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Sonny asks Cooley what he learned this year


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That's real classy guys... someone is angry that Brunell has played horrible for the last X weeks. Every week apologists would say, "wait till next week, he'll..."

Well finally today we were not the vastly better team. We couldn't overcome ineptitude at the QB position.

You're deluding yourself if you think the type of QB play we've had for the last few weeks is enough to get it done. People just got drunk on the winning (fair enough) but refused to look at the flaws in front of our eyes because we still came out on top.

It was this "don't change what's broken" attitude that has us looking towards next year.

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It's funny how we havn't seen these people for the last 6 weeks but the very instant we lose they start comming out from under the bridge.

That's the very definition of a troll.

Go back under your bridges, Trolls!!

Odd. I've been here the whole time. Now if you had said "some" of these people, you'd have maybe been accurate.

As for the false dichotomy some have set up. I saw Brady just lose a game in which he made a few mistakes. His face was like stone. He still congratulated people and he didn't cry or pout. He also didn't laugh or joke.

I guess some people would rather a guy play like crap and have a good old time afterwards (as long as he starts, he's cool) whereas an actual WINNER in this league, one of the best ever is stone-faced but professional. You think Tom (a Wolverine forever) would be laughing and joking with Jake Plummer after the game? :laugh: :doh:

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I think it shows strength of character to be able to crack a smile and attempt a joke after a tough loss such as todays. Not many people I know could or even would think about trying to lighten the mood. Granted, I am not one to talk... I have been snippy to folks all night long that have called me once the game was over... But then again... I am not in the same position he is. So, instead of ridiculing Brunell... Praise him for his ability to be strong for his team.

Besides, what purpose would it have served to sulk about it?

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There's a reason why this is such a popular topic. I happen to agree with Nibbs, and I really don't think he's the least bit of a troll. We are all very passionate about this team, and Brunell did ok for us, but it is MORE than conceivable that another QB could have done better.

Brunell isn't expected to do much in the offense. The coaching staff wants him to excercise discretion the majority of the time. If Ramsey was flattered by such a protective gameplan, good running game, and good offensive line, most of his signature weaknesses (most notably the Brett Favre syndrome, trying to force passes when they aren't there) would diminish greatly also. Remember that the supporting cast and coaching staff was pretty circus-like when Ramsey got his "chance."

It really could all become moot anyway. Brunell beat the odds by staying healthy for this season. It is extremely unlikely that, at 35, he can put together such a streak of health once more. The hits are taking their toll. In all likelihood, Ramsey or Campbell will be inserted early next season due to some minor injury to Brunell and after leading us to 4 scoring drives with the help of our new #2 WR the decision will make itself.

And for what it's worth, if the Skins had Hasselbeck today and the Seahawks had Brunell, it would NOT have been a close game. Is Hasselbeck a "special" player? nah... good, but not special. Ramsey may be equally talented. He's played well in the past, and he probably will play well again.

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Besides, what purpose would it serve to sulk about it now?

Who said sulk? Brady is at his PC talking now. No sulking about it. He didn't cry or pout.

Is it TOO MUCH TO ASK that a heartbreaking playoff loss show on your QB's face? I'm not saying tears. Just that disappointed look that MOST athletes at any level show when losing a big-time game. Even that kind of half-smile look of disappointment, but no.

In any event, history will be rewritten. This argument will fade away until it becomes Campbell. And when the SAME people who are called Ramsey-jockers embrace Campbell because he shows the right signs, I'm sure the same people will be hating then...Until Gibbs makes another change.

At least cats like illone had his opinion beforehand. He wasn't reliant on Gibbs to crow about things. I respect that, at least.

And no, I wasn't at the game. I received advanced warning that an attempt to call out would not meet with much positive reaction.

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Ghost, your stuff is getting old.

You are willing to dump on Brunell, and not really dump on anyone else. It is tough to make plays when the opponent seems to know what is coming, and has a guy in your face almost every play. When Gibbs finally opened things up, he was largely responsible for getting us back into the game. Did you see that pass to Cooley? Yeah, that was a thing of beauty. He had a couple other passes like that, including his last pass to Moss, which Moss couldn't hold on to.

