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Quit complaining about the food......


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Sheesh, these guys are killing me. Have NONE of them ever been to a Japanese steakhouse? That stuff is so good they may never want another meal. Kobe beef is excellent. I'm partial to sushi too, but, hey, if you can't take it, go to a steakhouse and you'll be fine.

Damn crybabies :).

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Wilkinson's line about not wanting to eat a cat in Japan was just classic American phobia about all things oriental :laugh:

besides, you have to take all this with a grain of salt. most of the players are younger guys who have spent all their time isolated from the world at large honing their skills for the NFL.

for many this is their first trip to the Orient.

I bet some of our draft picks have never been outside of the US before.

some of the older guys like Bruce Smith that have gone on good will tours and vacationed abroad many times are probably laughing their heads off at some of the comments of the younger guys :laugh:

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I had to hear this same sort of whining when I went to study in Italy. Greatest cuisine in the world, and I gotta listen to chicks lament unsatisfied cravings for Diet Coke, and guys wondering where they can find real peanut butter.

Half these players comments are tongue in cheek, I think (hope). Just some goofs for the press to have fun with...:silly:;) ;)

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It always makes me wonder why so many Americans make the long and expensive trip to Europe and then ***** about the food. If you want American food, stay in America. Europe is a different continent and therefore does things differently. We have it good over here and sometimes I think that shelters us somewhat. Ok I'll get off of my :soapbox: now.

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Originally posted by bulldog

Wilkinson's line about not wanting to eat a cat in Japan was just classic American phobia about all things oriental :laugh:

besides, you have to take all this with a grain of salt. most of the players are younger guys who have spent all their time isolated from the world at large honing their skills for the NFL.

for many this is their first trip to the Orient.

I bet some of our draft picks have never been outside of the US before.

some of the older guys like Bruce Smith that have gone on good will tours and vacationed abroad many times are probably laughing their heads off at some of the comments of the younger guys :laugh:

It is a fact that dog is regularly eaten in Korea so hes not THAT far off. It became a big issue during the World Cup when animal rights groups tried to bring the issue to light.

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I went to Germany, Italy, and England for a month in high school, and all I remember eating was McDonald's and Burger King. Aside from a few expensive dinners (VERY expensive) in Italy and some damn good breakfasts in Germany, the fast food was a nice alternative when you didn't have a lot of cash.

Plus the legal drinking age is 16, so we could get piss drunk without repercussions. :D

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Kobe Beef is the absolute SH!T, I can tell you that from experience, the chef cooks it in front of you, and it literally MELTS in your mouth, you'd think big guys like Wilkenson would really go for that. Now, my experiences with the octopus tenticles and fried cuttlefish on a stick is an ENTIRELY different story.:puke:

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Why should they comform to the local cuisine when all the store here have ethnic food for our visitors and illegals?

I'm adventurous when it comes to food and even I did the american fast food until I was comfortable with the local stuff.

Heck we went to Kentucky fried chicken and MCD's in Alexandria Egypt and Rome Italy respectively on our deployments instead of taking chances with goat or lamb however that was a different story in Turkey.

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Heard the other day on the Bob & Tom show that a Korean company has just marketed microwaveable dog.

I can just see it now............................"Mom, could I have a snack please." "Sure honey, how about some nice hot JIFFY PUP" :doh:

Pretty funny stuff actually. My nine year old daughter has a more diverse diet then most of these guys. We go broke when we go for Sushi. Thank God for all you can eat night, the kid likes all the high priced stuff like Eal, Octopus, Squid, and Conch. She has never had a "Kids meal" in her life when eating out. Fondu is her second favorite place to eat out at. She just started to get into Northern Italian as of late, and loves Greek.

As a parent, I couldn't have it any better. We can go anywhere and not have to worry about where we should eat due to the kid. If a kid trys stuff at a young age, even if they don't like what they just tried, they will be open minded about trying new foods later in life.

IMO, diet is a direct product of ones upbringing. Most folks grow up on the same rotating group of foods till they leave home. By then their in a rutt, and many never get out.

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All we need is for these guys to "experience" the cuisine of Japan, get sick as dogs (no pun intended) and not be able to play or play poorly.

If they want to eat McDonalds or steak and potatoes or mac and cheese, then let them go for it.

They can taste the cuisine some other time on their own time..not before the first game of the season.



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Just not Cultured dude.

Big Daddy, actually that is a usual ignorant line about "Korean" food, not Japanese. It shows how you got your degree from Ohio State. Pathetic and racist remark (yeah they all look alike and coming from a brother, thought you'd be more sensitive to such things from a "humane" perspective. Oo, sorry for the big words). Disgusting! :stupid:

Can't truly say I'd want some of these guys representing me in anything else, other than football.

OK I'll get off my soapbox too!

:cuss: :soapbox:

Thanks Pete, I needed to see a lighter side. Sometimes things like that hurt so bad inside. :)

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Big Daddy, actually that is a usual ignorant line about "Korean" food, not Japanese. It shows how you got your degree from Ohio State. Pathetic and racist remark (yeah they all look alike and coming from a brother, thought you'd be more sensitive to such things from a "humane" perspective. Oo, sorry for the big words). [/Quote]

Actually, I got my degree from Ohio State too, and I'm doing quite well.

How dare I forget that Indianapolis is the cultural and intellectual capitol of the world. :laugh: :laugh: How kind of you to share your superior opinion. :laugh: :laugh:

Other than a racetrack and memories of Bobby Knight (who came from Ohio State), that town is a Sh!thole.

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Chris Samuels poisoned? I know he was signing autographs, but did not hear he had food poisoning. What is so bad about rice....that is the main food in the Japanese diet. Are you telling me the Redskins cannot get by on rice for few days?

Besides, Kobe Bryant was poisoned by American food in the finals. Why wasn't their an uproar about American food from all of the Europeans?

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Pete, I agree with you about food and upbriging. I always hated the pussies whos mommies would cut the crust off the bread of their sandwich because they didn't like it. Those are the same kids that won't try anything new when they're adults. When I have kids, I'd like to bring up my kids just like your daughter and teach them to eat lots of different kinds of foods.

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Yep WTEM is saying Cris is missing practices due to food poisoning which is why it doesnt hurt to go the burger king or KFC route and I bet after Bush puking after the sushi and now Samuels getting sick I forsee the skins bringing their own food and cook next time which hopefully wont anytime soon.

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People get food poisioning all over the world every day. It's no big thing, unless your a celeb. That being said, I would like to offer my servicer as team food taster, and will be glad to go every place the team does:D

Bread crusts, thats too funny. Sister Ann Hartel in the second grade always said that the bread crust would put hair on your chest. She never said anything about my back, knuckels, and toes:doh:

:high: :high:

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"Bread crusts, thats too funny. Sister Ann Hartel in the second grade always said that the bread crust would put hair on your chest. She never said anything about my back, knuckels, and toes-Pete"

I have eaten bread crusts all of my life and I don't have hair on my chest.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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RiggoDrill the reference wasn't about the OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY !! It was how a grown man such as Big Daddy could stoop to that line about something. I was cutting him on HOW he got his degree and not from WHERE.

Thanks for your JERKY REMARK< PS I aint from Indy - it's D. C.!

Just say you were hurt when I said something about Big Daddy's remarks - who's your daddy? :laugh:

Don't make an as* of yourself ASSUMING!

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