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WP: Redskins Notebook: Arrington Says He's in the 'Doghouse'


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I agree...it's now becoming the weekly "Air Dirty Laundry About Gibbs And Williams" show (although I somehow believe that Gibbs may not be one of the coaches he's referring to). At the same time, though, there is some validity to the premise that you can't keep saying "He's not showing it in practice" if he's barely given any plays TO "show it" in practice.

If I were in LaVar's shoes, and I kept hearing my coaches tell the media that I'm not doing enough in practice when I know that I'm not given enough to do in practice...and I kept hearing the media and fans talk about how I'm too "stupid" to learn the defense...I gotta admit, it would be extremely hard to just sit there and watch my reputation get banged up and tarnished week after week, with me being unable to get out on the field and prove everyone wrong. So I can relate to his frustration.

But I think airing it out on the radio every week isn't the smartest thing he could be doing.

If you remember, we found out Ramsey wasn't getting snaps in practice, but just before Brunell got benched, Bugel decided to make public how he had to do things in practice, with opportunities he wasn't getting. And Patrick wasn't going public at all with his feelings at the time. And I highly doubt he turned around in the week or two before he got time when Brunell got pulled.

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well i am making my first comment on this whole situation, as i have said in the past, i have real worries about arringtons ability as a "leader" and voice for the team etc.. what ever anyone says he really isn't that smart, it is very obvious in every interview he has ever conducted. yes he is an amazing physical talent, but that is really about the end of it. i think gibbs and co want to win and you can't do that if your team leader in the locker room is an idiot, they are deliberatly stripping that role from him. making it so that when he starts giving a some rhetroric it the locker room it doesn't automatically drown out the more intelligent players.

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AJ_Skins writes... I hate to say it, but it really does look like they made a decision to get rid of him ASAP, didn't tell him so they could keep him around this year in case of injury, and are keeping him on the bench to avoid having to pay him any of the incentives in his contract.

Keeping him around this year in case of an injury? That doesn't track, AJ...but your theory that they have made the decision to get rid of him does.

Now that he has twice gone public to announce that he is healthy, they can't be concerned about having to pay him injury compensation. Why not release him?

Coming off a serious knee injury, with a fat contract, he has no trade value. Does he?

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Whatever may be the case... if it is true that Lavar "vehemently disagreed with defensive coordinator Gregg Williams's assertion last week that players who want to be on the field Sunday 'have to do it in practice.' ", then honestly, shouldn't he know why he's on the bench? Remember what happened to Darkerian, Lavar? After all the struggles at the WR position last year, he still barely played.

As stated in the article - the disagreement is that Gregg Williams is not giving Lavar the chance to do it in practice, NOT that Lavar needs to do it in practice. Lavar is in agreement with that. I hope these two can work it out.

"Like Coach Williams says, I've got to show them in practice. Well in practice, give me some reps [repetitions] so you can see what I can do. ".

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I made the comment earlier in the spring that I thought this would be Arrington's last year in Washington. I felt the Redskins were getting nowhere near the preformance for the money that they were giving to Arrington. Well I was called a moron and many other nice things by all of the LaVar lovers out there which is OK because look how things have worked out. I had the oppurtunity to watch Arrington close up for many years. Being close to the Pittsburgh area it was very easy to keep an eye on LaVar's high school and college career. This kid was blessed with some of the finest physical qualities that I have ever seen. He was a man amoungst boys in high school, but when he landed at penn state things began to sour for LaVar. He just couldn't play in a disiplined system. He was often in Paterno's doghouse in his three years in state college. Plenty of free lancing, personal fouls, and big mouth comments all over the place. Finally after Arrington's junior year Paterno said hit the road LaVar, I've had enough of this sh*t. Your ready for the NFL, good luck. Things seemed just fine at the beginning of Arrington's Redskin career because there was no disipline at Redskin Park. That's a system where LaVar fit in just fine. Now, that system is gone. This is a very disiplined system that Greg Williams runs. No free lancing, no missed assignments, no out of control play. This system doesen't fit Arrington. It fits Marcus Washington. It fits LeMar Marshall. It fits Warrick Holdman. It fits any player that is ready to let his ego at the door. Arrington is not that player.

