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Poll: Who's tired of the Arrington Issue?


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Folks, this isn't the Bush administration concealing information about Saddam's WMD program. This is a company chosing (correctly) not to discuss personnell issues in public.

My salary is between me and my boss. It isn't the customer's business.

And you are correct. If you thought that by buying consessions that this entitled you to be involved in personnell decisions, then you've got some decisions to make.

Don't let the doorknob hit you.


I don't need to be involved in the personnel decisions. I just need to be informed.... Besides those hotdogs and sodas are expensive. Also, players' salaries are public knowledge so try again (though I do know what you meant). Finally, and most probably, unlike you I was born and bred in the city (DC)... Thus, I don't have a choice regarding the Skins (if that was what I was talking about). But I guess it takes one to know one then right?

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How you think you have a right to know every issue regarding players on this team is beyond me. You said it right however, you have some decisions to make.

Riddle me this - who drafted LA? Who was the coach when they re-did his deal?

If you answered JG or GW then you answered incorrectly. Maybe he is not the type of player GW wants, and it could be a simple as that. The decision to pay LA the money he is making I am relegating to the "When Danny was the GM" pile.

Based on our record this year, the marked improvement over last year, INJURIES to our secondary, and the character of this team, I am willing to give GW some credit.

And remember, this is the coach you are being critical of - GW. Not Gibbs.

So are you now prepared to say that GW does not know what he is doing?


Just a sec... I've gotta get off this conference call (I got it bad)!!!

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"These coaches obviously know what Lavar is doing well and what he's doing poorly and have told us so and what will be necessary for him to make it back in the game. Our discussion of ideas should revolve around what Lavar needs to do to get there, not denial that the reason he's not there exists in the first place."

this is a staff reknowned for its guarded statements in public. I have no doubt whatsoever that they have their reasons. We obviously don't know all the reasons - and therefore are not in position to judge whether they are CREDIBLE OR NOT. What I diasagree with is the notion that fans shouldn't be able to speculate on their own. As some have become weary of "crybabies" and "whiners" others are growing frustrated every time someone screams "You don't know as much as the Coaches - shut up!" It's the shut up part that is bothersome.

To forestall the inevitable - you (meaning fans) only have what the coaches will reveal and what you see and intuit. That is fit material for discussion whether it is right or wrong. If people are tired of the Brunell theme or the Lavar theme - don't read the thread! Or bring better analysis/facts to bear.

In respect to Lavar, we have a marquee player riding the bench who can certainly help. I for one am very intersted in learning why the team isn't using him. There is a disjunct between staff commentary and what Lavar is saying. It may very well amount to nothing. nevertheless...we haven't heard anything along the lines of when Lavar will be reinserted into the lineup. I think some folks are right in suspecting that there is more going on here than meets the eye. Until such time as all the facts are on the table it is quite appropriate to speculate....the way this has been handled has created the very speculation some are objecting to.

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Williams has success at defense with no name players...Carlos Rogers and ADE JIMOH were our only CBs out there for crying out loud...and we held Plummer to NINETY TWO YARDS. If Williams can hold any QB to under 100 yards with Jimoh starting, he's a genius. His system works.

The reason he can have a top 5 defense with guys with not a lot of physical talent is that success in his system is mostly mental. LaVar has the physical part down, but not the mental. Maybe he would have not missed the tackle on those two big runs, but how do we know he would have even been in position to attempt the tackle?

It's not that he's a freelancer, and he will never fit into the system. He just hasn't done his homework. He's a smart man. He'll pick it up eventually, and when he does, he'll start. There's no doubt he'll start when he gets the system down, but not before.

He is behind right now because he couldn't practice. He needs to work harder than the other guys, or he will stay behind. The harder he works the sooner he'll start. I just hope he is busting his butt right now because I know the other guys are.

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I don't need to be involved in the personnel decisions. I just need to be informed.... Besides those hotdogs and sodas are expensive. Also, players' salaries are public knowledge so try again (though I do know what you meant). Finally, and most probably, unlike you I was born and bred in the city (DC)... Thus, I don't have a choice regarding the Skins (if that was what I was talking about). But I guess it takes one to know one then right?

Need? You need to be informed? Get real man. You don't need this, you want this and there is a big difference. You need shelter, food, water and air, you want to be informed about what is happening with Arrington. Large difference, neighbor.

You are asking for information that you are not going to get. Why would the team give up a possible weakness like that? What do you want Williams to do, come out and say Arrington bits hard on play action passes and they just can't break him of it so they don't play him? You are giving up info that can be used against you and info that may impact a possible trade down the road if the choose to go that way.

