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i am very happy that the skins are in the playoffs, and I AM A HUGE SKINS FAN! but do you think that the cowboys didnt try against the rams or that they just SUCK! cause this way the skins would have gotten in both ways? just wondering, SUCK or didnt care?

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Most people seem to think the Cowboys would have won if we would have lost our game. I don't think so... Bleedso and that Offensive (line and running back) stunk. I think they played their best and it was not good enough.

We would have made it into the playoffs with a loss. Glad we earned it though.

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i was so drained i fell asleep at halftime, but it looked to me that dallas was just completely flat. an unfinished block here, a lazy coverage there ... they really looked like a shell of the team they could've been were they playing for anything other than a worse draft pick ...

i'm about as confident as i could be (which doesn't say much) that they'd have come out flying had we lost.

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Well, let's not forget that the Rams are still good on offense. Jackson, Faulk, Bruce, Holt, etc. I don't know why they were so inconsistent this year. I don't know what the Cowboys were doing. I didn't know they lost until I went to the FOX SPORTS website. Maybe they have no pride left or they are just looking forward to next year. They just beat Carolina last week so they aren't a bad team but I think after they realized their playoff fate they just let the Rams have the game since

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I don't think they're that bad of a football team. The main problem with Dallas is their O-line. After Flo Adams went down the line fell apart and it really had an effect on the running game and Bledsoe.

They aren't nearly as good as they thought they were when they were 7-3, but they are not a bad team.

I'm really enjoying their current misery.

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The Cowboys would have won if the game had meant something.

That said I do think the Cowboys are the #3 team in the NFC East right now.

I know Flozell Adams is hurt and that changed the way the Cowboys had to play on offense in the passing game.

But unless they are operating with the '70's Dolphins line or the 80's Hogs, Drew Bledsoe at 34 by next season is going to be nothing more than an extension of the clay pidgeon he was in the last half of 2005.

Dallas needs to get younger on offense. They need to find a younger qb. They need to settle on an everydown running back. They need to get some youth at WR where Keyshawn and Terry Glenn are both over 30.

And finally they need to upgrade their OL even with the return of Adams at OT.

On defense, I think the Cowboys have a good unit with a number of young, up and coming performers. They had a great draft in 2005.

One thing that will be interesting to see is if Parcells comes back whether LaRoi Glover returns. He is 280 pounds trying to play NT in a 3-4 he is ill-suited for.

Glover needs to be in a 4-3 defense where he plays off the nose.

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Okay in the UK we have a crappy TV coverage but I watched the game and I have to say this about the C-Boys who our comenteters seem to think are on the up and up .

QB they have no plan beyond Bledsoe they could pick up a decent backup this year but there will be alot of movement in the QBS this year they may be in the market for Rivers though but you juts get the feeling the team is not in the business of developing talent here.

RB Jones is good but brittle and could go either way and what they have behind him are not more than prospects .

TE Witten is the bright spark here but for all the talk about him Cooley has better numbers . Other than that who is there at TE for the Boys Dan Cambell .

OL : They are looking old on the line right now Allen is 34 now, Rivera 33, Adams is 30 Gourde isn't panning out and Petit is probably 2 years away from knowing what you have with him.

WR : Keyshawn is comming up on 34, Glenn has issues and 32, Cooper and Crayton are okay No 2 or 3 recivers but would anyone be happy relying on them ? Newman was out there on offence an awful lot last night which makes you think about there depth .

On defefence

DL Spears and Cantry look great prospects but then so did Fergerson, Elis and Glover ... they were not exactly bums but are now being swept aside .

LB Ware could be great but Fujita, James and Shanie you have o think who ?

CB Glen is old but Newman and Henry are servicable and should be comming into thier prime but Henry is 29 and Newman is 27 and age can do bad things to CBs .

FS/SS Roy Williams is great in run support but has been exposed and exposed in coverage and it might not just be on him he has been slowed by injury and the supporting cast is not great so much so Tony Dixon is back with the Boys after being relased then signed by us then released again .

Special teams . McBriar could have been a deent experiment but that seems to be going sour (42.5 average will get you mid of the pack), and the identikit kickers they have had through Valley Ranch really needs to stop

So in sumary you have a rapidly aging team in terms of skill positions and OL, some youth on defence but lots of resources have gone on strengthening strengths.

I know people are going to compare us with the Cboys but we are different teams ...

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I tell that this is tough to do, but I think the Redskins in one season have avenged the 14 of 16 or whatever crap the numbers WERE. At least when it comes to delivering heartbreak to Cowboy fans.

Consider the following that has occured this season.

1. Mark Brunell to Santana Moss twice in 4 min.

Utter heartbreaker for Cowboy fans.

2. After escaping KC, Parcells and the Boys (and their fans) thought they were well on their way to the postseason and they were going to come to FedEx to exact their revenge for the "fluke" 14-13 win. The Skins steamroll them in historic fashion and embarrass them on national TV.......again.

3 Sunday. Cowboy fans were left watching our game against the Eagles. We had to lose for them to have any shot. The Skins tease them by struggling for 3 quarters against Philly and Cowboy fans actually begin to believe they have a shot. Then the roof caves in thanks to Lemar Marshall, Clinton Portis, Phillip Daniels, and Sean Taylor.