LaVar was great for us in his early days as a Redskin. The chaos that surrounded the team fit Arrington's play on the field to a T. It's a new era now at Redskin Park. Gone is Norv Turner. Gone is Steve Spurrier. Welcome back Joe Gibbs. The writing is on the wall for Arrington. His days are numbered in DC. I just hope that when the time comes that we can recoup something for LaVar. It is bad enough how this thing has worked out, not getting anything for Arrington would be a real blow for the Redskins.

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errrr...jonjeff...every example you give is an OFFENSIVE coach. the defensive coaches Lavar worked with (and let's include Marty) were very organized, methodical and accomplished.

heck...let's run with the system....and ultimately lose. At a certain point....system gives way to talent. You have to have both.....that is why we drafted Sean Taylor. Our defense is good - it is also exploitable. It will take a great offensive team to do it - but it is exploitable...particularly in pass defense.

The core problem with Lavar is that he is symptyomatic of a festering wound that has plagued this team for far too long: it wastes talent and draft picks like nobodies business. for my mind...I am leaning toward agreement with folks who argue that this was set in motion a long time ago. It could very well be the case that the braintrust decided early on "we have the talent to be competitive, but we aren't stocked yet with the players we need. our real target is next season. let's continue to build toward the roster we want - starting with the QB position. let's get the system entrenched so that by season 3 it is almost mechanical." This has interesting implications for the QB position next season.

Folks need to be asking: can this work with talent at a level of the Lamar Marshall's of the world? And the flip side: do we have enough uber talents like Washington and Taylor to make up the difference when we are playingt he top tier teams? There is a blend in there somewhere - we haven't found it yet....on defense and offense.

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well i am making my first comment on this whole situation, as i have said in the past, i have real worries about arringtons ability as a "leader" and voice for the team etc.. what ever anyone says he really isn't that smart, it is very obvious in every interview he has ever conducted. yes he is an amazing physical talent, but that is really about the end of it. i think gibbs and co want to win and you can't do that if your team leader in the locker room is an idiot, they are deliberatly stripping that role from him. making it so that when he starts giving a some rhetroric it the locker room it doesn't automatically drown out the more intelligent players.


Novascotiadiesel: I believe you’re a complete idiot, and according to your post “you’re not that smart either”!

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Wow...just figured it out. LA is a victim and doesn't know why. Thanks for clearing that up for me LA. I'm sure the coaches were glad to hear this through the media.

You know, those stories about you're not being smart enough to learn the system are starting to have a ring of truth about them.

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I made the comment earlier in the spring that I thought this would be Arrington's last year in Washington. I felt the Redskins were getting nowhere near the preformance for the money that they were giving to Arrington. Well I was called a moron and many other nice things by all of the LaVar lovers out there which is OK because look how things have worked out. I had the oppurtunity to watch Arrington close up for many years. Being close to the Pittsburgh area it was very easy to keep an eye on LaVar's high school and college career. This kid was blessed with some of the finest physical qualities that I have ever seen. He was a man amoungst boys in high school, but when he landed at penn state things began to sour for LaVar. He just couldn't play in a disiplined system. He was often in Paterno's doghouse in his three years in state college. Plenty of free lancing, personal fouls, and big mouth comments all over the place. Finally after Arrington's junior year Paterno said hit the road LaVar, I've had enough of this sh*t. Your ready for the NFL, good luck. Things seemed just fine at the beginning of Arrington's Redskin career because there was no disipline at Redskin Park. That's a system where LaVar fit in just fine. Now, that system is gone. This is a very disiplined system that Greg Williams runs. No free lancing, no missed assignments, no out of control play. This system doesen't fit Arrington. It fits Marcus Washington. It fits LeMar Marshall. It fits Warrick Holdman. It fits any player that is ready to let his ego at the door. Arrington is not that player.

LaVar was great for us in his early days as a Redskin. The chaos that surrounded the team fit Arrington's play on the field to a T. It's a new era now at Redskin Park. Gone is Norv Turner. Gone is Steve Spurrier. Welcome back Joe Gibbs. The writing is on the wall for Arrington. His days are numbered in DC. I just hope that when the time comes that we can recoup something for LaVar. It is bad enough how this thing has worked out, not getting anything for Arrington would be a real blow for the Redskins.