You don't need this.

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MAN...I'M JUST TIRED OF LOSING! The experts were right. This is the week that starts the Redskins losing season for the umpteenth year in a row. Can't argue witht eh experts...they all called it...and the Skins didn't disappoint.

The SO-CALLED experts are Knuckleheads!

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Need? You need to be informed? Get real man. You don't need this, you want this and there is a big difference. You need shelter, food, water and air, you want to be informed about what is happening with Arrington. Large difference, neighbor.

You are asking for information that you are not going to get. Why would the team give up a possible weakness like that? What do you want Williams to do, come out and say Arrington bits hard on play action passes and they just can't break him of it so they don't play him? You are giving up info that can be used against you and info that may impact a possible trade down the road if the choose to go that way.

You don't need this.


One also needs peace of mind in the way of sanity... BTW, I love the query on your sig.

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How you think you have a right to know every issue regarding players on this team is beyond me. You said it right however, you have some decisions to make.

Riddle me this - who drafted LA? Who was the coach when they re-did his deal?

If you answered JG or GW then you answered incorrectly. Maybe he is not the type of player GW wants, and it could be a simple as that. The decision to pay LA the money he is making I am relegating to the "When Danny was the GM" pile.

Based on our record this year, the marked improvement over last year, INJURIES to our secondary, and the character of this team, I am willing to give GW some credit.

And remember, this is the coach you are being critical of - GW. Not Gibbs.

So are you now prepared to say that GW does not know what he is doing?


I'm not prepared to say this about GW. He's getting the job done. My gripe is with the consternation surrounding LA; our one-time leader. I don't think having him ride the pine is in the best interest of our team winning games, no. I also think the Denver game proved as much.

Despite GW being a stubborn jackass, he's a good coach. I simply don't think this team is better off with LA off the field of play. Hotdogs or not, I'm entitled to this just like you are for yours (opinion).

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jim...no...you are saying that this issue is a distraction that you hope does not become a team problem. how stop it from becoming a distraction? by stopping the discussion...that much is implicit in what you are stating.

Good point. My hope is that we can provide a bit of perspective and stop the circus-like atmosphere. I don't think it is a problem to discuss, but I do think it is a problem when we start calling the organization liars and coming up with conspiracy theories.

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jim...I agree that the "liar"..."idiot"...comments are...well.....silly and add nothing to the discussion. oreover they are insulting to a coaching staff that has already done a lot for this team. Folks should be called on the carpet for those kinds of emotional outbursts.

that said....I too am frustrated with the Lavar situation and would like to know what is going on. Some nice analysis by board members or a nip it in the bud statement by the coaches would sate this hunger. I can see where others are equally frustrated - it's part of being a fan. It doesn't mean we think lesser of the coaches, it means we are hungry to be informed about everything we can that is going on with this team. anywho.....more important fish to fry than this!

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What I diasagree with is the notion that fans shouldn't be able to speculate on their own.

Oh, I support the rights of fans to have opinions. Heck, head over to Tailgate, and you're entitled to an opinion regarding The Big Bang, The Origin of Man, and Ann Coutler's hottness.

You have a perfect right to have an opinion as to whether LaVar should play. (My opinion is: Whatever we're doing seems to be working so far.)

You don't have a right

  • to expect Joe Gibbs to justify his decision.
  • to expect your opinion to carry much weight in his decision.

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I have an opinion but was not compelled to vote. :)

Lavar is simply not physically or mentally conditioned enough to make the plays we need him to make. He'll be back to playing full-time before the season is over. This is the period where he is healthy but not ready. The other LBs had ALOT of conditioning work in the preseason. Lavar did not. He may truly believe he's ready, but maybe he's just not in game shape yet.

Go Lavar, Go Skins. Good game yesterday and good luck next week.

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I have an opinion but was not compelled to vote. :)

Lavar is simply not physically or mentally conditioned enough to make the plays we need him to make. He'll be back to playing full-time before the season is over. This is the period where he is healthy but not ready. The other LBs had ALOT of conditioning work in the preseason. Lavar did not. He may truly believe he's ready, but maybe he's just not in game shape yet.

Go Lavar, Go Skins. Good game yesterday and good luck next week.

I hope you are right Chachie because that is a easily correctable problem. But if it is not the problem and he does have problems with the defensive scheme, then coach him. Take the extra time and coach him until he is proficient at what he does. I mean really...isn't he worth it? Isn't the team worth it?
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Ask yourself this, if LA was in (last night), do you think Bell would have gotten around the end both times for TD's? NO. I disagree with not letting him Play,

we are paying him, he wants to play, he is a great player, this is illogical.

