "playing devil's advocate" or whatever you want, but your act is boring and most would agree that it serves no useful or thought provoking value whatsoever.

I implore you, return to under the rock from which you crawled, an entire fanbase might actually finally respect an act like that.

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Gibbs is already in the HOF, already considered a great coach, he makes tens of millions of dollars just off NASCAR, he's made over ten million since coming back to coach, so what in your right mind makes you think Gibbs is taking orders from Danny?

Do you think Gibbs would just sit back and let Danny make move after move that he disagrees with? If you do then you really need to reevaluate the situation and understand that Gibbs is receiving marching orders from no one.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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Extending GW's contract and hiring Saunders was all him(my speculation of course).
umm, dude if your a fan you need to get in touch, as good as his money was, danny was NOT mostly responsible for the extension and Al commin here. it was joe gibbs who convinced these two more than the money

edit: this is the reason that you have your avatar

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Danny, being the genius that he is, saw everything I just said. That's why he made it a huge point to retain GW, who gets far more credit than JG for our success the last 2 years. At a time when JG was going in to the playoffs, I doubt he would spend much time worrying about any kind of contract(player or coach), even his own, in order to keep the focus on the games. Plus, JG being an ultra nice guy, you would think he might let GW test the waters a bit and see how great of an opp. he might get as a hc. The fact that GW got a moster deal when he did, combined w/the fact of sone of the clauses in the deal, make me think DS made it a point to let GW know he is the real leader of this team......I can feel the hate responses coming right about now....

Mario, Joe Gibbs is the one who turned this organization around (with the help of guys like Snyder Williams Vinny etc...), when will you get it? :doh:

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Your quote proves you lack reading comprehension. Read it again.

And no, I don't agree with the topic. ;)


how so? i take goofballs statement to mean the season we just played, it is OUR last year because OUR year is over. but for the sake of your argument lets say he meant 2004, my statement still applies. so i beleive that my reading comprehension is fine. either way im right and he is wrong. maybe you need to address your lack of subject matter comprehension....?? ;)

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read above post. he meant the 6-10 year. :doh: .
even so, how is that one of the worst inhistory, i can name about 10 worst jobs done in the NFL that year and the past, i would call one of the worst coaching years ever 1-15 with the Bucs, that was terrible, what about the 2-14 49ers that year, that was better? he must be implying that if 6-10 was one of the worst in history. 6-10 is not "the worst in history" or even close, even the redskins 3-13 season must have been better acording to this guy:doh:
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how so? i take goofballs statement to mean the season we just played, it is OUR last year because OUR year is over. but for the sake of your argument lets say he meant 2004, my statement still applies. so i beleive that my reading comprehension is fine. either way im right and he is wrong. maybe you need to address your lack of subject matter comprehension....?? ;)

"After one of the worst coaching jobs in NFL history last year(we had one of the best Ds in recent memory and even a tiny bit of O would have made us 10-6, we had tons of talent on O and to finish #30 was a travesty), JG started out this year this yr on the same note. Then after the Dallas miracle, he evolved his gamplan and things really started rolling. The O got up in the top 5 I believe and that was no fluke...."

How could you NOT know what he meant? And no, I don't agree with him.


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even so, how is that one of the worst inhistory, i can name about 10 worst jobs done in the NFL that year and the past, i would call one of the worst coaching years ever 1-15 with the Bucs, that was terrible, what about the 2-14 49ers that year, that was better? he must be implying that if 6-10 was one of the worst in history. 6-10 is not "the worst in history" or even close, even the redskins 3-13 season must have been better acording to this guy:doh:

Like I said before: No, I do NOT agree with him. But call him out for his content, not your lack of reading comprehension.

And I know you were not one of the two people in question. :)


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"After one of the worst coaching jobs in NFL history last year(we had one of the best Ds in recent memory and even a tiny bit of O would have made us 10-6, we had tons of talent on O and to finish #30 was a travesty), JG started out this year this yr on the same note. Then after the Dallas miracle, he evolved his gamplan and things really started rolling. The O got up in the top 5 I believe and that was no fluke...."

How could you NOT know what he meant? And no, I don't agree with him.


rereading it, it is obvious. honestly once i read the first sentence i stopped. either way he is wrong. i do not waset too much time reading this individuals rants because they always just end up being Gibbs bashing diatribes. to which i say Joe Gibbs = Redskins. if one is that much against Gibbs they cannot be that much of a Skins fan. regardless i should have taken the time to read the whole thing if i was going to comment on it. HOWEVER, he is still wrong. :D

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"After one of the worst coaching jobs in NFL history last year"

unbelievable. this is the kind of quote that proves your lack of real football knowledge. im at a loss for words in light of your utter foolishness.

6-10 w/one of the best Ds in football the last 5 yrs in my opinion(thats GW) w/an O that included Ramesy, Clinton, Coles, Gardner, Samuels, Thomas,ect. is pretty terrible. I dont think any other coach could have finished #30 w/that much talent, also considering they got the reg. got the ball right back after they went 3 and out. I stick by what I said

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This is my mom's recipe for apple pie (I've even successfully made it a few times!) You can make the crust or you can use a premade one.

CRUST (recipe makes one double crust):

2 1/2 cups white flour

2 tbsp. sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup cold butter, broken into small pieces

5 tbsp. cold vegetable shortening

8 tbsp. ice water

bullet Measure the flour, sugar and salt togetherl. Stir to combine.

bullet Add the chilled butter pieces and shortening to the bowl. Cut them in with a pastry cutter or knife. Don't over mix them.

bullet Add the ice water. Mix until the dough holds together (add a bit more water, if necessary).

bullet Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface, knead it together, then divide in half.

bullet Flatten each half into a disk, wrap in saran wrap and chill for at least half an hour.

bullet Roll out one of the disks on a lightly floured surface until you have a circle that's about 12 inches in diameter.

bullet Put the circle in a 9" pie plate, trimming any extra dough from the edges with a sharp knife (parents only). Return it to the refrigerator until you are ready to make the pie.

bullet Add filling (see below)

bullet Roll out the second ball of dough and cover top. Use a fork or your fingers to pinch the edges together. cut a couple slits in the top.


1/3 to 2/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Pinch of salt

8 medium sized apples (a medium apple = about 1 cup)

2 tablespoons margarine

bullet Heat oven to 425 degrees.

bullet Peel, core and slice the apples. Try to keep the size of the slices even.

bullet Mix sugar, flour, nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt in large bowl.

bullet Stir in apples.

bullet Pour into pastry-lined pie plate.

bullet Dot with margarine.

bullet Cover with top crust and seal the edges. Cut slits in the top.

bullet OPTIONAL: Cover edge with 3-inch strip of aluminum foil to prevent too much browning.

bullet Remove foil during last 15 minutes of baking.

bullet Bake 40 to 50 minutes or until crust is brown and juice begins to bubble through slits in crust.

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