Man every defense depends on some type of discipline. Greg Williams is running a version of a 46 defense really. He's not re-inventing the wheel. Lavar's free lancing rep is being over hyped from the 1 George Edwards year, in which all the linebackers free lanced and Edwards allowed it. Now if you look at the 2 almost full games Lavar played last season which I have on tape, Lavar played well. A lot better than his so called replace this season. He (Lavar) hasn't really played in Williams system, so what the hell are they talking about. Man even you can't believe that Lavar look so so BAD that he can't see the field once. Thats some B.S.! This is straight personal, Stevie Wonder can see it.

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Wow...just figured it out. LA is a victim and doesn't know why. Thanks for clearing that up for me LA. I'm sure the coaches were glad to hear this through the media.

You know, those stories about you're not being smart enough to learn the system are starting to have a ring of truth about them.

Yeah I guess the coaches insinuating he's dumb, should draw a non response from him huh? Williams is an excellent coach but he's feeling himself to me. Williams system is no more complex than Marvin Lewis or Ray Rhodes, so to tell me Lavar can't see the field is all personal. Lavar contract situation and the drama last season is the reason behind this.

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so...let's see how fast this becomes a racial issue. cut the "he's not intelligent" line of thought out! if anything - he's too smart. lavar has always been tuned in to what his business interests are and played that very intelligently. what is going on with the team is obviously more complex than any of us understand.

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What is worse, missing an assignment that leads to a 55 yard TD run or having the perfect defense (as stated on the one play against denver) and missing 2 50+ TD runs becuase of tackles? I know that was a freak accident and they probably had to give GW theirs first born for that but its hard to use a statement like that after the Denver game.

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This has nothing to do with Lavar not being able to make an impact out there guys....this has nothing to do with Lavar's lack of production on the field....this has everything to do with Lavar's attitutude towards the team/coaching staff. Lavar in the past has always had the attitude he is an untouchable...doesnt feel he needs to practice with the rest of the guys.......Lavar thinks he is the best player on the team......and...he may very well be the best player on the team....but if he fails to show this coaching staff the respect on and off the field......the other players will follow Lavar's work ethics...why? because he is the best player on the team...Lavar needs to show Gibbs and GW that he is a team guy....a leader on this team.....a redskin......its his attitude that needs changing...not his LB playing

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I have been saying all along that it is truly personal. It is up to a Coach to get the best out of his players. This is the hallmark of a great coach...a Head Coach in fact.

William's is one rigid, inflexible guy. I just think in any relationship there has to be flexibility and adjustment. The leader is the coach.

This is exactly what I thought was going on...only it is worse than I thought. I mean the guy is now distraught, sitting on the bench because William's "doesn't like him?" Come the hell on. These are grown men. And please do not say LaVar cannot contribute.

Look LaVar was not on the field and the team gave up two big runs for TD's.

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For the past couple years LaVar has been nothing but a huge distraction to this team. First, he whines to the media about a phantom bonus missing from a contract he signed. “All I want to do is get this settled “, he says, delaying the hearing 2 or 3 times. Everyone remember the pallbearer comment?

Then he rips the coaches for not telling everyone how hard he was rehabbing his knee. I guess he expected the following?

Nunyo: “So coach, that was a tough loss to Dallas, what happened on that coverage on 4th down?

Coach Gibbs: “First, our guys fought their guts out, but they kind of slipped behind our safety there and made a play. I do want to mention though that LaVar, our superstar linebacker and who is super smart, is really working hard to rehab his knee. I brought a film clip for everyone, will someone please dim the lights. “Here is LaVar in the whirlpool. Look at the focus, the determination, there is no quit in that guy I tell you. Next week I’ll bring some film of LaVar in the weight room, its awesome I tell you.”

Then he whines about the coaches rushing him back from injury, a blatant lie. “He’s just an emotional player” some claim. “He is just crushed he’s not back on the field” say others . I’m sorry but you don’t go to the national media and rip your coaches especially when you are lying.

Now LaVar is once again rushing off to the media embarrassing this organization and distracting from its best start in years. “I don’t have to justify myself to these coaches, I have 3 pro bowls”. He actually said that to John Thompson.