Fact is, tho, is that Seattle is the better team on this day. They beat us in most ways. We are getting there tho, and things are looking bright for the future. Why don't you focus on that?


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I somewhat agree with Ghost about being critical of Brunell laughing and stuff with opponents. I hate it when you see all these millionaires going out there and playing against each other, but not really feeling that adversarial vibe. They are all friends now. Play golf together, work the charity events together, etc. It's a big rich boys club, and even though they are rich off of us, the fans, they still don't take things as personally as we do.

A perfect example is when Favre took a dive so his buddy Strahan would get the single season sack record. If I were Favre I'd have been doing everything in my power NOT to be the one he set the record on.

I really like MB and I respect his playing this season. But joking with the players from the team that just knocked you out of the playoffs? :doh:

I wish it was still like the 60s and 70s when guys didn't make nearly as much money to play and still took winning and losing to heart.

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It's called being a good sportsman after the game. I'm glad Brady lost today, pompous punk.

:laugh: Yes, apparently you've never seen an athlete congratulate the other team with the look of disappointment in his eye and perfunctory stuff.

Funny how Gibbs barely shakes Parcells hand and we all praise him for "really caring about winning" but when Brunell laughs it up with the opposing QB, it's being a 'good sportsman.'

Pick one already. Brunell will always be happy, so long as he's starter. He got pushed out in Jax because he was already declining, NOT because they went with a youth movement. He made it a condition that he get a good shot here for the trade to go through and Gibbs conveyed how enamored he was with him, which meant he knew he'd have the job. He'll have it next year too and this debate will be on again until Campbell unseats him.

Hopefully Campbell is a winner who doesn't laugh and joke after PLAYOFF losses with the enemy's 'leader.'

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:laugh: Yes, apparently you've never seen an athlete congratulate the other team with the look of disappointment in his eye and perfunctory stuff.
It was the end of a great year, what's not to smile about, what's not to congradulate the other team?

Don't be like Gore/Lieberman and be a...



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And no, I wasn't at the game. I received advanced warning that an attempt to call out would not meet with much positive reaction.

Hey, I went to the game...There was a lot of hostility on the part of Bird fans...But I'm sure you would have been embraced by Redskins tailgaters in spite of your obession with knocking Brunell.

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Ghost you stand by convictions that Brunell is a bad leader simply because he didn't look dejected enough after losing???

Seriously listen to yourself, man. Don't you think you are being a LITTLE nitpicky??

Sure, Brady is a better QB, leader, and hell he even looks dejected after a loss, but that doesn't mean we'd be better off as a team with a guy like Brady. Brunell did everything this offense was capable of. Yesterday our oline play dictated the flow of the game (or lack there of). This group is solid with Randy Thomas in the lineup, but when you resort to a 20+ year veteran who goes down with cramps and you throw the center who lost his job to a 2nd string free agent this season then you know you're in trouble. Raymer got owned on almost every play.

If you would have gone to the game maybe you could have seen that part better.

You should have gone to the game. Period. You live in Seattle and should have been there to support the team. Plus, I'm sure you could have gotten some still shots of Ramsey on the sideline;).

If you must place blame somewhere maybe you should at least take an honest look at the playcalling and up front blocking schemes. I bet you weren't crowing about Brunell when we beat Dallas (for the sweep) then got revenge on the Giants. The oline played at a much higher level in those games than they have in recent weeks. Brunell looked sharper and the playcalling was better. Yesterday the playcalling was complete crap. I'd blame Gibbs over Brunell on this one.

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Ghost, you are nothing more than a Brunell troll. Any excuse you can find to bash the guy you waste no time in doing so. You disappear during the win streak then start posting again when we lose, only to blame Brunell.

Rather than be proud of the team for a great year you decide to bash the guy who helped get us here. You are never satisfied.