Their hearts broken one last time. You saw it on Jerrah's face last night as ESPN showed him watching the Skins game. You heard it when the ESPN crew talked about how the fans came early to Texas Stadium to watch the Skins/Eagles before the Cowboys/Rams and how they could feel the disappointment in the stadium when Sean Taylor got the fumble. You can read it on the various Skins/Eagles game threads on Cowboys sites.

I really believe this, I think the Skins were able to deliver enough heartache to the Cowboys and their fans this season to avenge all the "pain" we've had to endure these last 7 years or so.


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I tell that this is tough to do, but I think the Redskins in one season have avenged the 14 of 16 or whatever crap the numbers WERE. At least when it comes to delivering heartbreak to Cowboy fans.

Consider the following that has occured this season.

1. Mark Brunell to Santana Moss twice in 4 min.

Utter heartbreaker for Cowboy fans.

2. After escaping KC, Parcells and the Boys (and their fans) thought they were well on their way to the postseason and they were going to come to FedEx to exact their revenge for the "fluke" 14-13 win. The Skins steamroll them in historic fashion and embarrass them on national TV.......again.

3 Sunday. Cowboy fans were left watching our game against the Eagles. We had to lose for them to have any shot. The Skins tease them by struggling for 3 quarters against Philly and Cowboy fans actually begin to believe they have a shot. Then the roof caves in thanks to Lemar Marshall, Clinton Portis, Phillip Daniels, and Sean Taylor.

Their hearts broken one last time. You saw it on Jerrah's face last night as ESPN showed him watching the Skins game. You heard it when the ESPN crew talked about how the fans came early to Texas Stadium to watch the Skins/Eagles before the Cowboys/Rams and how they could feel the disappointment in the stadium when Sean Taylor got the fumble. You can read it on the various Skins/Eagles game threads on Cowboys sites.

I really believe this, I think the Skins were able to deliver enough heartache to the Cowboys and their fans this season to avenge all the "pain" we've had to endure these last 7 years or so.


I agree with this.....How sweet it is. :dallasuck :dallasuck

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I think that the overall answer to this post should be, who cares?

They lost, they're not in the playoffs, Parcells may retire, Jerry Jones will probably bring in TO, and then we can watch another soap opera.

I have compassion for every other team in the league except the Dallas Cowboys.

I had friends of mine who are Eagles fans who realized that, for the greater good, they would root for us against their own team in order for Dallas to NOT make the playoffs. I hate (I know it's a strong word, but it applies) Dallas with all that I have and I'm glad that they are about to go through an offseason of turmoil.

Thank you.:point2sky

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Your logic that you sweeping them and knocking them out of the playoffs serves no logic as to how they did last night. The fact they were unable to make the playoffs probably did effect their play. But they went into Carolina last week and beat a pretty good Panther team the week after you beat them. They had a chance only if they beat Carolina and they went in there and did just that. Now, if the Redskins lost would the Cowboys have beaten the Rams? No one will ever know but I have a feeling they would have.

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First thing I did after we beat the Eagles was tune into the Cowboys pregame show last night. Priceless doesn't even begin to describe it, Babe Laufenburg and Randy White sitting in their little seats in one of the endzones as the season and the game had now been completely nullified by us. The crowd noise, only half an hour from kickoff, completely non-existant. I wish someone had filmed a group of fans watching the Skins game when Sean Taylor scored, to have seen one of those flunkie, moronic fans wilt at the sight of impending doom as the terminator took one step after another towards the endzone would have probably made my head explode from the emotion. I would go through another multi-year dry spell against the Cowboys just to have another year like this one. They can point to no other reason than the two games against us as to why they didn't get into the playoffs. Then they come out and play like dogs in front of their hometown fans against one of the worst teams in the league starting their third-string qb. Didn't try for the fans, didn't try for their own pride, and didn't try for that fat, old, fart of a coach they have. It was a heart-warming night.

Good Luck Next Year F*ckers.

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']Your logic that you sweeping them and knocking them out of the playoffs serves no logic as to how they did last night. The fact they were unable to make the playoffs probably did effect their play. But they went into Carolina last week and beat a pretty good Panther team the week after you beat them. They had a chance only if they beat Carolina and they went in there and did just that. Now' date=' if the Redskins lost would the Cowboys have beaten the Rams? No one will ever know but I have a feeling they would have.[/quote']

Yada, Yada. B$hit Parcells homer.

If Carolina had played with the same intensity they played with yesterday when they whipped Atlanta 43-3(?) against Dallas in their house, this would be a moot subject. Carolina didn't put the game away when they had the chance. They let Dallas hang around in their house and got their lunches handed to them. Most everyone knows Carolina is superior to Dallas.

Dallas winning the way they did in Carolina was a fluke, same as the way the Gmen whipped the 'Skins @ the Meadowlands. That will NOT happen again in JJGs tenure. The A$$ kicking we got handed to us up there will be bulletin

board material for years to come, ala "remember the Alamo". :D

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We stuck it to dallas 3 times this year. It is a wonderful feeling. I cant wait to go to work tomorrow. The cowgirls fans at work are going to hate me until the seasons starts next year. Dallas deservs it. I hate their fans. It will be a long cold winter for the cowgirls.

Hope they have a good winter coat!!!!!!!!!!! DALLAS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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