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If you could stop federal spending on one thing...

Ancalagon the Black

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I would cut the most obvious government spending for the wealthy by rolling back the estate tax to previous levels (but leaving the deduction intact) and doing the same with the capital gains tax. Government should not be about giving extra cash to the rich.

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All Farm Subsidies, (top pick)

then the endowment for the arts

then Nasa

In otherwords, you don't want Chom to have a job ;)

Actually, eliminating NASA would create a large securtity hole, and instead would put space funding in the hands of the Pentagon, not something that will improve anything by a long shot.

I am a big NASA proponent, but they should not be eliminated. Hell, 1/2 of the worlds best scientific measurement instruments for metrology and optics are in NASA. They have testing facilities we need and use all the time. Eliminating it is not an option.

What they need to do with NASA, just like any other Govt. burocracy, is eliminate wasteful spending. They need to institute cost savings measures. The irritating thing is that it is easy to impliment, you give the incentive to save money. Government has this habit of spending all the leftover money at the end of fiscal. This is so they will get the same amount of funding for the next year. Maybe, if the government allowed the managers to take a certain % of the savings, and distribute it amongst the workers in terms of bonuses, we would be saving a hell of a lot more money.

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Pork, then Chopper Daves answer.

Pork is very subjective, chom. You have to do better than that.

i would wave my magical wand and stop people from putting non football quotes and questions on redskins football sites.

For a 30-year-old, you're not quick at cottoning on to things (such as which areas of the site are for what), are you?

I would cut the most obvious government spending for the wealthy by rolling back the estate tax to previous levels (but leaving the deduction intact) and doing the same with the capital gains tax. Government should not be about giving extra cash to the rich.

Interesting response, but I don't think it's within the spirit of the question. Raising or re-raising taxes does not count as cutting spending.

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I agree with getting rid of the Arts funding too, Art is better starving or conning rich people who want to feel important(which I guess one could say is what the endowments is doing).

We have to go after realistic targets, any pork target all politicians will band together and root you off.

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I am dead serious

I would venture to say if you cut the defense budget by 50%, you wouldn't have to worry about cutting other areas of the government because it wouldn't be here very long.

As for veterans affairs, that is a debt that this country owes people who give the best years of their lives, or in some case bits and pieces of themselves or their lives, in defense of the country.

This country owes those guys big time

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As for veterans affairs, that is a debt that this country owes people who give the best years of their lives, or in some case bits and pieces of themselves or their lives, in defense of the country.

Oh, I get it. Welfare for me, but not for thee.

Got to love conservative intellectual inconsistency.

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Oh, I get it. Welfare for me, but not for thee.

Got to love conservative intellectual inconsistency.

Welfare is something for nothing. As I said above, these guys gave up their youth, their limbs and sometimes their lives.

As for "thee", what have you done to deserve welfare? I venture to say it's nothing in comparision to what I described above

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The attachments to the 2006 budget....

With 180 days of vacation they should reduce the paperclips and make everything no longer than 3 pages so it can be read BEFORE its voted on.

Three of those projects, totaling $223 million, are for the Gravina Bridge linking Ketchikan, a town of 8,000, to Gravina Island, home to the town's airport and about 50 people. Critics say it is an extravagant expense to replace what is now a seven-minute ferry ride to the airport.

Alaska gets 5$ for every 1$ they put into Transportation??? Not too shabby but wrong....

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I'd cut social securities checks. For every $2 over some nominal amount of annual income (say 40k?), the amount receieved in social security should go down $1. We're supposed to be making sure these people can afford a roof over their head and food on the table, not making sure they can afford a second home.

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