Who threw the ball to Moss as he broke the team receivng yards record?

Who handed the ball to Clinton and led the team as we won 5 in a row?

Who stayed calm and cool in the 4th qtr to beat Dallas in their own house?

Who scrambled for key 1st downs throughout the year to keep drives alive and save wins for us?

You problem is you never give him ANY credit for anything positive that he DOES do. I may not like Ramsey but at least I gave him credit when he played great this year in relief of Brunell in the Giants game.

You should be the one to go forget yourself. You are a joke.

A Brunell troll, LMAO.

And you know as ultra-stressful as it was last night, Brunell remained calm, cool & collected. He scrambled and ran around looking for open receivers, and if you remember the plays he made were always on the run. Our O-line did not protect him as well this game or Seattle did extra good blocking err umm (cough) HOLDING, but regardless, Brunell showed stamina, poise & intelligence in the pocket. I am very proud of him. He is a warrior. His knee looked kinda funky after he ran out of bounds one play, so I just know he played hurt as well. He's a fighter. Campbell is learning from the best.

One thing that so impresses me about Brunell besides his character & humility is his intelligence in the pocket. Like how he batted that ball out to avoid a safety earlier in the season. What a guy. I am proud we got to see the Brunell comeback this year, and that he led our team so far. HTTR! :helmet:

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Sure, Brady is a better QB, leader, and hell he even looks dejected after a loss, but that doesn't mean we'd be better off as a team with a guy like Brady. Brunell did everything this offense was capable of.

I happen to STRONGLY disagree with this chunk of conjecture. Most non-redskins fans I know would laugh at it. It is this offense which flatters Brunell, not vice versa. And if we had Tom Brady at QB, we'd win the Super Bowl three times in four years.

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Before the game i was hoping brunell would get hit hard early in the game, maybe on the first or second drive and have to leave the game because of injury. He has been banged up the last few games and this is exactly how i expected him to play. He missed some open guys, over threw them, he also had a couple nice throws. I mean that 4th and 16 was unbeliveable! I knew gibbs would never pull brunell for ramsey, ramsey would def have given us a better chance. I'm not a brunell hater, he had a fantastic year and is a great guy to have on your side. I just wish it would have ended another way.

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I happen to STRONGLY disagree with this chunk of conjecture. Most non-redskins fans I know would laugh at it. It is this offense which flatters Brunell, not vice versa. And if we had Tom Brady at QB, we'd win the Super Bowl three times in four years.

So it's non Redskins fan that we use to judge our team?

The rest of your post is speculation, although I'd take Brady in a heartbeat:laugh:

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But see that's the point.

Why let it rest--WE LOST! I'm not one of these people who's going to praise a loss. The rest of the team? yeah. Ray Brown retiring? Sure.

But a loss is a loss. I predicted BETTER than this (tired of hearing how NO ONE gave the team a shot) and one of the points of divergence between us is that you believe Brunell had something to do with us being in the playoffs.

Yes, only in that Jonathan Quinn or one of the TRULY horrible QBs could never have done that. But I believe almost any competent QB-ing over the course of the year, assuming basic health, could have gotten us to 10-6 (if not better.)

You kinda contradict yourself here...because on the one hand, you say that Brunell didn't really have much to do with the Skins going 10-6 and making it into the playoffs ("one of the points of divergence between us is that you believe Brunell had something to do with us being in the playoffs")...but on the other hand you say that any "competent QB" could have lead the Skins to a 10-6 record and the playoffs. Which, if you use logic, means that Brunell was a competent QB who lead the Skins to a 10-6 record and the playoffs, negating your first thought that Brunell had nothing to do with the record or the Skins' postseason appearance.

We can't pretend Brunell did nothing more than hand off to Portis 80 times a game...he did a LOT this season to help the Skins win the games they did, while also conceeding that his limitations helped the Skins lose a few games that they otherwise may have one. Overall I was pleased with his play and leadership...a QB doesn't have to look like Peyton Manning in order to get some credit and praise for their team's success.

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