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Pasta-belly takes a shot at Joe on the Stews


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Our favorite sportswriter was on the Two Live Stews show today in Atlanta. As an aside, for those of you not familiar with the Stews, find a way to listen to these guys--they are hilarious. Sort of the hip-hop version of Kornheiser and Wilbon.

Anyway, Pasta-belly comes on and the lead-in is something like "we have a lot to talk about in the NFL this week, playoffs, guys entering the draft, coaching changes so let's get to it."

Pasta fires back with "yeah, and safties spitting on other players. Got a love this. And you have Joe Gibbs, some holy roller, defending the guy. Just ridiculous." Without any prompting the guy takes a shot at Joe. Now, I'm OK with it being open season on Taylor. He needs a serious attitude adjustment. But why take a shot at Joe--any coach would defend his player. And he wants to know why he is a target on this message board.

Just thought I would share this little nugget from the ATL. Any Atlanta Skins fans--see you at the Bucket Shop tomorrow. Hail. I'm gone.

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Now, I'm OK with it being open season on Taylor. He needs a serious attitude adjustment. But why take a shot at Joe--any coach would defend his player. And he wants to know why he is a target on this message board.

UN-freaking-believable, ATL. Pasta has some kind of amazingly sordid vendetta against JG. I just don't get it. Not just attacking his coaching or his personnel decisions or his hair or his glasses or his laugh, but attacking the man's honest relationship with his Lord. That's way off the charts. Lenny P is very sad, sad man. He's needs some serious prayer!

On a lighter note, ATL, the Stews are pretty funny at times. BTW, what part of the city are you in? Eagle's Landing (South Metro) here.

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I'm in Decatur. Been here for about 7 years. Do you ever head to the Bucket Shop to watch the games?

I have not had the opportunity to get over there, since I just heard about The Bucket Shop last week. I normally hang with some friends and my family at Beef O'Brady's. And I'm already planning a SUPER BOWL party here at my house!!!

Maybe we can get together sometime. HTTR!!!!

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Just remember when all is said and done Joe Gibbs will go down as a legendary coach in the NFL and NASCAR owner. Pasquerelli will be forgotten in the ether of the internet. It is a "little" man who is trying to prove his manliness in taking a shot at someone who has and will continue to achieve more than he could ever dream.

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Actually, I think this is great. A guy who calls Joe Gibbs a "holy roller"? Says it publicly?? An objective sportswriter???

Methinks Len is edging closer to the abyss.

It's sad, in a way. He's missing his chance at redemption and at restoring his good name and he continues down the dark path.

Really a tragedy and I'm being totally serious.

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Pastabelly is a piece of human trash. And he's a stupid moron that fails miserably in human relations. Gibbs is not only an incredibly good and compassionate human being, he's down right wicked smart. There's no better way to motivate a player to give everything he's got on the field than for a coach to strongly demonstrate his support for that player. To paraphrase Ryan Clark - who wouldn't want to play for a guy like Joe Gibbs?

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Actually, I think this is great. A guy who calls Joe Gibbs a "holy roller"? Says it publicly?? An objective sportswriter???

Methinks Len is edging closer to the abyss.

That's absoutly right ....when it comes to the opinion peddlers in the media...lesson one is: DON'T MESS WITH THE JESUS FREAKS... So keep it up fatso...it'll only quicken your retirement.

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Do you ever head to the Bucket Shop to watch the games?

When I lived in Atlanta, on Lenox Rd. actually, I went to the Bucket Shop a number of times to watch the games. Mainly on Monday night... or Sunday night... because on Sunday that always seemed to have the G-men or Buffalo on their big screen.

I also went to Diggers in Roswell... which was huge Jets/G-men/Buffalo fans but made an exception and put the Redskins on a big screen in the corner of the bar.

As for Pastabelly.... totally irrelevant. It's obvious he's not objective.... he has an ax to grind against Washington and has decided he'd rather slam the team than write something interesting, important, or relevant.

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Pasta fires back with "yeah, and safties spitting on other players. Got a love this. And you have Joe Gibbs, some holy roller, defending the guy. Just ridiculous." Without any prompting the guy takes a shot at Joe. Now, I'm OK with it being open season on Taylor. He needs a serious attitude adjustment. But why take a shot at Joe--any coach would defend his player. And he wants to know why he is a target on this message board.


I think this has gone beyond "game" for this cat. Poor man, to be such a small person really saddens me. I personally respect J.G. more for his faith than his accomplishments. After all that is what life's all about.

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OK, I joke alot about Pasquerelli and his impending heart attack; sometimes i feel bad about it as i am joking about somebody's possible death. But then i realized, that it's pasquerelli; he probably sits at home with his Joe Gibbs voodoo doll while eating 15 vats of KFC and prays for Gibbs' demise. This guy hates Gibbs. It's one thing to hate the skins, the owner, even us, but how can you hate a guy like Gibbs. That's like wanting to beat the crap out of Mr. Rogers - what the f*ck is wrong with you? Joe Gibbs is one of those people that has the character that few possess even presidents. When Lenny dies, I will find his grave and dance on it in full redskins garb - i'll do it in the middle of the funeral the way he pisses me off now. His family would probably join me...

note: not really going to crash the pasquerelli funeral, but it makes me calm down to think about it

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