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Farris PI call was BULL!!!


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That was a pure screwjob. I jumped out of my bed in all this pain screaming YEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh because I thought without the shadow of a doubt that was PI on Seattle.

Not only that, but they gave Jackson a whole yard on that first down that led to thier TD drive.

Not only are we playing bad, we're getting reamed by the zebras. They can all drop dead for all I care, such a joke.

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Uhhh, maybe because this is the biggest game of the year. Our offense looks ****ty enough as it is, we don't need stupid calls like that going against us. Mainly the first down that led to their score, that was the best spot I've ever seen.

Uhhh, so the refs should give us every call? Not gonna happen. That call was neither offensive or defensive, but since we didn't catch it, it didn't hurt us. Crying over milk that was bad anyways is pointless.

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Every call? We have got zilch.

They are holding, getting unreal spots.

We have got not a damn thing.

You do realize the refs travel? It's not like it's a bunch of seattle natives throwing on the zebra stripes and calling the game...

Tuck the conspiracy theories away and admit our offense just isn't producing...

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