The adults are once again running the show around here guys and we are 5th in total defense, 8th in total offense and sitting atop the toughest division in football. Hard to believe with Arrington on the bench, right?

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This situation has erroded into a joke. Say what you want about LaVar, but the coaching staff has definitely got a hidden agenda. Gregg Williams motto is: "All our defensive players are starters." I've heard him say it on numerous occassions, and so has everyone on this board. For LaVar to not be getting reps in practice; let alone games, stinks to high Heaven. Whatever message the coaching staff is trying to send 56, he gets it. Either play him, or deactivate him.

We look like rubes with Tatum Bell having his own little "Tatum Bell Relays" going on and LaVar standing on the sidelines clean. :2cents:

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I guarantee if Lavar came to practice early....stayed late......worked hard while at practice....did off hours stuff for the coaches to see he wants to play..learned this Defensive system inside and out...he would play......This coaching staff is testing Lavar....they want a team leader out of Lavar and Lavar has yet to be that team leader with that great attitude thinking about the team first.......Lavar has been in cruise control thus far.....screaming about not getting attention ....screaming about money.....milking his injury.....I think it is great what Gibbs is doing......make Lavar work just as hard as the rest!!!!!

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For the past couple years LaVar has been nothing but a huge distraction to this team. First, he whines to the media about a phantom bonus missing from a contract he signed. “All I want to do is get this settled “, he says, delaying the hearing 2 or 3 times. Everyone remember the pallbearer comment?

Then he rips the coaches for not telling everyone how hard he was rehabbing his knee. I guess he expected the following?

Nunyo: “So coach, that was a tough loss to Dallas, what happened on that coverage on 4th down?

Coach Gibbs: “First, our guys fought their guts out, but they kind of slipped behind our safety there and made a play. I do want to mention though that LaVar, our superstar linebacker and who is super smart, is really working hard to rehab his knee. I brought a film clip for everyone, will someone please dim the lights. “Here is LaVar in the whirlpool. Look at the focus, the determination, there is no quit in that guy I tell you. Next week I’ll bring some film of LaVar in the weight room, its awesome I tell you.”

Then he whines about the coaches rushing him back from injury, a blatant lie. “He’s just an emotional player” some claim. “He is just crushed he’s not back on the field” say others . I’m sorry but you don’t go to the national media and rip your coaches especially when you are lying.

Now LaVar is once again rushing off to the media embarrassing this organization and distracting from its best start in years. “I don’t have to justify myself to these coaches, I have 3 pro bowls”. He actually said that to John Thompson.

The adults are once again running the show around here guys and we are 5th in total defense, 8th in total offense and sitting atop the toughest division in football. Hard to believe with Arrington on the bench, right?

These coaches are liars too. All of them.

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This has nothing to do with Lavar not being able to make an impact out there guys....this has nothing to do with Lavar's lack of production on the field....this has everything to do with Lavar's attitutude towards the team/coaching staff. Lavar in the past has always had the attitude he is an untouchable...doesnt feel he needs to practice with the rest of the guys.......Lavar thinks he is the best player on the team......and...he may very well be the best player on the team....but if he fails to show this coaching staff the respect on and off the field......the other players will follow Lavar's work ethics...why? because he is the best player on the team...Lavar needs to show Gibbs and GW that he is a team guy....a leader on this team.....a redskin......its his attitude that needs changing...not his LB playing

DING DING DING.. we have a winner... :applause:

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This where the Defensive coaches are full _hit on this matter also. Ade Jimoh , who everyone can agree on is some straight garbage at CB, yet he sees time on the field and not just because of an injury or special teams. This guy is a bum CB, yet he sees time. Don't tell me that you Lavar Haters trust Jimoh more at CB than you do Lavar playing weakside LB. Thats straight bull. You have your own eyes, and if you've played and been around football long enough some things, you don't need a coach to tell you all the time. This is personal.

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The coaches need to handle these player personal issues better.

The issue with Patrick was held poorly. With Gibbs making excuses on why he didn't bring him back in the game.

The issue with Laverneus got messy.

And this is getting out of control. THey need to sit Lavar down and explain why he isn't playing. Lavar, for all that he has given to Washington deserves that much.

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