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Need a BIG FAVOR from my friends here at ES!


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Okay guys/gals I have tickets to this weekend's big game againsts Dallas. It will be my first Redskins/Dallas game EVER.

There is one potential problem and here is when you guys come in. My fiancee is pregnant and our baby is due.......guess when.......the 18th!!!! I would like all of you who read this to post your prayer or whatever you believe in that she either has it before the game and before Friday or after the game, hopefully Monday.

Please help a fellow ES fan out!

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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While i hope you get your wish , i also hope you realize that the birth of your kid is 100 times more important than going to the game, it should be a special time for both of you. I would not be upset either way, its a win win situation IMO. Congrats and hope all goes well!


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hope for after the game.... If you have it right before, you are not going to come to the game...

I have already been given the go ahead if she has it on Thursday, but any day after that is a no go. I am really excited about this game, but it pales in comparisson to the fact that this will be my first child!

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I just slaughtered a goat and had sex with a mule......this should give you all the good karma you need to be able to attend the game this Sunday ;)

Now that's lending a helping, um, hand :laugh:

Look at it this way - if she has the kid on Sunday at least you can always remember its birthday as the day we swept the Cowgirls for the first time in 10 years! :applause:

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