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Farris PI call was BULL!!!


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I've listened to Rome and I am aware that he calls his fans clones.

I am not calling you "deft." You are doing a fine job of showcasing that without my help.

Like when you pointed out that I mistakenly typed Reft, instead of Ref and it confused you to the point that you had to ask me what I was talking about? Is that a good example of me being deft? By the way, you also asked me where you could find a thread that blamed the...refs... for your team's misfortune. Umm, I think we're in one right now and you even responded to it and agreed that your fans blame the...refs...way too much. Keeping up?

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Like when you pointed out that I mistakenly typed Reft, instead of Ref and it confused you to the point that you had to ask me what I was talking about? Is that a good example of me being deft? By the way, you also asked me where you could find a thread that blamed the...refs... for your team's misfortune. Umm, I think we're in one right now and you even responded to it and agreed that your fans blame the...refs...way too much. Keeping up?

Yes, I was making a joke about your use of the word "reft." Wasn't confused at all, just making a joke. This is not a thread about "refts" but rather one about a bad call by the refs, so it doesn't count. Sorry.

I am on record here many times saying that there is too much whining about bad calls.

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That was a pure screwjob. I jumped out of my bed in all this pain screaming YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh because I thought without the shadow of a doubt that was PI on Seattle.

Not only that, but they gave Jackson a whole yard on that first down that led to thier TD drive.

Not only are we playing bad, we're getting reamed by the zebras. They can all drop dead for all I care, such a joke.

Yes that BS spot turned the game around.

The ball was clearly down a yard short of the first. I dont know why we didnt request a review.

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I don't think that people would make fun of you guys for blaming the refs if you didn't do it every_single_game. Really. Every loss this year (Outside of maybe the blowout against the Giants) I've read about how screwed the Skins were by the zebras.

Chicken Little Syndrome.

You know, I agree with you completely.

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That was a terrible call as well as that spot that gave seattle the first down

:applause: You nailed that. The refs spotted them over a yard on 3rd down that led to the go ahead touchdown.

On the offensive pass interference the other guy had his hands on Farris's helmet & shoulder. That should have been 1rst&goal.

Anyone think there was "officiating latitude" going on for the Sean Taylor spitting incident?

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:applause: You nailed that. The refs spotted them over a yard on 3rd down that led to the go ahead touchdown.

On the offensive pass interference the other guy had his hands on Farris's helmet & shoulder. That should have been 1rst&goal.

Anyone think there was "officiating latitude" going on for the Sean Taylor spitting incident?

I didn't think of that as I was watching the game, but it's a valid question.

What I saw was a field full of Redskins, Seahawks, coaches and refs who worked their butts off in what was probably a MISERABLE environment.

Seattle came out rusty and uninspired. The Redskins came out tired and flat from winning 6 "playoff" games in a row, not to mention a flight to the wet, cold artificial field in Seattle.

The 2 head coaches had to pull out some resources from the bench all day and kudos to both for keeping their teams in it.

The players and referees wanted to go home, though. By the late 3rd quarter, anybody who had to run, catch, hit, or be hit was ready for some warmth and rest. Even on Seattle, only Hasselbeck was raising his level of play as the game trudged on.

No shame in losing that game. The NFL can start fearing the Washington Redskins again.

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