All I can think of is that he said some arrogant things to piss off the coaches,

and they are making an example of him. enough is enough.

Let him play, and let us see that he is not qualified.

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I doubt that this issue will go away until LaVar plays regularly and shows that he is a pro-bowl player helping the Redskins defense to dominate other teams offense.

I know before the start of this season I really thought that the Redskins defense would be even better than last year because a healthy LaVar Arrington would regularly be in the opponents backfield blowing up the running back, sacking the QB, and generally disrupting the opponents offense. I really thought that the Redskins defense would rise to #1 with a healthy LaVar.

The fact that the Redskins defense has not been as dominate as I expected and the fact that LaVar has not been playing even while being healthy has kept the LaVar situation on my mind.

I really do respect Greg Williams and so I have not posted anything critical about him. Our defense is good and I do think that it is Greg Williams schemes that make it as good as it is.

So far this season the defense does not seem as agressive as last year. Is this a good thing or not? Wins vs. losses will provide that judgement and so far we are looking good.

I am just a fan and don't know too much about defensive packages and such; however, I really hope that sometime soon I will see LaVar doing just what I had imagined him doing and that is totally disrupting offenses, creating turnovers and bringing back an agressive attacking defense.

Even if Greg puts LaVar back into the lineup; if LaVar is not making those dominating plays that I have imagined I will question if Greg is using him to maximize his ability and even then LaVar will still be an issue in my mind.

In summary I think LaVar (still) has the potential to be a dominate force and until Greg Williams comes up with a scheme that uses him to do just that (dominate) I will still wonder if the defense is a good as it could be.

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You know this is just sad. They say he is a liability to the defense and give up a big play. Well not sur eif anyone was watching or not but there were a few big plays because of a certain player not being in position. Just put LaVar out there. Can't hurt them any worse then the plays from yesterday. In the end they will give him a chance when its to late to make a difference.Let LVar play!!

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MAN...I'M JUST TIRED OF LOSING! The experts were right. This is the week that starts the Redskins losing season for the umpteenth year in a row. Can't argue witht eh experts...they all called it...and the Skins didn't disappoint.

Ah, what the heck. I'll do it.

Aug 2005


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Ask yourself this, if LA was in (last night), do you think Bell would have gotten around the end both times for TD's? NO. I disagree with not letting him Play,

we are paying him, he wants to play, he is a great player, this is illogical.

All I can think of is that he said some arrogant things to piss off the coaches,

and they are making an example of him. enough is enough.

Let him play, and let us see that he is not qualified.

Main man you couldn't have said it any better. :notworthy Going off what Williams is saying, I don't buy it. I find it really hard to believe that Lavar can't get Williams' system. I think something personal is up with Lavar and Williams.

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I doubt that this issue will go away until LaVar plays regularly and shows that he is a pro-bowl player helping the Redskins defense to dominate other teams offense.

I know before the start of this season I really thought that the Redskins defense would be even better than last year because a healthy LaVar Arrington would regularly be in the opponents backfield blowing up the running back, sacking the QB, and generally disrupting the opponents offense. I really thought that the Redskins defense would rise to #1 with a healthy LaVar.

The fact that the Redskins defense has not been as dominate as I expected and the fact that LaVar has not been playing even while being healthy has kept the LaVar situation on my mind.

I really do respect Greg Williams and so I have not posted anything critical about him. Our defense is good and I do think that it is Greg Williams schemes that make it as good as it is.

So far this season the defense does not seem as agressive as last year. Is this a good thing or not? Wins vs. losses will provide that judgement and so far we are looking good.

I am just a fan and don't know too much about defensive packages and such; however, I really hope that sometime soon I will see LaVar doing just what I had imagined him doing and that is totally disrupting offenses, creating turnovers and bringing back an agressive attacking defense.

Even if Greg puts LaVar back into the lineup; if LaVar is not making those dominating plays that I have imagined I will question if Greg is using him to maximize his ability and even then LaVar will still be an issue in my mind.

In summary I think LaVar (still) has the potential to be a dominate force and until Greg Williams comes up with a scheme that uses him to do just that (dominate) I will still wonder if the defense is a good as it could be.

Good post. Over the summer other teams start to break down offenses and defenses that are highly successful. Things might not work as good as they did before. The thing is I saw Williams bring Holdman on some blitzes yesterday and the guy was no where near the QB. Like you said I can't help but wonder if Lavar woulda made that play. Or the 1st TD run when Holdman's feet were stuck in the ground.

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